The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 42: Run away!

Chapter forty-two to run away!

As soon as he thought about it, Fang Senyan's heart moved, his eyes suddenly opened, and he grabbed the white cloth.


There was a row of black and black sè writings on the top, which appeared in a row. Looks like there is no regularity at all, ah, to put it simply, you can understand it as Saruman's essay / Weibo ... These 1uàn messy thoughts that have been felt for a while have been randomly used as graffiti, Stayed on this rag.

Fang Senyan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, thinking in his heart that it is better than nothing, and then began to read it seriously, but Fang Senyan never thought that these Hu 1uàn words written by Saruman It ’s actually a half-máo money relationship with the experience of mixing yào agents.

"I recently felt a misunderstanding. When throwing curse-like genes, angle, strength, and accuracy are also important. If wind and other factors are taken into account, it will be more complicated."

"I recently felt that adding lead to the new blending crystal bottle ..."

"It feels really good to throw a curse."

"Dinner is a bit light today."

"Then if the bottle containing the yào agent is cracked beforehand ..."

"The stupid Luz messed up three more experimental materials."

"Skip three hundred words below"


After Fang Senyan finished reading with frustration, yes, he reconfirmed a very important thing, that is, Saruman really did not leave any information on the preparation of yào agent on this "rag" ... … I do n’t know what the old man was crazy about. Apart from the nonsense, most of the information left on it is actually some thoughts and whimsical about yào agent throwing / spending. Fang Senyan, who could hardly believe his eyes, carefully looked at the scribbled handwriting again, and his body suddenly became cold and cold, and there really was a feeling that it was not as good as the sky.

But every second of life is that it is full of unpredictable xìng. In the next second, the sound of nightmare imprints sounds pleasant:

"Contractor No. 18 showed Saruman's experimental experience and read it carefully."

"Scanning: Contractor No. 18 has the relevant skills: Strong Orc Gene Liquid Preparation (Incomplete)."

"Calculating ..."

"Contractor 18, you have entered the reading state from now on. In this state, you cannot move, attack or be attacked, otherwise exit the reading state."

"Your jīng deity / intelligence is too low, the time spent reading will be forced to the maximum, and there is a possibility of reading failure."

When Fang Senyan moved in his heart, this apparently touched the relevant event. He stood still in place according to the prompt of the Nightmare Mark, and failed very sadly three times. Only eight minutes later, he got the most pleasant prompt:

"End of reading status."

"Contractor 18 gained new insights from Saruman's test log."

"Your sixth-order ability: Strong Orc gene fluid deployment (incomplete) gains the following enhancement (passive)."

"When you throw the cursing agent on the enemy, the cursing agent will form a diffuse impact with the center of the landing point when landing, and the enemy hit by the impact will be stunned for 1 second."

"The range of impact is equivalent to the range of the poisonous mist formed after the curse of the cursed agent."

"Any enemy in the poison fog will have the effect of reducing the movement / attack degree until the poison fog disappears or leaves the area of ​​the poison fog."

"The poisonous mist formed by the cursing agent has been extended to fifteen seconds, but it can be dispelled or purified."

"You can also throw beneficial yào agents at your allies, forming a piece of smoke that lasts for ten seconds. Allies within a range of ten meters centered on the landing point will get a range gain effect that will correspond to yào agents. Simultaneous mobility / attack Add 3 to the effect duration in seconds. "

"Throwing the yào agent will have a lower range gain effect than direct drinking." (For example, throwing a yào agent with +3 strength to go out will produce a group strength +2 effect, throwing agility + 3jīng **** +3 yào agent Go out, the effect is the range + 2 / + 2)

"Warning: From now on, whenever you throw a yào agent, it will cost jīng divine power 2 points."

"It's OK?" Fang Senyan, who was suddenly reminded, really felt something unexpected. He hurriedly mobilized a skill tree and felt that he was clearly writing this.

"So, if so ..." Fang Senyan's eyes suddenly flashed a light. He started to look at these things in front of him, his eyes rested on the stack of parchment papers on the right, and then looked at the goose máo dip pen with a very hard pen next to him, and he suddenly yelled, and there was bright in his cry. Enlightenment, surprise, annoyance, regret, anxiety and so on.

