The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 65: Follow the vine

The abalone was shocked when he heard the words, turned his head towards the body that had knocked himself down, and saw the man's weird bend in his neck, and his tongue was spitting out. It was exactly five or six years following him, and this picture of him Nothing like a living person anyway!

At this time, the abalone's heart rose wildly with a chill, and the whole body involuntarily stunned. Suddenly, the hand holding the gun sent a huge force, which actually caused him to deflect the muzzle involuntarily towards himself. Temple.

"I always do things justice, do you want to kill me with a gun?"

Fang Senyan is very bland on the abalone road.

Abalone finally shouted in horror: "Don't! Rock brother, I'm fine ..."

"Bang!" Abalone's begging was interrupted directly by gunshots, blood and brains were smeared all over the place. This kind of fighting and beating lives were repeated here, and the alcoholic drinkers around already ran clean. Therefore, there was no screaming, panic, or turmoil expected by the genius aide. The violent killing intention in Fang Senyan's heart emerged, and he was out of control! At this time, he kept all the secrets and the contractor behind him. As for the police investigation, he was even ignored! If you look forward and look back, you ca n’t even be happy, and your family ca n’t protect them. What ’s the use of such a powerful force?

Fang Senyan threw the gun away and strode out. He was still stained with blood under his feet, so when he walked out, there was really a blood mark, but after a few more steps, the blood disappeared. Killing four people in a row, the hustle and bustle of fire in Fang Senxi's heart was not extinguished without a genius, but instead rose up. "" The terrible killing intention deduced from the care of the family "is how many abalone can be poured Destroyed? Crab undead Sanzi can't rescue him, it is difficult to solve the hatred of his heart!

Fang Senyan walked across the street corner, discarded the exclamation and noise behind him, and called for a taxi.

"Street" Thank you, please open up a bit. "

………………, less than half an hour later, Fang Senyan jumped from the taxi. The backhand closed the door and threw a banknote into it. He is not very familiar with this place, but he also knows that it is a very common place. The stalls are full of abalones and dragons, which is very lively. Since that crab brother relies on betraying the boss and has a relationship with Vietnamese, presumably he is not an unknown person here. Fang Senyan randomly found a person who was doing nothing, and plugged him a hundred dollars, and knew that most of the time Brother Crab was watching the scene in the big betting stall.

Fang Senyan nodded his head, inquired about the address of the betting stall, and walked directly.

This stall is in a secluded side alley with a grocery store as a cover. "Two strong men squatting outside, smoking cigarettes, looked down the alley in a few minutes.

Obviously, "Police" also knew the reason for abalones in the clear water. At most, it was only when the limelight was tight. Fang Senyan strode in, and the two crouching brawns at the door probably saw more unidentified gamblers, without even half-folding his eyelids. ”He talked and laughed and took Fang Senyan directly as Up the air.

When Fang Senyan entered the gambling stall, "I feel that it is a bit pitifully small. There are only two rooms in total. It is estimated that it was the original bedroom of the grocery store owner. Now there are five or six tables stuffed inside." After Fang Senyan walked in, he could not pass unimpeded. A big man smoking a sullen man walked up to Fang Senyan, "said fiercely," Who are you and what do you want to do? " "

Fang Senyan said lightly, "Is the crab in?"

This big head snorted from the nostrils, raised his chin and poked Fang Senyan's chest with his forefinger and middle finger: "Crab brother's name, too?"

Then he took off the cigarette **** and inserted it in Fang Senyan's face! Fang Senyan grabbed his wrist, and slowly strengthened his hands. Cold sweat appeared on the face of this big man, and his body was screamed: "Strong, Heizi! Come over and chop people! By the way! Call Crab Brother! "

At this time, the gang of gamblers had turned their heads and looked at this in amazement. Fang Senyan said lightly: "The rivers and lakes have grudges, and those who don't want to be splashed on the body immediately get away!"

The gang of gamblers suddenly hesitated after listening, and swarmed away. They came here to have fun, but they didn't bother them. Even if they were watching, they were called by the police to record their confession. In less than a minute, it was immediately swept away, and the rest were all crab thugs.

Fang Senyan raised his head and grinned: "Are you all crab thugs?"

The voice of this sentence had not yet dissipated, and a clear muffled "click" came from the wrist that he was holding tightly to his large head!

That was the sound of the carpal bone being broken!

