The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 29: After the giant rock

Chapter 29 After the Giant Rock

Although Fang Senyan was waiting, the rapid footsteps from a distance didn't stop for a while, but a shadow suddenly rushed from the rocks!

Although Fang Senyan predicted that the enemy might be coming soon, no genius master thought that the rush was so fast!

He rolled hurriedly to the side, and finally managed to avoid the flutter. Fang Senyan was panicked and confused. His hands were crossed in front of ng, but the expected chase did not come with a genius master. After the shadow fell to the ground, a light and insignificant turn, actually entered the narrow black hole xué in the bottom left of Giant Rock!

Fang Senyan exhaled a long breath and shook his head with a bitter smile. Where was the shadow chaser? It was clearly a snowy owl. It seemed to be greatly frightened, and it was strange. In normal times, Fang Senyan should also be able to distinguish between human and beast tracks, but now his ability has greatly decreased, and he is also disturbed by the current weird situation, so this kind of low-level mistakes have occurred.

In the next 6 consecutive times, many animals rushed from the back, passed through the hole and continued to march into the Valley of Rocks. They were apparently stunned by the fire in the distant sky. Fang Senyan took the opportunity to hunt and killed a ferret to serve as a ration for the next few days, and then leaned his own "ladder" on the rock wall, climbing the huge rock with a foggy song on his back. .

Of course, he did not have a genius master to forget to pump this tree ladder up. Although this behavior may not be able to delay the pursuit of the orcs for a long time, Fang Senyan understands very well: it may be useful to do it, but it will not be useful if you do not do it!

The top of this gigantic rock is quite wide, over five meters wide. There is even sediment and the like on it, and some stubborn alpine lichen moss and other plants have grown. Fingers touch it, and there is even the illusion of rough skin.

Although Fang Senyan knew that the time was urgent, he was still calm, and carefully observed the surrounding form by the faint morning light. Fang Senyan couldn't bear to be so careful. After all, the reef screamed here, and then it was completely steamed.

Fang Senyan knows deeply that, in terms of individual strength, the reef is at least much stronger than himself in terms of resistance, and he is only part of the poison of the chivalry of the brain, but on the spot, close combat Not in the slightest. If it is to make him not even follow the warning sound in this short moment, he will be directly steamed in the world ... .. That kind of power is just chilling just thinking about it!

At this moment, Tian Sè was already twilight, and Fang Senyan continued to lie on his face and watched the surrounding environment vigilantly. The bell walls on both sides of the mountain here generally extend outward, so a relatively small valley is formed, and even the chaotic rocks appear sparse. Everything seemed normal, and there was no danger at all. But Fang Senyan also knew very clearly that if the danger was visible at a glance, there would be no threat at all, and the reef would not be so weird.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan's gaze stayed behind a messy stone, where there was a line of brown sè, which looked like half a straw shoe. At this moment, the sky is still very sloppy, and the surrounding environment seems to be quite vague. If it wasn't for Fang Senyan's meticulous thoughts and deliberate search, it would be difficult to feel the abnormality.

Between the extreme northern snow peaks, the climate is quite cold, and the strong orcs take great care of the captives, not only for the cold animal fur, but also for the straw shoes woven with thick weeds. Wrap your feet with animal skin and put on soft straw shoes, which can greatly reduce the chance of frostbite when walking. Instead, the ordinary half-orcs have not been treated as geniuses, with frostbite on their feet and pus and blood dripping.

It was precisely at this time that Fang Senyan's feet were also wearing such straw shoes, so he felt that line of brown sè looked very familiar. When his heart moved, of course, he was wearing this kind of straw sandals in this place, except for himself. Of course, was it the reef? Is this where he encountered the accident?

But the reef has the ability to protect itself in space, and it is impossible to die here! With this in mind, Fang Senyan only felt contradictions and doubts, and his breathing couldn't help being lighter and slower. He carefully observed the surroundings again and determined that there were no geniuses and strangers. Then he put the elf girl aside first, then pushed down The temporary wooden ladder then jumped from the boulder.

After jumping down, Fang Senyan seemed to smell a peculiar smell in his nose, but the taste seemed very light. He looked again, and felt that the surrounding stones also had condensed oil droplets. At this time, Fang Senyan had no time to find out the roots, and crept toward that turbulent rock.