Then Fang Senyan grabbed the top few pieces of parchment and stuffed them into his arms. Then he took a thin piece of silk from the table next to him and ran towards the stairs leaving the mage tower frantically. It looks like a monkey that has been roasted to the bottom by the fire

It can be said that Fang Senyan was lucky, because he did not get caught until he ran out of the mage tower and reached the edge of the orc city.

But it can also be said that Fang Senyan is unfortunate, because it only takes up to ten seconds at most, he can disappear behind the rocks, shrubs, and sparse snow, so that he will never be felt by the first half-orcs who retreated early Then crazy chasing.

Do not forget that Fang Senyan has been weakened to the extreme at this time. The data is: power 8 points / agility 6 points / physical strength 12 points / perception 11 points / charm 6 points / wisdom 5 points / jīng **** 4 points Big scrap

The soft snow crunched on it. Fang Senyan has not tried such a big mouth gasping for a long time, so that his lungs almost exploded. He took a sip of snow and stuffed it into his mouth. Chewing with a big mouth, the throat knot greedily swallowed and swallowed the melting ice water.

If it were n’t for the "Blessing of the Dawn jīng Spirit" blessed by the girl from Wuge, it would be extremely effective to assimilate Fang Senyan with nature, and those half-orcs who are pursuing it will believe that Fang Senyan has been captured a hundred times

This is the case. The snow that occasionally appears on the ground will still use the way of the seller's Mori to show the direction of the rear chaser.

"This **** group of guys, I can't be caught now," Fang Senyan shouted in his heart. Although his will was very firm, at this time the weakness of ròu's body greatly restricted his swing.

Although there is a rock cover behind him, and the chaser hasn't seen himself for a while, the front is a long snow **** showing at least 75 degrees. If Fang Senyan is in its heyday, oh no, even if it is talented I still dare to directly take a difficult run and jump, but now ... if you dare to do so, then there is no doubt that you are looking for death, oh no, it is back to space early.

The three half-orcs who chased behind were breathing closer and closer, and at most about a hundred meters Fang Senyan bit his teeth, sitting on the snowy **** with his buttocks, and sliding down with his hands supported. Before you go, you haven't slid to half, the whole person lost balance and rolled down from the top, and his face was scratched with two severe scars. The elbows and tuǐ were also scarred.

But even so, Fang Senyan still bears the pain and continues to run with a big breath. Yes, although his physical fitness has been restored to the original shape, the experience and experience gained during the adventures of the world are also the most precious wealth that can still support his continued escape. Little blood is spilled on On the ground, it looks like a shocking bright red pocket road sign to guide the enemy's pursuit

In front of it is a lonely barren forest. Perhaps there are some trees whose vitality is more tenacious. Actually, in the snow and ice, there are buds that slightly express the meaning of new green. Fang Senyan does not seem to notice this. Head Without returning, he rushed into this desolate forest, and the three half-orcs in the rear became closer and closer to him, shortening from one hundred meters to less than fifty meters.

The body shape of the half-orc is obviously stronger than that of Fang Senyan. They scolded themselves into the woods, and they inevitably collided with the trunk. The snow on the branches was scattered, as if they were hit by a hail. The orc immediately yelled at him, filthy language emerged endlessly, and in the end he swallowed two sips of snow, and Ji Ling snored.

Probably they went on for seven or eight seconds ~ ~ All the orcs suddenly heard a voice.

The sound was very weird, as if the grunting sound when the water was boiling in a cauldron was dull, heavy, and mixed with sounds like farting.

The former half-orc immediately stopped and watched vigilantly.

Because he felt that weird voice was closest to himself, but unfortunately nothing. But the other two half-orcs suddenly looked at him strangely, their eyes stopped on their boss's belly because the sound came from his belly.

Suddenly, the half-orc's face fell to the ground in pain, and then his eyes were dull and twitched. In a very short time, life left his body, and then he could see his ears, eyes, and nose. In the mouth, the tender shoots of grass green are growing up, and it seems that a large number of seeds are taking root and propagating in the body.

In less than a minute, the half-orc was decomposed as if it had been rotten for several months, and even the bones had decayed and turned gray, as if it were a broken dry corpse and a large expanse of green had grown on the dry corpse. Grass.

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