Then the thugs screamed vigorously from behind, a heavy steel pipe was drawn on Fang Senyan's head, but Fang Senyan also saw his fierce backhand and slap in his face!

A steel pipe and a slap!

Is it heavy?

Most people will definitely choose steel pipes, but the cruel fact is that if a person who is hit by a steel pipe stands in place without any problem, the person with a slap is directly pumped away two or three meters, and blood is flowing from the eyes, nostrils, and ears. Come, the neck is twisted strangely! It seems that the neck bones are broken, and it is only the genius master who is out of air and has no air intake.

This slap immediately deterred the audience.

Then there were unbelievable thugs, but without exception, Fang Senyan killed one alive as soon as he started! And it was a terrible death!

When the death toll in the house rose to four, the two remaining thugs collapsed, crying crying for mercy. In fact, strictly speaking, they are already quite remarkable, because when the ancient cold weapons were fighting, the ordinary army had a higher casualty ratio, but it would be defeated. Those who can persist to half of the casualties are already strong, and these two thugs actually persisted. The incubation rate of war damage has collapsed. In terms of fighting will and morale, it can already be called a backbone warrior like Qi Jiajun Yue Jiajun.

Fang Senyan shook the blood off his hands and said coldly, "You two are going to die or live? It ’s easy to live. Call the crabs right away. You can just make up a lie, or tell the truth! The crab came to me. Letting you go, it ’s even easier to die. I only wait for crabs for ten minutes, and I will kill them as soon as ten minutes! "...

So when the crab rushed to the betting hurriedly, the remaining two thugs were like tears in their eyes as they saw their father and mother, opened their mouths and made indescribable screams, and then rolled around from Fang Senyan. Climbed and fled away.

Crab is a strong man with triangular eyes, frowned brows, thin lips, and looks rather mean. As soon as he entered the betting stall and saw the several crooked, deadly dead bodies, his face was stunned, and he immediately put his hand in his arms, apparently to pull out a gun. And he didn't come alone. There were also two savvy men next to him. His face was already wrinkled, his complexion was darkened, and his index finger had calluses. Obviously he was also a very capable gunman, and he was also starting to draw a gun! aim!

Fang Senyan was five or six meters across them, sitting in a nearby chair with a large spine, and letting the muzzles of three black holes point at himself. He doesn't have a talented guru. The tough talent is a bit of fear of gunmen, but that refers to a semi-automatic rifle! And now he is physically naked at 23 points, his health value has reached a point, and he needs to absorb about 32% of damage! The lethality of the thirty-eight (o.38 cm caliber pistol) held by the three men was not taken into account by him at all.

"Who are you? Come to my place to do something?" Probably because the gun pointed at people, the crab talked with confidence, and growled loudly!

Fang Senyan leaned on the chair and said lazily, "Is someone named Sanzi caught by you?"

Crab heard a flash of light in his eyes, and looked at the two gunmen next to him, smirking: "That's right! The little bunny gave him two slaps and put a few feet on it, and then stuffed his head into the toilet for a few minutes, Suddenly even the color of his mother's underpants was spoken, and I am still crying now! Hahaha "

Fang Senyan tightened his fingers on the arm of the chair, then said lightly, "How did you catch him?"

Crab growled loudly: "Now I'm pointing at you with a gun! You are when you are netbsp; Fang Senyan said lightly:" Do you think you are pointing at me with a gun ~ ~ Are you safe? "

With that said, he suddenly stood up and threw the stool under his **** to the three people in front! The crab immediately dodged, but the two gunmen were also cruel and fierce. It seemed that the combat experience was very rich, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation!

In the harsh sound of the gun, Fang Senyan has already protected his head, and it is like a wild animal full of explosive force. He hit a gunman's chest in one punch. !! Immediately heard the sound of a tartar fracture of "Kharakala", the gunman's chest collapsed and flattened immediately, and a splash of blood and dark red broken organs was ejected from his mouth! But the look on his face was still full of anger and incredibleness, and he was so desperate on the spot that he had no time to give feedback on his expression!

The other gunman lived just three more seconds. He blasted the bullets towards Fang Senyan, and madly turned the handle over and hit Fang Senyan's head. Fang Senyan fiercely cocked his head, and the gun "clicked" into pieces, and Fang Senyan's head was just broken. Then Fang Senyan struck the guy's calf with a kick, and he screamed immediately!

[... Chapter 65 is the fastest to update the text ...] a! !!

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