As the distance gets closer and closer, Fang Senyan can already determine that it is a straw shoe worn by a person, and the toes in the gap between the straw shoes are clearly visible. It's just that the face of the toes has become black. Apparently the body of the owner of the toes had been frozen stiff, and his body had already lost his life.

Fang Senyan leaned towards the past step by step. As the distance approached, his body was stretched to the extreme, and Fang Senyan was ready to go. Once he had any abnormalities, he would definitely be able to escape immediately, although such behavior is likely. Also useless.

Everything was quiet all around, only the sky that was red after the fire was still dazzling. The horror in Fang Senyan's heart rose to the extreme. If the body in front of the eyes is a reef, they can still have some psychological preparations, but the fact is completely unexpected by Fang Senyan:

Although the corpse had been frozen, the flesh and blood on the surface were faint and extremely fierce. Even his face could not be seen clearly. It was a captive who had been stripped of human skin! !! !! !! !!

"Is it ... above the thousands of feet above, I escaped, the platform on the top of Xuefeng?"

Fang Senyan couldn't help but looked up, but only saw the mist and mist, the cold wind howling, and in the snow and mist, he could see the ridges of a multi-layered platform, and his heart was haunting a huge mystery:

That is, these strong orcs spared no pains to go out and hunt slaves for thousands of miles, and they had to take care of the captives on the way, which was a huge human and material resource. After spending such a price, why finally lift the captives and then peel them off from the top of the thousands of snowy peaks?

Even though the orcs are all rude and fierce civilizations, not known as cunning, but the Saruman behind them is a well-thought-out and good at disguise, behind such a lot of trouble, the plot is bound to be amazing! And myself ... I'm afraid that I have approached the core area of ​​this truth by accident!

Fang Senyan has gone through many strange and unpredictable things, and curiosity has long been burning. Although he knew the crisis was here and there, he knew even more that danger was always equal to opportunity. I'm afraid that after revealing the truth of the matter, the information obtained alone will be invaluable. He took a closer look and suddenly noticed the difference in the body.

This corpse has deformed and fell off Xuefeng, a thousand feet high. It is strange that it is not deformed. However, looking at the surrounding blood, the corpse was not dead after it fell down, and it was painful to roll on the ground. It took a long time to die before dying. The sparse stones of dozens of square meters were stained with blood and were flattened. It is clearly visible that even some surrounding rocks have been cut out of deep flesh fingers!

The corpse was originally fleshed and fell off after being chopped, and then rolled on the ground. The warm flesh on the body would inevitably be stained with scattered leaves, stones, ice, and other debris. Once it was cold, Blowing, it seems that the glue is stuck on it, it can't be pulled off.

When Fang Senyan saw such a terrible situation, he was frightened. He looked up and saw the vast valley in front. There are dozens of similar ice corpses. Some of them should land immediately with their heads on the ground, while others should have fangs grin, their bodies twisted, and their death looks extremely tragic. , Crawling on the ground, before obviously died after a severe pain.

Obviously, the source of the broken finger in the intestine of the snowy gut that was previously killed by himself and the reef is here!

Seeing such scenes, Fang Senyan couldn't help but reminiscent of the previously prepared blending agent: Haiqimjia Mucus ~ ~ Judging from the fracture level of the corpses that appeared on the scene, these peeled slaves In the process of falling, it should have collided many times before landing on the bottom of the valley.

This is the case. Once you hit your head during the fall process, at least the death on the spot will be over%. The remaining% should not have been hit in the head during the crash, so they still have to survive and scream and scream for a long time before freezing and dying!

Seeing this deadly miserable corpse, Fang Senyan also rose from his heart with a chill. Strictly speaking, the drug Hechemum plus mucus is really powerful, but Fang Senyan also has no genius masters to think that this drug is so overbearing, it seems to want to drop all the potential of the human body. Squeezed out.

The heavier the injury, the faster and faster this squeezing force, so even if it is severely injured after leaving the skin, you must continue to struggle for a few moments before taking the last breath!

In the next search, Fang Senyan again found a huge claw print on the nearby stone, which is extremely hard, and it can feel as if tofu is in front of that claw print. On the ground, there were more than ten rough stone basins. Most of these stone basins have been broken, and only two of them are basically intact and can be put together. a.

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