The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 2 Chapter 21: Violent

At this time, when looking at the knee of the Terminator T-750's left leg, there was already a startling scorching black, and even some snakes with stiff cables were staggered there. There is no doubt that a large area short circuit occurred and most of the functions were unusable! The most intuitive statement is that the Terminator T-750 has become a bitch. Although it is not very powerful, it also loses a large part of its speed of action!

Zhou Fangsenyan's prior careful planning, finally achieved great success. This Terminator T-750 is the first Terminator to be teleported after triggering a regional mission. Its strength will naturally be damaged in the vortex of time and space, and only 70% of it will appear when it appears.

After a long time dealing with the Los Angeles Police / Delta Special Forces, the strength will inevitably decline again. Its built-in powerful armor: the point-to-point defender "artificial skin is completely ineffective against Fang Senyan who is good at close combat. Under the combination of various factors, this terminator T-750 was completely suppressed, almost no fight back. force!

Terminator T-750 looked up and looked at Fang Senyan with a red electronic eye, and the travel bag was still pinched in his left hand. At this moment, the distance between them was close to four meters, and no one could stop the Terminator T-750 from holding the gun in hand again! Pour rain bullets at the heart of the enemy! Even if Fang Senyan's talent is even stronger, he can't stop such a fierce shot!

Almost instantaneously, the Terminator T-750 took out two police rifles from the backpack. The muzzle of the black hole enveloped Fang Senyan's body, and the bullet was almost injected into the magazine in a horrible jumping manner. However, the expected gunfire did not sound. In the empty sewer, only the rattling "click" of the trigger echoed.

Wu Fangsenyan hugged his hands on his chest, his strong body dragged a long shadow under the dim light, and a mocking smile appeared on his face:

"These guns stayed in my hands for a total of 37 minutes and 11 seconds. Do you think I will do nothing, let you use it to deal with me?"

He said that Fang Senyan reached out his left hand, and the parts of the police gun crackled. He looked at the Terminator T-750's eyes like a beast eager to prey, full of greed, madness, and of course, a hysterical ferocity.

"Now, you can't escape, you can't beat ......... You are dead!"

Terminator T-750 responded by smashing the broken gun in his hand. Fang Senyan licked the blood flowing from the wound of his eyebrow, and a cruel expression appeared on his face. He roared like a beast in his throat, and flung himself up! And the M500 pistol at the waist is still exposed!

The sound of "Bang Bang" kept coming. There were both the sound of metal impact and the muffled sound of flesh. The two sides are intertwined in this dark and rotten sewer, like two beasts at the end of the road are gnawing bitterly and roaring in despair.

Although this Terminator T-750 is a long-range combat type, it is still a Terminator, from the future killing machine! Its hard cobalt-steel alloy skeleton inside the body, and the powerful energy battery can still guarantee that it can set off a **** storm anytime, anywhere!

The corner of Wu Fangsenyan's eyes was dark, and five or six teeth were missing. The corner of his mouth was inevitably flowing with blood, and he was wheezing and breathing, as if a worn bellow was placed in his lungs. The Terminator's steel fingers have been grasping the handle of the M500 pistol between Fang Senyan's waist!

武器 This weapon is not a police pistol! Even if the elephant encounters such a weapon, there is a possibility of being shot dead!

Wu Fangsenyan was also wounded at this time. If he was hit by this thing in the front, I am afraid that it is too fierce. Even at this time, the Terminator T-750 is still calm, cold, and tirelessly seeking the possibility of turning over in adversity!

The Terminator T-750 already possesses extremely high artificial intelligence. It was previously placed by Fang Senyan with a police bag damaged by a travel bag. At this time, naturally, he will not make the same mistake again. He has scanned the M500 pistol with an electronic eye and judged it. Can be fired normally and in a full bullet state. So when the terminator figured out that he could catch the pistol, he swooped up desperately.

And Fang Senyan also waited for this opportunity for a long time, his hands flashed out, he has grasped the steel head of the Terminator T-750! It looks like weird holding his face, and the strong and thick muscles on his arms are already as tight as iron!

捧 The gesture of holding his face looks like a touch between lovers, even with a touch of tenderness and honey. But a cruel growl came from Fang Senyan's throat! The muscles in the arms are as tight as iron, which is a fierce rub! At this time, the M500 pistol was already held in the steel palm of the Terminator T-750. The muzzle of the black hole was being raised and aimed at the heart of Fang Senyan!

