The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 11: In prison

Chapter Eleven

"A stupid low figure? It's funny." Saruman's avatar laughed hoarsely, apparently very proud. Then continue to observe the rest.

Probably because of the contractor, Fang Senyan's performance is much better than the others, like the powerful elf elder in the team. The shaman's cold eyes stayed on his body for dozens of seconds. He His spirit collapsed and collapsed, and it took a few hours to recover.

After the "identification" and screening of the Saruman avatar, everyone was driven to the prison in the middle of the settlement. The reason why it is not the surrounding cave is that the dwarven race, which is good at dealing with rocks, is often slavery. The team's trophy, the prison, was not only created by a mage tower, but was divided into two parts, the inner ring and the outer ring. The inner ring was the prisoner's cell, and some half-orc jailers also lived in it. The outer ring is the guard's residence, almost all of them are played by strong orcs, and importantly, even if someone breaks through the outer ring of the inner ring, they can't escape the surveillance of tens of thousands of eyes in the dense half-orc caves on the surrounding mountains. . It seems that the secret here is determined not to let anyone leak it.

In this icy and snowy place, the elves who lacked warm clothing felt martial arts. The sacred king made the sacred king to kill the **** of the night and seal the throne to seek the pride of the world. The strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou Royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the God of the Seal of the Night and kill the throne of the gods and pride the world nine strongest days The strongest abandoned Shaozhou the Royal God will kill the Night of the Gods Seal of the God and seek the pride of the world and the nine strongest heavens The royal family was extremely uncomfortable, and they clung to the icy cell for another two days. Both physical strength and mental fatigue are very weak. The only people who benefit from the low temperature are those with injuries. The low temperature effectively prevents the deterioration of the injury. The medicine given by the half-orc is also quite effective, which even caused the severe damage of Alita. The arm wounds did not worsen with genius, but healed quickly.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, the cells were divided according to race, so Fang Senyan was surprised to see a reef in the cell! Of course, Alita, who was seriously injured, is also here. The two were naturally very happy to meet.

I do n’t know until after talking about the cause. It turned out that this slave-trap sent by the orc tribe controlled by Saruman not only captured the remaining creatures, but also the other half-orcs were also the target of their arrest. In addition, the reef saw some strong orcs known as "out of control" being killed. At this time, the two were naturally happy about this prison life. They wished that Saruman's avatar sentenced him and others to life imprisonment, and it was best to forget.

The third day was a sunny day, and a rare sunlight shone in from the cell. For today's elves, this is undoubtedly a very luxurious enjoyment. Scrambled into the narrow window to enjoy rare treatment. Obviously, the fairy girl Wuge also wanted to experience the martial arts. The sacred king made the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne at night and seek the pride of the world. Abandoning the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial arts Qiankang will kill the night of the gods and seals the throne to seek the magic and proud of the world nine strongest days. The warmth of her, it seems that she has no genius in the clan, plus she is in such a desperate situation, being pushed relentlessly by several strong clan people and pushed to the ground, she can only sit sadly on the ground and whisper Weeping.

At this time, Fang Senyan saw this situation. Naturally, there was a flash of suffocation in his eyes, and his heart was quite uncomfortable. However, he had no influence on the elves, and it seemed that he could only watch it with an open eye, but when Fang Senyan's eyes moved, watching the orc caretaker next to him shouted:

"Hey, big man, right, it's your lack of ears, come here!"

Because the direct sunlight is likely to cause damage to the orcs' eyes, half-orcs who want to be outdoors are accustomed to méng a black cloth on their eyes, which is a simple cottage version of sunglasses. The simple-minded caretaker was attracted by Fang Senyan's cry, and strode over to irritably growl:

"Shut your mouth, otherwise peel and peel, you! Missing ears, glorious!"

Fang Senyan pointed it seriously:

"How dare you disrespect me? Be careful I take away your power!"

This half-orc laughed abruptly:

"Little bug, man, bluff, lie!"

It was quite boring here. After listening to the dialogue here, several boring half-orc guards came to watch. The half-orc also had a similar role with the online yín people. Fang Senyan was worried that they were not gathered and immediately threw out. A bottle of cursed potion formed a large poisonous mist. Reduced the power of this group of half-orcs with simple limbs by 6 points (was 3 points, and introduced special effects before). These guys are basically not as good as strong orcs. The drop in power by 6 points is quite obvious.

