The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 74: The real role of merit!

Chapter Seventy-four

Of course, for Fang Senyan, who has almost ignored the police at this time, paying attention to his previous crimes is only curious-to put it more directly, it is to pass the boring time in the process of making spell materials- ------- As for the pungent blood, scorching smell and dirty environment in the production process, Fang Senyan chose to ignore it. He learned this ability from "The Orcs' Debugging Notes", and who wrote the notes? Corrupted Mage Saruman! Therefore, there is no need to say more about the blood and cruelty in the production process.

After killing Yiwufu, Fang Senyan also got 12 potential points, and if he has 1 remaining potential point, 13 potential points are enough for the sixth-order ability: Black Magic Blending (incomplete) Promoted. Fang Senyan originally wanted to continue to improve the debugging experience of the first layer, but found that the limit had been reached. The reminder of the Nightmare Mark said that this was already the current maximum promotion limit of the talent tree before obtaining another note. After further inquiries, Fang Senyan learned that almost all branches of talent trees below the eighth level can only be upgraded to LV3 at most.

According to related tips, Fang Senyan upgraded the strong orc gene solution: the speed of the corpse feather hawk and the strong orc gene solution: the dissolving of the wise tail fox wisdom level to LV2 at the same time, then opened the third-level modulation skill tree, as follows:

The first layer ------ debugging experience summary LV3.

The second layer ------ strong orc gene fluid (bear eagle fox) three major agents LV2 (+3 for stress sensitivity)

The third layer --- debugging auxiliary specialization (to be activated) debugging curse specialization (to be activated)

Obviously, the two options on the third level have branched out, giving the masters the choice of whether to continue to assist their teammates or start to weaken the enemy. This is also the time when Fang Senyan was expected, how could the dignified sixth-order ability have only the auxiliary ability?

Fang Senyan only spent 4 potential points in the front, and 9 potential points are still left at this time. It is more than enough to activate the two branch skill trees in the third layer. He is in the debugging assistant specialization and debugging curse specialization. Each invested 4 potential points of demand. These two passive abilities are activated.

The description of the commissioning assistant specialization LV1 is: to increase the shelf life of your prepared drug to 24 hours and increase the duration by 100%.

The instructions for debugging the curse specialization LV1 are: to increase the shelf life of the cursed medicine you prepared to 24 hours and increase the duration by 25%.

These two emergent passive abilities finally solved the big problem of Fang Senyan. Finally, the awkward situation of temporary deployment before the war began. With the activation of the third talent tree, the fourth talent tree also appeared in front of Fang Senyan. There are also two branches that need to be activated:

The third layer ------ debugging assistant specialization LV debugging curse specialization LV1

The fourth layer ------ Strong Orc Gene Liquid: Mixing and Dispensing Techniques Strong Orc Gene Liquid: Cursing Formulations

When he saw the fourth-level talent tree, Fang Senyan was suddenly stagnation. He was in a deep stagnation. At this moment, he remembered what the hoarse voice said to him when he was promoted to second lieutenant --- --- "Treasure your meritorious value, and distribute it like you cherish your lover in the middle of the night, treat it, otherwise ... believe me, you will definitely be in the near future for the former splurge. regrettable."

Fang Senyan has begun to regret his **** and feet. In the last World of Starship Team, he was very decisive in giving up rewards for both tasks. That adds up to a full 8 merit value! !! !!

Everything comes from Fang Senyan's desire to improve the fourth layer of the talent tree, the strong orc gene solution: the blending of potions, the clear reminder from the Nightmare Mark:

"Warning: Your ascension will cost 2 potential points and 2 merit points! Please confirm to continue?"

"Warning: Merit values ​​obtained through transactions cannot be used here!"

There is also a way to get 2 points of Fang Senyan. For 2 points of merit, it doesn't seem too big for the time being. But ... but! !! !! This is only the fourth level talent tree! This even more represents a very scary fact, that is, if you want to improve the higher-level capabilities below, there will no doubt be meritorious value, I am afraid that the meritorious value consumed at that time is astronomical!

What's more daddy is that the meritorious value is still a symbol of status. Once the status is reduced, it will also drop sharply. Fang Senyan seems to have lost 5 meritorious values ​​(not counting the previous point, add it here), but he can actually Only the point is used, unless ... he wants to be relegated from lieutenant to sergeant!

