The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 35: Daibu

After this golden ancient elf character was formed, the fog songs and dances were like swords, and then Duanli wrote another twelve cyan elf ancient characters, like the stars around the middle of the golden one. The elf text spins slowly in the air, mysterious and mysterious, it seems that it has exhausted the vitality of nature.

The next thing is to invite the octopus eggs of the complete soul coconut version to you. Fang Senyan has a very good memory. After seeing her previous operation, she delivered the egg to the ancient elf's text lightly, and even the steps of the girl from the foggy song using the power of thought to make it float in the air were saved.

But I saw the coconut-sized octopus egg shell gradually becoming transparent under the enchantment of the elf. There was a pocket-sized mini version of the haiqimga octopus, but his eyes were not open, even though his tentacles were crazy. Struggling and struggling, but also under the suppression of the elf's ancient writings to no avail.

Soon, I saw that the body of the mini octopus in the egg shell began to become stiff, and then slowly drifted into a little light blue particles, but it did not turn into smoke, and was directly attached to the thirteen surrounding the air. A sprite text. Gradually, the volume of the golden elf text at the core began to swell, and the surface of the other twelve elf ancient texts that originally appeared cyan was slowly plated with gold, after the egg completely dissipated Wuge took a deep breath, and the thirteen ancient gold elf texts flew into her mouth.

The elf girl closed her eyes, and Fang Senyan felt that her temperament was changing rapidly. If it was said that the tender green sprouts that seemed to be in early spring were on the branch, then she already had a kind of restrained Fangfei in late spring and early summer. At first glance, it looks like a green leaf pavilion. You have to look carefully to see the flowers between the leaves. Obviously, its strength has been upgraded again, restrained and freely retractable.

Fang Senyan let Wuge continue to absorb, but she reluctantly shook her head. This is already the limit. After all, Wuge is an awakened Dawn Elf, but her strength at this time is comparable to the Dawn Elf who has cultivated for twenty years! If you forcibly increase your strength, it can only be said to be harmful and useless.

Next, Fang Senyan absorbed them even more easily. The fog song had a small mouth, and the 13 ancient golden spirits of ancient spirits flew out directly. There was no need to write, and it was surrounded by her, as if it was tame. As a slave. With their help, Fonson Rock and Reef easily absorbed the other two coconut giant eggs.

This time, both the Fangsen rock and the reef have gained great benefits. All basic attributes +2 are not mentioned, and there is an additional effect of permanently increasing the maximum health and maximum MP by 50 points! !! Of course, it is effective only if you take it for the first time. Otherwise, go to the bottom and take a few eggs to eat and drink in the sea. Otherwise, you can have 50 tyrants in full in half an hour.

Incidentally, it is that the reef almost wrong the taking order. If it absorbed the coconut giant eggs first, and then absorbed the eggs picked up by Fang Senyan, there would be no effect, and the benefit of the full attribute +1 was lost for nothing. . If it is not the reminder of Fog Song, otherwise the reef can only recognize it when it sighs.

Seeing that Wuge's strength has increased again, Fang Senyan couldn't help asking:

"Where have you grown up now? How is that compared to the strong orc leader Luz?"

The Girl of the Fog Song was almost given a strong X by the strong orcs. At this time, even though she was transferred to the Dawn Elf plus repeated adventures and upgraded two levels, the strong psychological shadow still exists, not to mention the strong orc leader Luz? You know, its strength is that even the strong of the ring team has been killed! Therefore, Wuge Girl didn't speak, only looked at Fang Senyan with a kind of pitiful eyes. Fang Senyan stroked his forehead and sighed:

"Okay, isn't that a normal strong orc?"

This time, the Wuge girl nodded timidly. Although she had some knowledge and experience from the previous life, this life is just an elf girl who has just grown up, so she often shows her apathy.

Fang Senyan said in front of his eyes:

"If you can deal with five strong orcs at a time, then we have the opportunity to take advantage of .... Why do you make such expressions, okay, okay, five is more difficult, so what about three?"

"Still shaking your head? Two?"

"What! Plus we can deal with two ....."

Wuge Girl is still looking at him and the reef at yesterday's level, but she doesn't know that both of them are out of gear at this time. They are streaking inhumane. Although they have gained some benefits at this time, they can't obviously put on the full gear The heydays of the two are on a par.

