The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Mutation

This time the strong orcs tied each person with two or three black-boiled magic vines and tied them firmly, and then carried them back, but they would rather work harder than themselves to delay the travel time on the road. Opportunity.

The strong orc collar also became dignified at this time, striding forward, apparently hiding a huge threat in this deep valley, this threat has even been here for a long time, and even has such powerful as Saruman The orc whose wizard is the leader is helpless, very scared, and panicked to the point of fear.

Previously, the two Fen Senyan ran hard and penetrated the pine forest for several kilometers. Although the two strong orcs are very strong, running with them will inevitably decline. When they came to the edge of the pine forest, the two strong orcs were breathless, sweaty and rainy, and the stench of their bodies smoked Fang Senyan.

However, at this moment, the strong orc leader suddenly yelled, and the scream was full of fear and fear! This strong orc leader has always been impressed by the impression that it seems that even life and death are not worth mentioning in front of him. I don't know what he saw, but he was so miserable!

At the same time, Fang Senyan's minds began to faint, and they fell into a state of half asleep and awake, without realizing what had happened outside.

In his mind, Fang Senyan seemed to be back in Siqiao Town, but he couldn't find Ren Ran. There were fierce and fierce flower shirt fly thugs everywhere. The power of people is disappearing.

In the process of searching, Fang Senyan felt more and more boring in his heart. He was getting more and more sad. He wanted to drink water. He easily found a pot and poured a glass of water and drank it. Suddenly there was a poisonous snake wrapped around the neck, and it was about to go to the throat!

Fang Senyan frantically wanted to tear off the poisonous snake with his hands, but he didn't know why, he could not lift both hands! There was a rattling noise in his throat, but the poisonous snake seemed to play with him, always just spitting a red letter and not biting! But when Fang Senyan thought that the poisonous snake would not bite, the red poisonous snake opened his mouth and swallowed it! !! !!

Frightened by this shock, Fang Senyan immediately yelled and opened his eyes.

Then he immediately saw the dark sky and a little bit of starlight.

At this time it was the stars.

No month.

Where is the blood and fire, and where is the dilapidated and withered Fourth Bridge Town?

All the previous ones are either dreams or strong illusions. Just don't know why it is so realistic!

Fang Senyan worked hard and felt that he was still tied to Fu very strong, but an ecstasy immediately appeared in his heart. "... Lao Tzu was not blind!

Although my vision is still a bit fuzzy, it is undoubtedly heaven and earth compared with the previous inability to see things. After this time, I felt that my body and body were frozen and stiff, and my lips were vomited. See through the filth.

As soon as Fang Senyan turned his head, he couldn't help but instinctively twitched his body and his body. If it weren't tied tight, the whole person would bounce:

The strong orc collar's twisted and stiff face was close at hand, and this guy who could only be called a fierce beast had a weird smile on his lips. He froze in the snow with his hands and choked his throat, Five thick fingers were plunged into the flesh, and the tumour between the throat had been broken, and his face was blue and purple. It looks like he strangled himself! Although he died, the huge body still caused endless pressure.

At this time Fang Senyan suddenly appeared in his heart and was afraid:

If you aren't **** to death, you might as well strangle yourself in the illusion of a violent snake wrapped around your neck.

After a long time, a loud cough came from the side, and the bound reef woke up, and beside him were the bodies of two other strong orcs who cuddled and died. "... Of course not exhaustion of people." ... It can be seen that the two had made a very fierce fight before they died, and finally died together.

The two looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with the luck of the rest of the life after the disaster. At this moment, they were also confused. They did not know what had happened, but no matter what, it was a great happiness to survive.

After breathing for a while, Fang Senyan tried again to break the vine rope in his hand. But even though he still has a very powerful force at this time, he is also tied very tightly, so it is impossible to regain the vitality of the old skills.

The black lightsaber of the reef has to consume a considerable amount of common points once it is started, so it can be used or not. The two helplessly, they can only rub the hands on the stones next to them, and they will be tied tight The rattan cable was broken before she could get away.

After getting free, Fang Senyan went to see

The situation of the elf girl felt that her condition seemed flat and worse, and she seemed to be completely in a coma. Fortunately, her clothes were good, and there was no trace of the genius master being violated. The reef took the opportunity to pinch the bodies of three strong orcs, but the supplies were desperate ...

