The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 69: Jedi Counterattack

Fang Senyan's abdomen was pierced with a knife! The power of this real-world weapon was far above Fang Senyan's estimate, and Iwufu immediately drew a knife with a sneer and joy instinct, but found that the blade was tightly clamped by Fang Senyan's abdominal muscles, and it was pulled out very much in the flesh difficult. He immediately knew that something was wrong and immediately gave up the knife. But the hesitant moment of drawing the sword has given Fang Senyan enough time to move,

His right arm muscles are already tense,

His breathing is already heavy,

His adrenaline was quickly excreted at this moment ...

His right hand clenched into a fist at this moment,

Aimed at Iwufu's right leg, he smashed heavily! !! !!

This heavy punch is reminiscent of air hammers, pile drivers, and other heavy construction machinery. On the right thigh of Yiwufu, a "click" came immediately! !! Apparently the bones have cracked!

The real-time combat information of the Nightmare Mark jumped out in front of Fang Senyan's eyes like flowing water:

"You made a general attack on the contractor in the real world."

"The area where you attack is: the legs."

"Judging ... The enemy's power is 9 points, your power is 20 points, and your power is 2.222 times the enemy."

"Determining ... your power is more than twice that of the enemy. Even if this damage fails to cause a critical strike, it will cause additional crushing damage !!!"

"Crushing damage is 50% of the damage."

"Crushing damage will be defaulted to an additional attack, and regardless of your defense and any damage reduction effects, this attack effect has a strong priority when it conflicts with the other effects."

"In judgment ..."

"Base melee attack bonus is being calculated."

"The wine tasting master's critical strike rate bonus is being calculated."

"In theory, this attack will cause 25 + 26 additional damage (Critical Crush Damage!)"

"The enemy's defense is 6 points."

"The actual damage you deal to the enemy is 25x (1-40%) X (1-19%) = 12 damage."

"The actual additional damage you deal to the enemy is 26X (1-19%) = 21 points."

"The actual damage you deal to the enemy is 33 points!"

This fist smashed, and Iwufu's face turned blue immediately! Not because of the severe pain that comes from it, but because of fear! He only had a total of 120 health points, but was hit by a bare-handed Fang Senyan's punch. You know, this is still under the premise of being protected by the 40% rule. So the only explanation is that Fang Senyan has crushing terror effects on himself in terms of strength.

"Bagga Road !! How could I be so embarrassed if my equipment is still there?" Iwufu burst into blue veins on his forehead, and could not help yelling, but he didn't want to think about it In the space, Fang Senyan, who also has equipment and talent, is also a nightmare of his type of contractor.

And Iwufu who has lost his weapon can only retreat at this time, and he can only retreat! !!

Fang Senyan disregarded his abdomen and had a samurai sword in his teeth, like a wounded and violent beast with his sharp teeth. But step by step, step by step, Yiwufu was so embarrassed that he didn't even have time to turn around and escape. He could only step back in the face of Fang Senyan, relying on his agility to open the distance between the two.

Suddenly, as soon as Fang Senyan punched out, Yiwufu flashed his head. Fang Senyan dropped on a pillar in the hall, and immediately cracked dense cracks on the pillar. Lime cement fell and appeared inside. Twisted reinforcement. And Fang Senyan didn't pant at all, his fists continued to hit like a wind, and Yiwufu gritted his teeth. The furniture screens next to him were stricken. Wherever they were chased, there was a catastrophe!

Suddenly, Fang Senyan backhand pulled out the samurai sword in his belly, and just slashed at Yiwufu with such blood. If fist-fist Yiwufu is not very proficient, but he should not say that his strength in space has been enhanced. In the real world alone, he has been immersed in Kendo for thirty years, and some actions have almost become familiar and instinctual.

Iwufu knew Fang Senyan's knife-holding movement and knew it was a layman. He immediately yelled, and instinctively used a technique of Japanese Kendo's fame: empty-handed into a white blade, and the two palms combined will give the chopped sword Pinch! At the moment of clamping, Yiwufu suddenly felt a sense of joy and joy. For him used to the katana, once he lost it, there really was a sense of insecurity in it.

However, when Fang Senyan was riding a horse and grabbing his sword, his body stopped, and at the moment when his empty-handedness fell into the white blade, his left elbow was bent and the shoulder was so heavy! The whole person lost his balance and hit his elbow like that! The part of the attack was on the right thigh, which had been hit hard by his fist.

