The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 6: Die alive

In the face of this fierce punch, if Fang Senyan is not good at this time, he can be regarded as agile, and he must be beaten into a slump. He fell back and kneeled on the ground, only feeling whole. All of his arms were paralyzed, and even more frightening is that Fang Senyan was directly beaten by his fist and was close to 186 health! Thanks to Fang Senyan's power peak at this time has reached forty points, and also has a 13% critical strike rate to suppress, otherwise, a punch will blow Fang Senyan on the spot.

"Damn, the combat power of the strong orcs written in the notes is only slightly stronger ..... I'll put your lungs on Saruman! Sure enough, it is better to have no letter than a book!"

Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, cursing fiercely.

Fortunately, the reef had rushed up, and the black lightsaber slashed to the left hand of this strong orc. The reef's shot was quite rapid. The strong orc roared, and grabbed the blade of the lightsaber with his backhand!

Of course, this grab must be futile. Its palms came into contact with the black light, and immediately made a "squeak" unpleasant sound, as well as an indescribable burnt smell. At the same time, the reef held up his shield and caught a punch from the strong orc.

This punch of the strong orc hit the top of the alien skull, and made an unpleasant sound of "bang", such as defeated. The reef draws a sword and then cuts, and even a thin black light curtain emerges from his body, which should be the special effect that triggered the weapon: refraction! Although the light shield produced by refraction can only absorb about 30 points of damage (the first calculation), it appears very frequently, the product is less and more, and the damage absorbed is also very considerable.

Although Fang Senyan was completely numb in the left hand he was hit, he even rushed straight after he drank three potent voduses. The sound of a "snap" sounded like the sound of a broken glass. Fang Senyan had already broken a bottle of debugging liquid, and a faint green smoke filled it, covering the strong orc in it, suddenly Make this guy fight a cold war, in the smoke. Fang Senyan suddenly received a prompt:

"You cast Strong Orc Gene Fluid: Curse of Curse!"

"Based on the principle of cursing potion, when your cursing potion's hidden properties appear, it will have a double effect when it affects strong orcs and orcs."

"Strong Orc's agility is reduced by 6."

This good news was not estimated by Fang Senyan before, but it is also normal to think of it. The cursing potion Fang Senyan learned originally originated from the debugging experience of strong orcs, and it is natural to cause double curse effects on the research subjects.

Riding the gap between the strong orcs attacking the reef, Fang Senyan quietly deceived, and the cold light above the finger tiger flashed, lowering his center of gravity to take a lunge forward, and hit a heavy punch on the strong orc's knee. For the reefs who will most likely be in a team in the future, he has perfectly fulfilled his duties and intercepted the enemy's attacks. Therefore, as the output of the attack, Fang Senyan must also show his value!

Although Fang Senyan's two-finger tiger fist is indeed scum, it is certainly impossible to have too much damage, but even if there is no crushing damage, there is also a terrible forty point bottom. The basic damage is still relatively fixed. And Fang Senyan was also keenly aware of the characteristics of strong orcs at this time, that is, he shot hard and was powerful, but the attack interval was relatively long ------- this is also normal. If this guy attacks melee attacks from a long range, It is quite high, the defense is not weak, and the health value is also thick. In addition, the arrow is attached with poison. If the shot frequency is even faster, then how can you let the legendary creatures feel embarrassed?

While Fang Senyan cut off the six points of the strong orc's agility, it seems not high, but in actual combat, it can be felt that the strong orc's agility is at most about 20 ~ 30, so the attack of Fang Senyan at least weakened the strong orc The shooting frequency is 15-20%, and the moving speed is 7% -10%. This data doesn't look very good, but if you carefully calculate, the attack interval of the strong orc is about 3 seconds (heartbreaking also has a slowing effect), if it does not reduce these 6 agility. Then the strong orc can attack 10 times in 30 seconds (theoretically). After reducing this 6 agility, the attack interval of the strong orc is extended to 3.6 seconds, then only 8.3 attacks can be made within 30 seconds. For a strong orc with very powerful attack power, one less attack is at least a hundred points of actual attack output!

Moreover, this is a theoretical calculation method. Fang Senyan and the reef cannot be allowed to be carried by strong orcs like sandbags. They will also fight back, will dodge, and will parry and block. Therefore, if this is calculated, it will weaken the six points of agility The actual attack output reduction against the strong orc is also at least about 25%.

