The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Silver team is established!

However, it must be noted that in fact, the two of Fang Senyan and the reef are rare MTs. At this time, the combined health of the two is far more than 1,000 points. With this link, it can be said that it is almost A life came out!

Of course, this life link is not as easy to use as imagined, for example, in an environment that is not as good as the enemy. The reef is just able to carry it again. After entering this state of life link, it will be held up for a few minutes or more at most. If the enemy is in an absolute advantage, he will not go to the linked Fang Senyan at all, but just attack wildly around the reef.

Even if the enemy's attack power is weakened to the extreme, at least 1 point of damage can be hit. There will never be an "immunity" state. When the past damage is transferred and Fang Senyan is put into the dying state, then the link can be lifted, and even a double-edged sculpture can occur.

However, in general, the team ability of this life link has undoubtedly greatly strengthened the survivability of the two, which is beyond doubt. Besides, it can be upgraded? Although upgrading three terrifying team skills points ...

Next, because the team skills of life link have occupied one of the three team skills, Fang Senyan and Jiaoyan can only draw the team skills four times, and then select two from them. Jiaoshi expressed considerable concern at this time. If they are interested, they will apply for a draw. The four team skills D drawn are as follows:

A: Shelter LV1 (passive), all team members get the special effect of increasing the maximum health by 100 points and increasing the mental power by 100 points. Disappeared after losing team membership.

B: Wealth Management LV1 (passive), all team members spend 33% less on purchasing exclusive items in the space through the Nightmare Mark, and your income when you sell debris to space through the Nightmare Mark increases 33%,

C: Brilliance Healing LV1 (active), the brilliance of the team can save members from the hand of death when it is critical. After activating this ability, it will continue to recover health within 12 seconds, and the total recovery is the maximum health. 50% of the upper limit. Release the team's ability without consumption, the cooling time is 12 hours.

D: Piercing LV1 (passive), all team members' damage increased by 12%.

Based on the hoarse voice R's dial, Fang Senyan and Jiao Yi discussed briefly, and the remaining two team abilities chose the direction of survival: shelter LV1 and glorious healing. After confirming, the hoarse voice went:

"Very well, the team has been successfully established, so I will leave, I hope you can still achieve a good record in the challenges ahead."

Fang Senyan is also struggling to recover the ten fingers of the uncle who was chopped off. He was trying to ask about the related officer who claimed to be from the future. I didn't expect this guy to leave and leave. There is really a feeling that the dragon is missing the end , And at this time the opposite was restored to that kind of mechanical monotonous electronic synthesizer:

"Small silver team: Ace established!"

"You joined the small silver team: Ace!"

"Team size: small." (When certain large teams are required to complete a task, members of a small team can choose to join the large team collectively, but cannot enjoy the bonuses and team skills of the large team. Usually In some cases, it is difficult for a team with a lower rank to view information about a team with a higher rank-unless the other party actively exposes it)

"Team rank: Silver."

"Team level: LV1 (), 15 points of team experience is required from the next level."

"Every time a formal member of a team leader or deputy leader completes a hidden task in the main task, it will add 1 team experience to the team. In addition, the way to gain team experience is to have team-level exclusive tasks that appear from time to time during team battles. To kill and so on. "

"Team leader: No. 1018, current rank: Second Lieutenant. This information can optionally be hidden from team members."

"Hint: To advance to the next team level, the rank of team leader must be promoted to lieutenant. Before the promotion to lieutenant, if the team experience meets the prerequisites for promotion, it will overflow and there will be no situation where it cannot grow. (That is to say What happened)

"Deputy Team Leader: No. 770123, Current Rank: Lieutenant Colonel (Reserve), this information can optionally be hidden from team members."

"Hide team skills: Life Link LV1. This material can optionally be hidden from team members."

"Team Skills: Asylum LV1 (Passive)."

"Team Skills: Glorious Recovery LV1 (active)

"Formal members of the team can enjoy the privilege of silver rank: when playing team battles with other teams, they can directly suppress the skills of the enemy team, reducing their effectiveness by at least 10% ~ 30% (by the other team rank (Decision), increasing the chance of enemy team skills to fail to 20% to 50% (determined by the quality of the other team). "

"Informal team members can only enjoy team skills: asylum."