This blow still caused crushing damage, although there was no lucky strike again! But it made Yiwufu bitter. More importantly, Fang Senyan realized that the data body is not almighty when fighting Vante. Once some functional parts of the contractor, such as joints, accumulate, When the damage reaches one third of the total health, the functional loss effect will also appear. Intuitively, if the leg is severely damaged, it will most likely slow down the enemy's movement speed! !! !!

For Yiwufu, the health value is not as long as Fang Senyan, the defense is not as high as Fang Senyan, and the attack power --- because of the existence of crushing, it is impossible to have Fang Senyan powerful. In this case, if you lose the biggest speed advantage, you can imagine the end. Yiwufu, the Japanese sword lord, yelled and slashed at Fang Senyan. In his plan, the enemy will inevitably dodge the knife, and he will be able to withdraw and start the offensive again, but the most unfortunate thing in the world is , Plans are often unable to keep up with changes.

Blood flashed, Fang Senyan once again ate the knife with his head! The sharp blade cut through the scalp, but couldn't cut into the hard skull. Fang Senyan's **** black hair and the palm-sized scalp were picked out by the blood, and the blood flowed instantly.

However, the empty space where he drew the sword through Yiwufu was already buried in his shoulders, and his fist roared into Yiwufu's chest! The fist is not trivial. Yiwufu only felt dark before his eyes, and the severe pain immediately spread like a cobweb from his chest. He finally couldn't bear it, and a wow of blood spit out.

This is where the melee agile elders mourn Mori Rock above. Even if the opponent can be completely suppressed in the speed of his shots and movements, he will always show flaws when launching an attack. When you attack the enemy, you must have a chance to be attacked by the enemy! Especially for a savvy opponent like Fang Senyan, Iwufu initially attacked him with four consecutive swords without using any flaws, so the fifth sword Fang Senyan created his own flaws!

Of course, it seems that Yiwufu has been suppressed very miserably, but if he meets an opponent like Mogansha, he is quite happy, and Fang Senyan meets a powerful gunman such as Mogansha or Das in the real world. The only thing to consider is how to escape.

Fang Senyan succeeded with a punch, no longer forgiving, and continued to grab and continue to attack, the move is to give up his defense in exchange for injury! However, his current health is still close to 140 points. How dare Iwufu fight him? However, although this Japanese sword hero was panicked, it was not chaotic. He finally avoided Fang Senyan's punches in a row, but was forced into the corner. When he was unconscious, he was kicked by Fang Senyan, and he was dizzy and vomited again.

"Ba-ga, Ba-ga !!! How can this happen?" The golden flower in front of Yiwufu's eyes flew and flashed a little, the bloodshot in his eyes had already emerged, and the cricket at his feet was already screaming:

"The glory of the family has not yet been restored? The beloved woman hasn't got it yet, how could I lose here?"

Suddenly, a sharp chill emanated from him! Fang Senyan suddenly felt a great threat and it was a warning alert! Immediately, he staggered his hands in front of him, leaping violently to the side! It looks like a wolf avoiding shotguns. UU reading books www. Then saw Iwufu holding the katana in both hands, his face was a blank expression, seemed to enter a state of no sorrow and joy, and then slowly raised the katana, it seems that the The sharp blade resembles the weight of the sword. Finally, the samurai sword was held high above his head, and he made a "big upper stage" action in Japanese Kendo.

In the process of Yiwufu's sword lifting, Fang Senyan tried to approach the attack several times. Once approached, he was persuaded by the police to come back alive. At this time, Yiwufu was just like a sharp blade out of a sheath, shining brightly and revealingly! It can even be felt that after Yiwufu made the "big upper part" action, the "fine, qi, and god" all over his body were converging towards the blade, as if it were a torrent of accumulation, a little bit. Once the power of the reserve has erupted, it will be an astonishment of torrential dyke!

Suddenly, Yiwufu suddenly waved the knife horizontally, a knife beam flowing by, a human head flew up, and the head still had an incredible look in the blood spurt. Obviously, when he died, he did not believe that he would be killed. Off!

It was the Japanese girl who had been waiting by the side of Iwufu. Her headless body, wearing a royal blue dress, squirted blood from the broken neck, and went blankly for a few laps before falling down. And Iwufu ’s sword light added a lot of beautiful and savage blood to kill, it seems to be boiling and spreading! !! !!

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