The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Grab business

But at this time, the last remaining Batcho pterosaur suddenly dived down and attacked. (From the novel to the leaf · Yu ~ Yu M) It is the most bulky, so it seems that the health value is also the most powerful, although the blood on the body surface has been stained, the abdomen has been torn out for a long and a half M, the fierce wound of flesh and blood rolled, but still fierce, it is estimated that because of witnessing the same kind of killing and not planning to live, this was the launch of a suicide attack!

If it dives, just dive. It happened to be in the direction of Fang Senyan! It seems that its first target is not Fang Senyan, but a contractor who is entangled by the viper and wolf. The expected battle plan is to kill this guy first and then make a double kill with each other!

The contractor who was first spotted held a pistol in his left hand, but a dagger in his right hand. His attacking combination is undoubtedly predominant in the early stage. He can't afford to lose any distance, but at this time, such a balanced fighting method will show a little mediocrity, unless it can give enough. Obtain extremely powerful equipment, otherwise it will be difficult to enter the core of the team.

At this moment he was busy dealing with the viper and wolf in front of him, without even noticing that the murderous power behind him had fallen from the sky. Fang Senyan could not help but smile a bitterly at this time, shrugged helplessly. In this case, even if he could not save his life, the fierce manta pterosaur's claws tore and severely damaged the contractor. , Will also continue to attack yourself! In such a situation, it is better to take the initiative to save people and sell well.

So Fang Senyan aimed at the deed without hesitation, and rushed it out of danger five or six meters away. After he landed on his own, he was directly on his knees, crossing his hands to protect his head and face! Although the pair of finger tigers they are wearing are whiteboards, they also have the attributes of parry and block in them, and they also have a mind in their heart to try out the attack power of this world.

The fierce wind blew towards us, and it was mixed with the pungent breath of the blood of Manta Red Wing Dragon! In the harsh metal friction sound, the beast's claws pulled out two long Mars on Fang Senyan's wrists, and the remaining strength left two flesh wounds on Fang Senyan's upper arm.

The huge power attached to the two claws also came along, and Fang Senyan was about to fight against it. As soon as his heart moved, he gave up the idea. Therefore, the huge force even pulled Fang Senyan's entire body upside down, causing it to fly backwards. It was a full twelve meters, but such a gigantic attack actually only caused Fang Senyan to have less than enough health damage!

When the body was overturned and the person was still falling out of the air, Fang Senyan's mind had already turned several thoughts. He could obviously keep his center of gravity and roll up with his shoulders, but it was deliberately embarrassed. With his face falling to the ground, he rolled up and gasped in panic. Under such circumstances, it is natural to continue to hide strength as the best policy.

However, after this block, Fang Senyan, who was involved in the battle group, was followed by a jackal wolf. As mentioned earlier, this beast is extremely intelligent. After seeing Fang Senyan being overthrown to the ground by the wolf howling, this viper and wolf was so excited to want to pounce on it ... one ", but it did I know Fang Senyan's wolverine is pretended!

As a result, this unlucky jackal wolf naturally stole chickens and did not resist erosion, so this guy was easily intercepted by Fang Senyan ... "... Of course, the scene outsiders looked like was Fang Senyan Struggling to block, it seems that the hand will collapse in the next second, but it still does not collapse in the next second ... "Fortunately, those contractors next to me are not vegetarian. When they saw someone on top, they immediately launched an attack. Quickly kill the **** viper.

However, in this way, Fang Senyan, who has been caught in the scuffle, would have a hard time staying outside and staying calm. He simply did what he wanted to do, and threw out two bottles containing auxiliary medicaments. Naturally, it was a combination of ten melee strength and long-range agility and ten intelligence. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

After the bottle was broken, although the majority of the contractors of the Illuminati were still struggling, some people in the team channel soon made an unstoppable marvelous sound:

"OP, save ...! Come in this smoke quickly, the guy's buff effect can actually increase the strength and the agility value! The duration is reached, the force is minutes!"

"Ah, how am I agile and intelligent?"

"Click on the basic attribute bonus? Are you kidding me, will April Fool's Day be ok next year? Oh, shit! It's true, *.