Fang Senyan sighed a long time, and saw a few giant tentacle monsters surrounded by half-orcs and strong orcs. This thing looks like an octopus-shaped self-propelled continuous shot 360 in his eyes. There are no dead ends, and free cannons are sent free of charge in an unhealthy state. There was still a trace of heart that killed the siege immediately. So he can only do what he is least willing to do, and that is to listen to the fate and wait for the development of the incident.

Since the front road is not accessible, Fang Senyan can only think of ways on the back road. Although the strength of the three of them has increased, for the two legendary creatures, the sky is changed from an ant to a cricket, and it is also the end of a step. Therefore, it is precisely because of its low strength that it will not be valued, so you can see if there is any vitality that can be taken from the fire.

Unexpectedly, when Fang Senyan approached the mountainside carefully, he suddenly felt that the temperature inside was a lot higher. When I looked again, I saw Hechem's reinforcement and it was also scarred, but he had already retreated to the ground west of the mountainside. Next to the lake, two tentacles were placed in the water, and they would not take a half step back to die. It should be because they are fighting hard and protecting their eggs. Its tentacles broke two more, and the muscles on the cross section kept convulsing and contracting, but the fire on the surface of the Enchanter's body also seemed to be shaky, no longer aggressive, and obviously it felt a bit of a loss.

However, Fang Senyan did not have the YY two big beasts burst into each other's chrysanthemums endlessly, and finally the double-double injury protagonist stepped forward to fill the knife and upgrade the takeaway artifact to wear a suit to sell RMB bubble MM ------- want to see these plots, please Directly Baidu click on Kang, "Online Game Dragon Slayer" --- he just wanted to find an opportunity to let three of them escape.

Unfortunately, Fang Senyan's head just stretched out, and the Yan Demon suddenly rushed forward and rushed towards the octopus. It seemed that there was an indescribable phenomenon of Mount Tai. The air coming from Fang Senyan was a little hot, and the octopus sea Chimgar screamed, and if the sound waves from his parrot's mouth were almost transmitted, Fang Senyan was dizzy, and his two thickest arms and feet had already appeared like a javelin. Deeply stabbed at the enemy in front!

The core body of the Fire Demon was suddenly pierced! But as the flames rolled, they saw the stabbed places as two deep hollows!

The Flame Demon's body has been transformed again!

And the flame whip in the hands of the Enemy was drawn towards Heqimgar ......... the ground in front of him! It can be clearly seen that at this instant, the flames on its whip actually fell off to zero, and the fire whip turned into a weird and evil black and deep bone whip at an instant! The flames that were originally integrated turned into thousands of flame spirits in an instant, and burst into laughter with a loud laugh ...

It can be seen that on a rocky ground that was fairly wet, large cracks appeared immediately. Then from the cracks in the texture, a horrible red light like a lava emerged. At this moment, on the ground in the mountainside, a large network of red lava appeared crisscrossed! !!

Fang Senyan's pupils shrank in an instant. At this time, he had clearly seen the intention of the flame demon ... It turned out that the purpose of this guy was not to attack Heqimga! It is clear that the Enlightenment knows that even if it is better than this big octopus, it is obviously impossible to kill it by the water.

So the purpose of this old, immortal guy is very simple -------- what did Heqimga run into the mountainside? Apparently it is to that spawns and breeds offspring. So as long as this thing is destroyed, it is impossible for Heqimjia to stay here all the time.

I saw that the hot lava network spread quickly towards the surrounding stone wall. Once Heqimga's eggs entered the second stage of orange size, they had to be hatched by geothermal heat, and they had to touch the ground. The flame that controlled himself wrapped all the eggs attached to the ground in an instant!

I saw that every flame seemed to be an avatar of Heqimgar, and burned all the eggs greedily and madly. It was an attack from the depths of the soul. Where could the fragile eggs withstand the flames? This all-out crazy hit? Instantly cut off the vitality of all eggs!

Fang Senyan suddenly understood one thing, that is why the eggs of Haiqimjia he found outside were so weird, which contained the crazy burning meaning of burning, which turned out to be the hands of the fire devil!

The offspring was brutally murdered by the big octopus, Haiqimgar, and was completely enraged. There was no longer any scruples, and then he retreated completely into the underground lake at the back, which stirred up a huge wave. In the next second, The water level of the underground lake dropped almost three meters in an instant, and the surface of the lake was turbulent. In the next second, a crystal clear water wall as high as seven or eight meters high!

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