For the half-orcs who already admired strength very much, the weakening of the power at 6 was undoubtedly a very terrible disaster. They suddenly roared in horror, and began to pick up their weapons at Fang Senyan, spitting the stars to roar to kill And eat this **** wizard.

Fang Senyan hugged his hands in front of ng, saying lazily:

"Kill me, your power will never be revived. Although my meager power is far less than your **** (referring to that Saruman's clone), it is not your dirty fools who can offend you. . "

The orcs looked at each other, and the arms raised by their hands were slowly lowered, their simple minds fell into a huge tangle and fear! The look towards Fang Senyan, who had mastered the mysterious power, a little more awe. Of course, Fang Senyan was unwilling to overdo it, so he threw his own bait and said:

"Of course, I can also forgive your ignorance and give you strength back, as long as you promise me a small request."

The orc watchman's eyes were immediately vigilant, stuttering:

"Impossible, you, released, die, otherwise!"

Fang Senyan grinned:

"I don't want you to let me go and see that the elf **** the opposite cell has no genius master? Just send her to our cell."

The orc caretaker wearing nails and leather armor for a while, apparently his simple cerebral circuit cortex takes some time to process this information. After a while, he actually came to Fang Senyan 1 yín with a smile to understand, leaning over the railing Thumbs up said:

"Women elves, do you like? Mating and them? Gekoro, I, also love!"

Fang Senyan was stunned, did not expect that the orc caretaker was almost close to himself? However, he immediately reacted. In terms of the intelligence of the orcs, it definitely does not look like a falsehood or a snake, but it looks like he has found a common language phase with him. Although it seems that he only has +3 charm, plus gold The domineering man of mine is not around, he can also show his skills. Thinking of this, Fang Senyan laughed:

"Yeah, yeah, then bring her to my cell, and I won't curse you."

The half-orc caretaker shook his head and said in fear:

"Elf, bump, smoke, die by yourself, become seeds! Severe punishment, die, we !!!"

Alita also came over at this time, and under her comment Morin suddenly felt that when many spirits with natural talents were desperate, they would burn their lives, cause damage to the surroundings, and then turn into a seed. This suicide method is also very strange. Fang Senyan couldn't help recalling one thing, that is, in the world of Harriet, the praises of the elves cast by Danny, Vant's hoe, should be similar to this ability. It seems that these half-orc guards have received very severe orders not to allow the death of prisoners.

Fang Senyan laughed loudly:

"Don't worry, she won't commit suicide. If you don't believe me, ask her if she would like to come? Well, if you can meet my requirements, then I will not only lift your curse, but I will also ask you to drink something you have never drunk before. Spirits. "

"Spirit?" As soon as the half-orc warden mentioned the wine, it seemed that drool would drip from the yellow fangs, stuttering:

"Well? Can it be delicious, Mug?"

The favorite drink of the orcs is Mug wine, which is a liquid mixed with fermented bee mì and blood. It tastes sweet and carries the thorny odor that comes from the blood that the orcs like most of the people they killed. Many orc army will carry a few barrels of Mug while in action, and even more when marching. Because of the need to mix fresh blood, the recipe for this thing is very simple and cruel. Fresh Mug can be drunk in three days, but it is generally considered best to wait a week.

Fang Senyan dismissed:

"Mug wine can also be delicious? Is there a cup?"

The caretaker Gercoro immediately brought a wooden cup with dirty stains on it. Fang Senyan took out an "endless vodka jug" and poured him a glass. This guy was also smart, smelled first, then I tasted it carefully, and immediately the bloodshot eyes swelled up ~ ~ I drank it immediately!

"Yes! Also, cup, full! Full! Full!"

Numerous little stars flashed in the caretaker's eyes, jumping his feet to raise the cup, shouting at Fang Senyan's fierce pout. At this time, the rest of the guards were also attracted by the intoxicating scent of wine, and their eyes were greedy. Fang Senyan naturally knew that these main businesses were robbers / gangsters / murderers / robbers, but what attention was played in the minds of the part-time guards, pointing his hand to the hip flask, and taking it back from the nightmare mark, laughing:

"If you want to rob, you have the wrong idea."

After looking at the half-orc for a few moments, he squeezed into a pile of theft sī language, and soon nodded non-stop to reach an agreement. The caretaker Gercoro came over and said seriously and seriously:

"Stop it, she, you, how much?"

Fang Senyan said very simply:

"My wine requires temporary leaven, so I will give you a total of ten glasses, but I have to wait until the evening to pay the bill." A.

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