The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 22: Hunting (for the Lord's Promise Forever)

It's too quiet here. It's like a thick deadly atmosphere in a grave that rules this place. There are no birdsongs, no insects, no trace of beast activity, even the rustling footsteps of two people stepping on the pine needles on the ground. It is also very clear!

In front of us are the same pines and snow, and it seems that the end is never seen. In such a tense atmosphere, the physical exertion can be said to increase exponentially, as if the chest is heavily pressed by something invisible, and it will not take long for the two to sit down and rest.

The reef was breathing heavily against a pine tree:

"Jesus is on, what a ghost place! Even the pine towers in a forest where no wild beasts are eaten clean! But what about the birds that eat these pine towers, where are the squirrels?"

Fang Senyan put down Wuge Girl, sat down silently, squeezed a mass of snow into her mouth, and stared at the treetop for a while:

"Mostly there are no beasts, no birds and squirrels."

The reef sat upright all of a sudden, and said in astonishment:

"How is it possible that the pine nuts were eaten?"

Fang Senyan's eyes showed a contemplative look. He was not anxious to answer the inquiries of the reef, but picked up a dead branch from the ground and began to draw pictures on the ground. Soon the reef also looked out. Drawing on the road map they passed, he immediately joined in.

The reef is a bit older than Fang Senyan, and has a lot of experience in the wild. The two quickly determined their current position and pessimistically found that they are not too far away from the orc camp. If it is a straight distance In that case, there are at most only twenty kilometers.

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly, shaking their heads.

Fang Senyan's eyes quickly turned to firmness, and there was another kind of fierceness that made the reefs feel extremely familiar. Whenever Fang Senyan was in front of great danger, he would show his wildness and strength like a beast.

"Go" Fang Senyan stood up, covered her chest and coughed for two channels. Although the chest injury previously hit by the tentacle monster has healed, the anomalous curse attached to it is just like the sacrum, and the poisonous ghost is not scattered. It has now been almost two hours, and there is no need to subside. Signs.

Fortunately, at this time, the girl in the mist song leaning on his shoulder barely opened her eyes, and her pale palms pressed against his chest. The green light drifted a little, and you can see the black gas floating in and out. The gas formed a puppet, scorpion and other poisonous insects in the air, but it was wonderful, and then it was completely scattered in the air.

Fang Senyan only felt that a coolness was poured into the whole body. It was like the whole body and the five internal organs were washed with clear spring water. It was refreshing and fresh, and the surface of the body was dim.

And the Nightmare Mark also came with a prompt:

"You have been blessed by the Dawn Elf: all your negative states have been eliminated, all your resistance has increased, your gills, and all your chance-related beneficial abilities have been increased. (Including not limited to hit rate, critical strike rate, composition Chance of success, etc.). "

After the Blessing of the Dawn Elf was exhibited, the elf girl was completely trapped in a semi-coma again, but she did not seem to be seriously injured. Not only was the fresh body fragrance still, but also the hair color and the luster on the skin , All present a strong sense of vitality, like a new green sprout on a spring branch.

No doubt, at this time, her situation can only be explained by one kind, that is, she is in the advanced stage of metamorphosis that needs rest and accumulation. When she recovers completely, she can be called a real Dawn Elf ... " Lead the elves on the Middle-earth continent back to the leader of the kingdom of God!


About half an hour later, the three strong orcs who survived came slowly from a distance. The head of the strong orc leader kept flapping his nose, then looked at the pine tree beside him coldly:

"They have stayed here."

The strong orc next to him looked rather ugly, and said hoarsely:

"It's noon now. If we chase them and go forward, even if we return in time, most of us can't avoid that thing!"

The leader of the strong orc flickered his head, his eyes were red, full of vicious warning, and it could be clearly seen. There was a blue sarcoma growing in his throat. As if in sync with the beating of the heart.