Under the cover of the reef, Fang Senyan often attacked immediately after the strong orc attacked, and then immediately grabbed the front attack, and then retracted into the reef's protection range. The three-second attack interval was aligned, so most There is no danger at all. And according to the introduction above, Fang Senyan often attacked the weak points of the strong orcs. At this time, the title worn by Fang Senyan was also changed to "feedback of the tree protection pot". Of course, there are many trees nearby, so this title that can continue to restore health is quite useful. After several consecutive attacks on the knees of the strong orcs, Fang Senyan's long-awaited passive chance finally appeared.

Giant Monster's fighting spirit passive ability: Mountain Monster Spirit increases your attack interval by 5%, but your chance to hit the enemy increases by 8%, and may cause the enemy to repel!

The phantom of the mountain monster flickered behind Fang Senyan's body, and attacked the strong orc's knee heavily.

Fang Senyan's fist has been attacking the enemy's knee horizontally! Once the knockback effect appears, in fact, the strong orc will be directly beaten and lose its center of gravity. Naturally, it will immediately roll over and fall to the ground! Unless it is a very special person, there will be an empty door after the fall, and according to the notes in the note, after the strong orc fell to the ground, there was almost no ability to resist because of the problem of his head structure.

Fang Senyan and Reef naturally did not miss this great opportunity, and rushing up was a fist and a fat plump. When this strong orc was angry and ready to climb up to fight back, the alien skull shield held by the reef suddenly lingered in black gas. The mouth of the alien skull had a long and sharp tongue flying out like a whip. On the head of the strong orc!

Ability: Tongue Sting!

While causing damage to the enemy, you can also stun it for three seconds!

At the same time, do n’t forget that there is a fairy girl mist song in the distance, this long-legged girl is not a vase, the bow and arrow and spear are also used, and probably because of the spirit constitution, mist When the song uses a spear and a bow and arrow, fresh branches and leaves will temporarily grow on it. Obviously, it is rich in strong natural power. After each arrow hits the strong orc body, it will show a clear green light. It is estimated that she gives strong The orc's damage is at least above the sum of Fang Senyan and Reef.

After performing another winding of the roots in the Elf Girl Fog Song, after the reef gave Fang Senyan a gesture, he quickly withdrew to the back and gave himself a bandage that could restore 230 health in eight seconds. The strong orc roared and wanted to rush up, but was **** by the roots. It was so easy that the magic effect disappeared, but Fang Senyan got stuck in front of him. --- Don't forget that Fang Senyan is also an MT There is a metamorphosis of the level. Although he had previously lost 186 health, he drank 75 vodkas and raised 75 points. In addition, the "protection of the tree guard pot" also accelerated the recovery of many lives.

The strong orc roared again and again, punched Fang Senyan deliberately to parry and block. Although he would also be knocked out of nearly 140 health, the strong orc's attack speed was not its advantage. Fang Senyan probably spent more than 200 health points, which gave enough time for the reef support. After the reef shattered, Fang Senyan quickly backed away, pulled his ambition backhand, and aimed at the knee of the strong orc!

At this time, it was a few hours away from the last ordinary attack of ambition ~ ~ The 50% critical strike chance of the "capacity" skill that comes with the firearms was already full! Although it is not a critical attack, Fang Senyan itself has a crit rate bonus, so this shot still has a crit effect, and the more terrifying is the 300% additional damage!

Even though this strong orc's defense is not weak, but in the face of theoretical high damage up to 420 points. Fang Senyan's blow also dealt a terrible 306 actual damage. This blow also immediately caused a very miserable wound to the strong orc's left leg, and even the cracks of Bai Sensen's knee bone could be seen from the flesh. Obviously, the movement of this strong orc and its support to the body are bound to be greatly affected.

The reef is also a man who has experienced hundreds of battles and is extremely experienced in combat. He immediately began to move his position constantly, as if he were spinning around this strong orc. In order to attack the premise of a strong orc, he must first face him. If the legs are not problematic, it is not a problem, but at this time, the strong orc with the knee bones of his left leg completely crushed obviously has a sense of weakness.

Although his offensive power is fierce, his roar is still shocked, his eyes are still crazy, but Fang Senyan and the reef are like spiders treating netted prey, eating away its power and energy little by little. The strong orc with a leg injury had no chance to escape.

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