The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 48: Windfall

However, although Fang Senyan knew the three precepts of the elves clearly, it was still not easy to tell the girl of Wuge that your history brother was well aware, and he smiled and pretended to be a **** stick:

"God is omnipotent."

Wuge Girl is the most powerful field that she has ever seen Fang Senyan: absolute protection. That kind of horrible power can be said beyond her perception! Because of strangeness, it is even more awesome! She glanced at Fang Senyan and said tearfully and timidly:

"I'm really sorry, my guardian, will you ... be unhappy?"

Fang Senyan was also very contradictory at this time. Such a pure and pleasant girl, and a gentle and considerate obedience, what kind of woman is superior, doggy style, upside down golden hook, everything is willing, even her own body fragrance, what kind of fragrance It ’s like dregs like that, it ’s really reluctant to be separated from her, but it ’s no other way. Fang Senyan took a hold of Wuge and gave a deep French kiss before looking at her eyes seriously:

"If we have to separate, can you promise me one thing?"

Wuge nodded seriously:


Fong Sen Rock Road:

"I don't know what the customs of your elves are, but since you are already so close to me, you can no longer be partners with the rest of the male elves. Nor can you be intimate with the rest of the elves."

"Oh." Sister Wuge nodded her head very seriously, obediently, and vigorously. "I promise you ..." I think you hug me again. "

"Well, it seems that there is still some time, and it is too late to do something else after the hug."

"Why are you tearing my rattan skirt again! I just reprogrammed it!"

"Good, obedient, open your mouth."

"doing what?"


"... ……."

After an hour and a half,

In the nightmare space,

Private room.

The gold mine is holding a large spoon, laboriously stirring a large pot of black and viscous liquid, and it also emits a very strong stench from time to time, and looming disposable lunch box sanitary chopsticks can be seen inside.

Suddenly, a small black dot appeared in the middle of the room. The little dot was so deep that it seemed to penetrate the mystery of space and time. Then it descended quickly and extended into a long black straight line, and then the long line often expanded on both sides. In a buzz, a one-man high black light door formed itself.

Soon, Fang Senyan took a big step out of it. Without knowing what happened, his steps were always a bit futile. Immediately after he appeared, he covered his nose fiercely, sneezed twice, and was snorted by the smell, yelling in anger:

"Gold mine, what are you doing?"

Gold mine winked and said:

"I am working on a profit-making activity. From the humus and fat protein-rich liquids in urban sewage pipes, I have refined 5S-grade pure natural nutrition, which is rich in oleic acid, linoleic acid, and vitamin E. Contains cholesterol, the best ingredients for caring for your heart and brain!

"I rely, you can just say that you are tinkering with the ditch oil, so much nonsense." Fang Senyan covered his nose in annoyance. He couldn't afford this ancestor, so he just went out. If it does n’t work, you can live with the reef.

The gold mine suddenly came to Fang Senyan, looked up and down, and suddenly laughed:

"Master, your face is pale, your footsteps are floating, your eyes are huge, your energy is weak, your energy is weak, your body is heavy, your hands and feet are cold, you are afraid of the cold and the wind, and your body is swollen. At first glance, you are over-indulgent!"

Fang Senyan's face turned green, and he immediately fled, but the gold mine tiptoeed out a plaster and yelled:

"Master, you can try my plaster patch. As long as three thousand points, one patch is effective. The Pei Yuantong Meridian activates the three-second magic effect to ensure that you become the super-dan under the bed of Liu Xiang on the bed ... How can I rely on you? There is no politeness and no tutoring, so listen to me before leaving. "

Fang Senyan returned to the reef soon after his return, and then eagerly asked a sentence he was most concerned about:

"Did Hechemum's eggs come out?"

Not bad! This is another major reason why Fang Senyan insisted on letting the reefs escape safely first! The rules of space in the last world are very strange: any common points, potential points, equipment, and props obtained during the team mission will not be able to carry back to the nightmare space (including the forged equipment forged) at the time of return, The rest are unlimited.