This sarcoma is an additional biotechnology developed by Saruman. It is currently in the experimental stage and will only be used on some powerful orcs with greater use value. This sarcoma is called xenogeneic melanoma. The process is quite weird and evil. It was discovered while Saruman was studying tentacles.

Because the mouth of the tentacles is very underdeveloped, they can only basically chew food, which is difficult to digest when swallowed. Therefore, their stomachs always have a symbiotic worm, which is good at secreting powerful digestive fluids. Can effectively break down food, so if there is no such worm parasite, then the tentacle monster will often die due to indigestion.

However, everything in the world is too far off. Once the tentacles have a fixed and abundant food source, this worm will certainly not understand the importance of the absence of hair on the family planning dead body, so it will also reproduce in large numbers. The end result is that the tentacle monster's digestive system fills up and dies. So when the tentacles understand this, dieting and regular deworming become two major events in their lives.

Some of the worms discharged by the killing were turned into a strange parasite by Saruman's unique method of deployment. If a strong orc with enough utility value appears, the tentacle monster will cut a small opening in its throat and bury it under its skin. Xenogeneic melanoma appears after a period of time.

The strong orc who has been planted with this "heterogeneous melanoma" has an extra heart, and its strength and survivability will greatly increase. But because the worm used for refining once lived in the tentacle monster, most of the actions of this strong orc will be sensed by the tumorous tentacle monster. Once there is a betrayal behavior, Saruman's avatar can pass the corresponding Tentacle monster with the ability to kill strong orcs remotely at any time.

More} ~ Face to the fierce and aggressive gaze of the leader of the strong orc, the questioning strong orc immediately took a step back and did not dare to say a word. Just as Saruman's avatar has absolute right to control the death of the strong orc leader, the strong orc leader can also form an absolute suppression of ordinary strong orcs!

"Chasing, not necessarily dead, not chasing, dead!"

The hoarse voice of the strong orc leader has analyzed the terrific relationship very clearly. Now to chase the enemies and bring them back, then there is still a vitality. If you do n’t chase, the tentacles are unaware of everything happening here, even if they successfully exit. This ferocious land will die the same!

If the three strong orcs were chilly, they would not dare to say anything, and followed the traces left by the three Fang Senyan strode forward. Their shadows also gradually disappeared in the pine forest. This deadly pine forest regained that mysterious and quiet atmosphere, as if everything would be swallowed and smoothed.

... "

At this time, it was about three in the afternoon. After the sun was filtered by the snow wind and clouds in the sky, it was dimly and barely illuminated, and even had some paleness, but anyway, it also dispersed the dense fog in the valley.

At this time, under the sun's rays, a faint bleak mist transpiration can be seen above the pine forest. ~ ~ If someone looks at it from a distance, even the sight will have a faint distortion. It's like a stove below.

If this situation occurs naturally, it means that there are some precious things below the ground, most of which are jade or the like.

There are two poems called: "The sea and the moon have tears, and the blue field warms the jade with smoke." The previous poem describes the pearl, and the latter means that under the condition of sunlight, the precious purple jade will rise. Looming green smoke.

There is also an idiom named "Pearl and Treasure", which means that the finest pearls will automatically release Guanghua, and treasures can release unique mists. However, at this time, looking at the strange mist shrouded above the pine forest, I always felt an ominous sign for no reason.

The Fang Senyan and the reef continued to move forward. At this time, the two knew to save as much energy as possible, so they also reduced the frequency of speaking. As they continued to move forward, they found that the pine forests in Fangfang also became sparse, the village bark of the pine forests became dry and cracked, and the pine needles were dead.

Seeing this, Fang Senyan's face became even more ugly. He couldn't help turning his head to look at the back. There was a faint urge in his heart to control his desire to turn around immediately. The impulse was immediately killed by his reason.

Fang Senyan looked up at Shou Sky, because it was "being in this mountain", so he didn't find the faint layer of mist hanging over the pine forest. He just felt that the sun's light was a little too pale. In his jungle concept with reefs, as long as the sun is still there, he will be relatively safe.


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