"What are you talking about, and what bonuses are so powerful?"

"Aren't you going to see for yourself."

"Damn it. This guy is not our team. If his gain status is to take effect, he must block the gain status of Murd and Devria.

"OPYY, Merde, I almost seem to be able to crush the **** in front of me, I believe you can understand."

"Defria ... Chuan San intelligence is important to me."

"Defria, with all these three extra powers, the devil-like bat-winged pterodactyl wouldn't have crushed me."

"It's lucky. After I have three more agility, the **** viper and wolf can't keep up with me."

"Hell, I started to like the guy named Sailor."

"He doesn't like **** guys. Your affection is useless."

... "" ... "

The contractor is not a fool. Of course, the value of the six basic attributes is of course greater than the attack power. The gill plus the hit rate and the crit rate are much more powerful! Because this is completely equivalent to the basic attributes of a piece of black equipment or even silver plot equipment.

In this place where life and death are at stake, what is true is false, and survival is true! Moreover, for these contracts, it seems that choosing Fang Senyan's gain status to take effect does not need to pay any additional losses, and the damage hurts only Lige, the two men of Merde and Devria.

In this state of mind, Fang Senyan soon began to continuously obtain additional battlefield contribution rewards, obviously these should belong to the two sad reminders of the Illumination Society. However, their faces were extremely ugly. They could not force others to block Fang Senyan's status.

I have to say that the strength of the Illumination Society is also very powerful. After the previous panic, once the hands are freed up, the speed of cleaning up these cunning beasts is also quite fast. However, at this time, a large group of viper wolves rushed out from the forest in the distance! There even appeared several individuals with significantly larger heads, apparently the roles of elite corpses.

These beasts from reinforcements did not give the light a chance to breathe, and launched a steady stream of attacks! In such a protracted battle, there is no doubt that the melee contractor on the front line has been downsized. At this time, Fang Senyan also saw the powerful team skills of the Illuminati: transmission! Obviously, this skill was acquired at a great price.

Once someone is driven into the dying state, it instantly produces a teleportation effect. However, the destination of the move should be a team member who has been set in advance. This team member should have the ability to treat and respond. Of course, the transmission distance cannot be infinite, it should be within 50 meters. Of course, there is no protection status for being attacked by monsters, so once it is spiked, this ability will also be invalidated.

Looking at the melee contractor's downsizing, the loopholes appearing are also getting bigger and bigger. Another core of the team came out of the channel in the spaceship. This person's name was Yuan Zhan, which sounded like an Asian, but Fang Senyan had never seen him before. At this moment, he saw the green light flash on his ten fingers, and finally gathered into two green light groups and shot into the ground.

Less than tens of seconds later, the corpses of the viper and wolf around them dried up and rotted. At last, two bushes up to 56 meters in height quickly grew from the ground. The bushes had no leaves, and the staggered tentacles had sharp spikes . Once a beast approaches, it will raise the tentacle whip and beat it fiercely. The attack power is average, but the dual genus with poisonous repulsion appears to be excellent for defense.

In addition, Yuan Zhan also summoned five giant wolves to join the battle group. He turned out to be a guy who can be summoned by plants and corpses!

In addition to this ~ ~ Fang Senyan still remembers that Phil was also a summoner at this time. The wolf summoned by this guy is very distressed even if he has some injuries and broken skins. Phil put the five wolves out to the front, wasn't he nervous enough to worry about death?

The expression of the original Zhan Zhan was indifferent, and it was clear that the giant wolf was regarded as a consumable. Then Fang Senyan directly judged a very important thing, this guy must have a very strong ability to summon! If it is not good, the rate of taming is very high, so dare to consume it like this! The guy who can be the core in the Illuminati is really well-deserved!

... "" ... "

Despite the help of these two strains of acupuncture and poisonous thorns, Akafeel also felt tired.

After all, it is definitely not an easy task to wave this tower shield called "Aisinos Barrier" to defend and attack. In fact, the basic attributes of Akafil are just enough to reach the barely used hands. The condition of the shield is nothing more than strength.

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