Looking at the final result, Fang Senyan and the reef both have a pleasant feeling. To be honest, the benefits can be greatly exceeded the expectations of the two of them. And the previous adventures in the Lord of the Rings world are indeed a bit of a struggle-the world of A-level difficulty is really horrible, just grabbing the two little bosses and crushing them out.

To survive in such an environment, the pressure is of course multiplied, so after the two were excited, they felt that great mental exhaustion struck. After saying goodbye, they hurriedly returned to the real world. In any case, recover and relax.

After Fang Senyan returned to the real world, he was still in Hong Kong at this time, and even Jessica called and did n’t show interest in making an appointment. She was so tired that she found a good hotel nearby and opened a room. Put a bubble in the bathtub and talk.

In the midst of drowsiness, Fang Senyan couldn't help but start to wonder about the next step. For him, there are quite a lot of things to do in the real world:

First of all, while working for Mr. Saruman, he tried out wolves, ordinary freshwater fish, snakes, dogs, and mantises. They can also be used as raw materials for the preparation of medicaments. If he can find one, he can enrich his own. Kind of potion.

The second is the problem of gifted awakening mentioned in the previous reef. After the war with Yiwufu, Fang Senyan also explored the edge of gifted awakening. If he went to Thailand to practice hard for a period of time, he should have enough confidence to break through.

In the end, it is natural to consider the problem of the uncle ’s illness. One is to urge him to treat the disease, and the other is to build the ship to reassure the elderly. It is also equivalent to finding something for him to occupy. Avoid thinking about yourself.

In terms of personal interests, it is equally important to formulate experimental new pharmaceutical formulas and talent awakening, but for Fang Senyan, who values ​​family and family, he can still rest assured that he is a senior uncle like his father. He would rather take a bit more risk for his survival, and hoped that his uncle would be happy for a few days. And when you return to Taiwan, you can also take the time to try a new deployment plan.

After deciding on the action, Fang Senyan's entire consciousness was also in a semi-obscure state, fell asleep directly in the bathtub, and made a uniform snoring sound. I didn't wake up until I felt the water was cold. Then I got up from the bathtub, went back to bed, and slept again.

It took 24 hours for a good night's sleep. Finally, Fang Senyan was woken up by several waiters who seemed relieved. Because this hotel has just had a drug trafficking scandal recently, they are all frightened birds at this time. When they saw the suspicious behavior of the guest who did not leave the room for 24 hours, they were afraid to be involved in another murder scandal. After continuously knocking on the door and getting no response, he directly adopted the approach of breaking through the door.

Fang Senyan was really angry and funny in front of this group of employees who looked sincere and horrified. UU read the book www.uukanshu. com shrugged his shoulders helplessly, but is so-called to reach out and not smile, and found that the only thing he can do is pay the bill and leave. However, after walking out of the hotel, I suddenly felt hungry in the belly. When I saw a large stall next to it, and smelled the burst of aroma, I couldn't help walking.

This food stall looks rather humble. Obviously, if the sanitary standards are strictly enforced, it will be unqualified. Fang Senyan easily got to a place, and they all made a table with others. Although the table was wiped, the greasy had at least thick fingernails, and before ordering, I saw a thin yellow woman with a stern face. "Dangdang" threw down the bowl, and the water mark on the bowl looked like it was apparently the rest of the customers brought it with a sip of water just after eating.

Fang Senyan was trying to dry the bowl with toilet paper. The yellow-skinned woman had already pulled a large aluminum bowl, and the iron spoon was rattling under the bowl, and then Fang Senyan sipped a half spoon of the thick liquid and poured it. In the bowl. The liquid was quite thick, mixed with many brilliant red and snow-white interlaced filaments, and bursts of heat rose, and an indescribable scent came out.

He couldn't help but lift the bowl and sip it halfway. He only felt that the soup soup at the entrance was silky and soft, and there was another wonderful scent of seafood and mountain freshness. When he chewed slightly, he found that his teeth collided. There are very "tough" filaments in the middle, which can be chewed off only by exerting force. It is very elastic and chews on the head. It is probably the fan inside.

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