The bamboo tube around the strong orc's waist was filled with their drink. The reef vomited and vomited immediately. The drink was filled with a lot of blood, and there was an unpleasant stench.

Perhaps this drink is a wonderful taste similar to yogurt for strong orcs, but for the other two, Moriyan, although the body has been digitized, the world of level A difficulty is definitely not to be taken lightly, the appearance of snow blindness is typical Thank you for drinking this "drink" without immediately poisoning the coma.

Drinking water is enough, just grab a handful of snow and put it in your mouth. There is a lake in front of it. It is embarrassing that the food of strong orcs is raw jerky. However, the body hair and head on this jerky are clearly visible. Reef and Fang Senyan have no appetite for this kind of food. Obviously it would not have been eaten unless it was a last resort.

The two combined at this time, and now they have two options:

The first is to choose to go back in the direction of life,

Another option is to go deep into the pine forest and cross the lake to move on. After a less fierce dispute, the two chose to cross the lake.

Because if you go back, you will face a snowy field, even if you are not frozen to death, you will face the threat of starvation, and you will encounter the huge risk of strong orcs who come to chase again. For two people who are unfamiliar with the alpine climate in the alpine zone, it is almost a must. And even if we continue to face the mysterious force that is crazy and dying, we can still live longer.

With a little bit of starlight in the sky, Fang Senyan carried the elf **** his back, and the reef explored the road ahead. After a long walk, he returned to the lake. Even at night, there was still silence in the pine forest. The two didn't know why. The more they felt in their hearts, the more they felt numb. It seemed that there was always something staring at them in the hidden dark place.

After arriving at the lake, both of them were very tired, mainly because of the lack of food for geniuses, so they were unable to swim, so they rested on the pine trunks by the lake.

After sitting for a while, I felt that my mouth was really thirsty, and I climbed down the tree and walked to the lake, took a small mouth of the extremely cold lake water, warmed my mouth, and swallowed it, so I tossed for half At this hour, thirst is relieved, but people are snoring. I had to look around to find some pine branches and needles to gather together to make a bonfire, and then the chair was on the fire for a while before calming down.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of "spurs" in the lake, and the two hearts moved, keeping the posture of fire-heating, but the light in the corner of their eyes had been seen in the lake on the left, and there was a shadow that was extremely fast In the water, although there is no moon at this time, the starlight is also bright, the lake is sparkling, very quiet and beautiful. It looks like it is hungry. The fish is about to be delivered.

Fang Senyan thought for a moment and realized that the fish was so excited that he wanted to come because of the bonfire in front of him. Most of the moth bugs in this world are phototaxis. Although they will be burned into a smog of smoke, they will not hesitate a little, as are some fish. Fang Senyan grew up at sea, and there are thousands of tens of thousands of fishes without geniuses ~ ~ Of course, he has a clear understanding of the light fishing method

Therefore, although the reef is very excited, if speaking of the fishing experience, Fang Senyan would not let it go. He made a snoring gesture, lying quietly on the ground with dense pine needles, and then slowly climbed towards the lake shore. next to. Try not to make any sound. At this time, the lake is going to be more intense, as if this brilliant silver is being stirred by an invisible stick. From this, you can also imagine how the tea fish in it is excited.

The fire was blazing, and a soft banging sound from time to time was heard, and the sound of water that could not be removed was completely quiet. Fang Senyan lay silently beside the water, even breathing very lightly and slowly. It looks like a stone sculpture.

No genius mentor added the firewood boat to gradually extinguish the fire. In the dark night, the embers glowed a thick crimson, and the wind blew up and down. At this moment, the water surface suddenly slammed. The cunning fish finally endured. Stay, jump out of the sparkling water, and threw the water toward the fire with excitement.

Fang Senyan rushed up with his body suddenly! The lake water was extremely cold. At this time, when Fang Senyan's body touched the water source, it seemed as if he was still in an ice cave in the middle of a few cold days. The white breath exhaled seemed to be immediately condensed. Yaguan couldn't help hitting him up and down. "Get it" crisp sound.

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