In terms of the effect of Hechemum and Eggs, this thing is undoubtedly a very precious item, which belongs to the range that cannot be carried out. However, Fang Senyan did not forget that he did not have any tips to get the eggs of Heqimjia, and without the dawn elves of Fog Song, this thing would not be absorbed and exert the most effective effect! So Fang Senyan has to bet on it to see if this thing can be brought out. To be more straightforward, it depends on whether they can be unknown wonders.

Facing the urgent inquiry of Fang Senyan, Jiaoshi smiled bitterly:

"You can say yes, but you can say no."

Fang Senyan:

"What's the answer?"

Reef helpless way:

"You first come to the upper level of the space. This matter is a bit complicated, and it is easy to communicate when you meet."

Fang Senyan hurried over, and did not forget to check how the "acid gland of the thorn snake" was identified. Unfortunately, the status of "Approval, please wait" is still displayed. After the light train came to the upper level of the space, Fang Senyan found that he didn't know what was going on. There was an unprecedented prosperity here. At least twenty or thirty people were waiting in line here. The reef is talking to someone aside, and it seems that he will continue to make various gestures, it seems that the argument is very fierce.

Seeing Fang Senyan coming, Reef beckoned, and then pointed at this humane:

"This is Aldarus, a **** from Northern Europe, who always likes to send money to me."

After hearing Aldarez, he put his hands on his chest and hummed coldly:

"Reef you stupid, is really good at using the art of language. What does it mean to send money to you? You just restrained me on the equipment, so I lost a few more times in the study for you ... you are the sailor. The reef just mentioned me, you outstanding pharmacist. "

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"How dare you be outstanding? I just put all my energy into this."

At this time, a group of people in the line began to call Aldarius past, and did not know what to do. Aldarius waved and said goodbye, and left with his head up. Reef looked at the background of his departure seriously and said:

"Don't underestimate him. This guy is very tricky in actual combat. It is one of the few people with dual talents. His three highest attributes are strength, intelligence, and spirit. Falling wind can also use long-range capabilities to strike the enemy. "

After listening to Fang Senyan, he wondered:

"Does it sound like a demon martial arts? How can his viability be guaranteed in close combat?"

Reef seriously said:

"Strictly speaking, it is indeed a bit similar to what you said. In the melee, his life-saving methods are more diverse: his mana shield skills can absorb a lot of damage, and his high mental power Can greatly reduce the hit rate of enemy skills, and this is just the life-saving means of almost all intellectual and spiritual contractors. "

"And Aldaris's greatest strength is that he also has a talent tree ability. When I last consulted with it, I was miserable by this talent tree skill called blood power. He can use his weapon. The magic attachment effect of Vampire Touch can also steal the enemy ’s life from the damage when it hurts the enemy! Because his spirit and intelligence are quite good, the stolen ratio can sometimes even reach the damage value. About 50%! "

"It sounds really tricky!" Fang Senyan really felt a headache when he heard the words "stealing life". This guy can also be said to be the typical of stronger and stronger. Fortunately, it seems that there is no need to consider how to deal with Aldarez for the time being. Fang Senyan shook his head, and then brought the topic back on track:

"What happened to Hechemum's Egg?"

Reef smiled bitterly:

"The coconut-like eggs cannot be brought out ~ ~ Space gives it a double judgment: extremely rare props for life. Because its positioning is very clear, it is the hatched eggs of Heqimga It is not an unknown miracle. "

"It was the orange eggs that were burned by the flames. The reason for determining the space was that Heqimgar was originally a very rare creature, and that flame was most likely the last one on the Middle-earth continent. The flame demon, the meeting of the two is originally a small probability event, and the eggs of Heqimgar are burned by the flame of the flame, which is a small probability event among the small probability events, which is a very unlikely event. , It was once ignored in the calculation of space, so it is assumed to be an unknown singularity by default, and it can be carried out. "

Fang Senyan nodded:

"So you brought out five eggs?"

The reef nodded, and then traded the five Heechmum eggs. Fang Senyan left three of them, and two of the reefs, because the use of the meritorious value has already involved military ranks, and the effect of using it as a high-level potential point to improve higher-level capabilities, so Everything is urgently needed. As one of the important cores of team planning, Reef is certainly worth such attention and investment.

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