Only heard a loud noise, Terminator T-750's head was turned 270 degrees alive by Fang Senyan! A dazzling blue-and-white current was sprayed from the gap in the neck, and the fireworks generally flowed one after another. And Fang Senyan was instantly turned on by live electricity, and his body was numb. At the same time, the muzzle of the captured M500 pistol also burst into a dazzling fire! The target is exactly the head of Fang Senyan!

Under normal circumstances, unless the ability to fight back is completely lost, the Terminator T-750 will never be attacked to the fragile neck in such a live way, but Fang Senyan once again used the firearm M500 he wore to set up What a terrible trap!

The blood was dripping from Fang Senyan's head, one drop, two drops ... He pressed his hands against the ground, panting with a big mouth, his whole body was shaking slightly, and his head smelled of burnt smell. The shot brushed from his left cheekbone, and a tragic scar was plowed alive on his face. This deep flesh gorge was torn from the cheekbones to the root of his ears, and Bai Sensen's face and bones were swollen. Come out, if it is a positive hit, then its end can be imagined!

The Terminator T-750 is still tenaciously alive, but its actions have obviously lost its regularity, as crooked as a drunk man, even the center of gravity is completely unstable. It can be clearly seen that the two red electronic eyes in his eye socket are flashing violently, as if the next moment will be extinguished due to overload.

It tried to aim the muzzle at Fang Senyan, but the alloy finger that had been extremely stable trembled as if the candle flame was about to go out!

"Bang!" Was another loud noise. M500's bullets carried horrible kinetic energy and broke a nearby water pipe. The momentum was endless, and the wall below was heavily dusted, and a deep Dimples. However, the bullet did not reach the place where the holder wanted it to go.

Qi Zheng's so-called difference is thousands of miles away. The muzzle of the Terminator T-750 only deviates less than two centimeters than before, and the gap is at least two meters away after the bullet is fired.

In the thick gray smoke, Fang Senyan with blood on his face looked more like a beast. The gasp of the injured and crazy beast was clear and audible, and there seemed to be a thick scar in his eyes!

对准 He aimed at the Terminator T-750 and flew straight up again. The clear sound of steel crashed continuously, and the dull sound of the physical body being beaten hardly came! If it is an ordinary contractor, then I believe he is dead enough to die, but Fang Senyan is like a beast that has been bruised all over but never willing to fall, ripping his prey's flesh with **** teeth in the murky breath !!

Suddenly! A harsh current roar sounded in the air, blue and white arc-shaped electric light spread and spread, staggered in the air, stirred back, and extended more than ten meters away!

Fang Senyan resisted the pain, grabbed the metal head of the Terminator T-750, screamed, the muscles on his body were tight, bulging like iron, and pulled it alive, the cable under the skull was like a blood vessel Terror is flying, full of cruel and tragic meaning!

Then Fang Senyan lifted the metal head high into the air,

Looking up to the sky,

Exhausted with all his strength, he screamed violently!

Yes ~ ~ He finally confirmed that he likes this kind of life and death excitement, like this thrilling and crazy life, this life can be fulfilled and fulfilled, and all the rules and injustices in the world can be completely Trample at your feet!

When the T-750 Terminator got into the sewer, there was no one around. The frightened Los Angeles police search progressed even more carefully. It took ten minutes to find the trace of the T-750 escaping into the sewer. They searched in the maze-like sewer for half an hour. --- To be precise, it was only forty-seven minutes and nineteen seconds before the battlefield where the two men fought was found, but at this time Fang Senyan was far away, and Hongfei was insignificant.

"Hoo ..." Fang Senyan lay in the bathtub and exhaled a long breath. The warm water flowed through his body, squeezing out the fatigue and drowsiness in the bones little by little. The dust, sweat, and blood on the body were slowly rippling away by the hot water at 50 degrees Celsius, and even the clear water in the bathtub was rippling with a layer of light red.

Fang Senyan stood up from the bathtub, and the water flow slipped from his muscular body, so he looked closely into the mirror so naked. Of course, he is not a narcissist, but is observing the injuries on his body: The injuries sustained in two consecutive life-and-death fights during the day have clearly started to heal. According to this rate, even after waking up, even scars remain. Not next.

After a bit of bandaging with a bath towel, Fang Senyan sat on the sofa next to him. Jing bare body picked up something from the coffee table --- a key that should not belong to this world. This key was dropped by the long-range attack terminator T-750.

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