Obviously, if his meritorious value falls below the point, for Fang Senyan who is about to form a team, this is an unbearable loss. Without a strong team, his personal cohesion will decrease by at least 50%. After the team is formed, it is even more impossible to relinquish this vital status of lieutenant. Once he is relegated to a sergeant, he loses his qualifications for forming a team. Only one end is the complete dissolution of the team.

Fang Senyan shook his head, leaving such a strong regret behind him. Now that things are irretrievable, there is no need to entangle them any more, and it is the right thing to do well in the future. Fang Senyan first went to comfort and thanked Jessica, then entered the nightmare space.

The space is still the same, with soft light, organic-like walls, and the mysterious feeling beyond description. Fang Senyan couldn't help but touch the walls with elasticity and even temperature next to him, and suddenly remembered the mother nest once he had entered, and could not help but came up with a ridiculous idea in his mind: I didn't know that the mother nest had always been What will the continuous advancement look like in the end? Shouldn't it be similar to the nightmare space?

But he quickly shook his head and threw these thoughts into his head. At this time, the reef has not yet entered the space. Of course, his current priority is to first look at the messages related to "the rare acid glands of the elite thorn snake". It is very regrettable that there are quite a few people who buy messages, but there are few things related to identification. And without exception, high fees are demanded. The interval ranges from 5,000 general points to 12,000. In short, none of them meet the psychological price of Fang Senyan.

"I know that there is no such good thing in the world." Fang Senyan shook his head with a grin, and went to the official appraisal office of the space to directly submit an appraisal application. After paying the 1500 universal point appraisal fee, he waited for the results. Unexpectedly, after about five minutes, I was prompted:

"Warning: Your identification failed."

Fang Senyan's blood did not spray directly on the screen, but the result of the pop-up was an identification failure! !! There is such a pit-daddy thing. Fortunately, the appraisal fee paid is fully refunded. After Fang Senyan took back the acid gland, he was very nervous and first confirmed that he was not damaged before letting out a sigh of relief, but then he continued to fall into a struggle. After returning to the private space, Moriwa hesitated for a long time, and suddenly saw the gold mine stooping and carrying a tattered sackcloth pocket slipping in. The sneaky appearance looked like a rat that stole eggs. It makes no difference.

Immediately after entering the door, the gold mine gurgles with a tap of tap water. Shutan took a nap and then pulled out a cigarette **** from the sackcloth pocket. Fang Senyan was very speechless and weakly protested:

"Hey, what the **** are you smoking, it was someone else's second-hand cigarette butt, and then I have to be forced to smoke your second-hand cigarette ..... Is this a fourth-hand smoke pollution?"

The gold mine completely ignored the existence of the owner, and began to count the harvest in the tattered linen bag with interest. Fang Senyan suddenly remembered that this guy had used the appraisal certificate before, and his eyes lighted up:

"Hey, hey, David, can't you pick up a 500-point job?"

The next second gold mine immediately appeared in front of Fang Senyan, his eyes were bright, his hands were spread out to beg:

"My dearest host, I will take any job that may increase my income."

Fang Senyan was about to hand over the acid gland of the Hydralisk to him, suddenly a warning sign, looked at the gold mine with an unpleasant look, and then took out the acid gland of the Hydralisk, far away. Road:

"Don't come near, I will first test what your thing is, probably just say it. Deducting money in violation of regulations!"

The gold mine opened its mouth, stomped its feet and looked around for a long time, then took out a pair of reading glasses and put on Sun Wukong to use the organs: the shape of fire eyes and golden eyes, and the last shot of thigh Ming Wu said:

"Isn't this the pork heart-lung soup sold in the vegetable market? Wash and cut red and white radish and stew them ~ ~ Dip in soy sauce, vinegar, spring onion and dip, and at least three bowls of rice can go on!"

Fang Senyan:


Goblin's gold mine frowns:

"Well, I'm right!"

Fang Senyan said very weakly:

"I'm pretty sure of your strength now, but there is one last question. I eat three bowls of rice for three bowls of rice. Why" dry "three bowls of rice?"

The gold mine smiled:

"Don't you think the word is powerful? Hey, dear host, why did you go away and say good work? ..... at least leave the pig heart and lungs to me, at least I can save a week Money! "

Fang Senyan re-entered the space laboratory. He sighed helplessly, and then took out the acid gland of the Hydralisk again to apply for identification.

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