The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 11: 300,000 lives!

Chapter Eleven Thousands of Life!

Despite being like a tall and witty musician, the contractor was not discouraged and continued to yell with a loud wave of his hands:

"There is no doubt that the first two or three batches of viper wolves should definitely come, because the sonic boom and collision produced by the big iron cricket behind our butts when they landed angered them, and they might even destroy them. Nest, and the reason why the manta pterosaur visited is mostly because of the strong black smoke rising from the curious engine. "

"Don't make a fool ..."

"Shut your mouth, otherwise I wouldn't mind using a bullet to calm you down."

"Friend, listen to me ... shut up"

"Bang ~~~~~ Next time I will aim at your head."

Fang Senyan heard the words of the contractor, but his eyes were fixed. Then he walked over and said to the contractor:

"Hi friend, your theory seems fresh."

The contractor was in depression, shook his head helplessly:

"This is actually very simple common sense. What attracted these horrible beasts in the first place should be their curiosity and anger. But all creatures have only two instincts to live, live, and reproduce now. I am worried about attracting other ones The beast rushed over, and the power was even stronger. The blood on these battlefields is the most powerful yòu bait. "

"The most frightening thing is that if the battle continues for a long time, there will be a chain reaction ...... That is, the more we kill, the more blood we will make, and the more beasts that come to hunt. many"

Fang Senyan said immediately after a little thought:

"You make a lot of sense, are you a summoner focused on charm?"

The contractor nodded helplessly:

"Yes, unfortunately, my most powerful child has died in the last world."

"Child?" Fang Senyan said with a little surprise, but he immediately responded. This should be the nickname of the contractor in front of him. He glanced at the contractor:

"I am a sailor. Your name is."

"Maggie, nice to meet you, Mr. Sailor."

Fang Senyan spoke a few words to the reef in the team channel, and the reef jumped to the high side and patted his palm as the most powerful mT in the Western District. His words obviously have more weight and are enough to finalize.

"I hate this **** planet very much, yes, I confirm this again, this is a ghost place that is extremely toxic in the air and ca n’t even breathe freely. So brothers who have just fought alongside me to help Bury these **** corpses in front of me, or who knows if any deadly toxins or something like that will be flaunted in these corpses? Hell, I do n’t want to be strangely poisoned while standing against jīng English creatures.

As for the reefs, of course, Mogansha and Fang Senyan must do their best. Someone took the lead and added the strength and prestige of the reefs are sufficient, so the others also responded. The people present were all contractors different from ordinary people. Even though they had no tools, they quickly dug out several deep pits dozens of meters away, and then buried all the corpses of these creatures.

When the buried people returned to the west entrance of the spacecraft, the ground on the battlefield had only a little blood on it. Mogansha threw a powerful burning gasoline grenade and covered it there instantly. There was a sea of ​​fire, and by the time the flames went out, it had burned into white ground.

Of course, for some beasts with a keen sense of smell, the remaining blood stains and smells are still like a beacon. After all, for them, the sense of smell is like a driver's license / computer necessary for a living in modern society. But do n’t forget, Fang Senyan is just one of the four battlefields. To be straightforward, as long as the rate of food appearing on the battlefield here is much smaller than the other sides, then it is clear that the pressure is on It will naturally decrease with it.

At this time Reef said in the team channel:

"Boss, the explosion rate of these beasts is quite good, and there will be a lot of high-quality rare materials .... So far, both ak and I have got at least 10,000 universal points, and The light blue keys that just burst out are still open ... potential points. "

Fang Senyan said arbitrarily:

"I know what you mean, you want to fish a little more, right now, these creatures are really not a big threat to us. But don't forget that our enemies are more than just these native beasts. All the cards were lifted ... Then, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng "

The reef face changed, and he sighed. After all, he was just a qualified warrior, and he would only consider issues at a pure level. Fang Senyan analyzed it from the level of human heart, of course, it was much higher than him. At this time, the next beast cháo blasted from a distance again. This time, among the beast cháo, a huge monster like a road roller appeared.

The stripes of the body of this giant indigo blue and orange are woven into 1àng shape, and the head has some combinations similar to bison and plate armor stegosaurus, but the muscles on the body are bulging and bursting, full of explosive xìng Even if it ’s a few kilometers away, you can feel the sound of its “hooks” trampling on the ground, like a dull and shocking drum sound. It ’s **** and violent resonance with human internal organs.

Fang Senyan's eyes flashed:

"This thing is ........."

He was about to detect, but at this time, a contractor who was on the lookout task at a high altitude had directly reported the data. Seeing that the telescope he was holding had a silver light, it should be a silver story Outfit. Then there was a three-dimensional microscopic data map in front of everyone:

Zebra (second-order legendary creature)

English: sturmbeest

Namy: ang,

Scientific name: bsp; Height: 5 meters

Weight: above tons

Explanation: The giant 6-born beast on the Pandora star is 5 meters high and weighs 10 tons. It is omnivorous, irritable, and easily frightened.

Strength: 39 points

Agile: ?? point

Stamina: Points

jīng **** :? ?

intelligence:? ?

Legendary creature ability: Earth Skin LV4. Increases the owner's health by an additional point / LV4 extra effect, so that the owner gains an additional point of life.

Legendary creature ability: Iron Will LV1, most of the reduction / charm huò / control effects are very poor for creatures with this ability.

Biological ability: Crazy collision, causing very horrible basic damage to the enemy + bleeding damage + hit fly, once the movement can not be stopped (immunity control effect after movement / and this effect has priority xìng). The longer the collision distance, the greater the power.

Biological ability: trampled by war, trampled the ground heavily and caused a strong shock, causing damage to all enemies within the range (banniu power-target power), causing 35 movement reduction and attack reduction effect.

Extra blessing in the space battlefield: Increases the creature's health by an additional 300,000 points.

There is no doubt that this guy is at least one-level legendary creature higher than the mountain monster. Don't mention the reef for this thing. At this stage, even if it is replaced by the Akafil using the Tower Shield, it is absolutely impossible to face it hard. It is also normal for the 300,000 additional health points of the space battlefield to resist. Otherwise, even if the 60 remote contractor is an ordinary Qi shè, it will have an overall attack output of at least 4,000 points. If there is no additional blessing, the zebra can only persist for ten seconds.

But after these 300,000 points of health are added, it means that all the contractors cannot defeat this big guy in a short time, which means that the defense circle formed must be broken and messed up.

As everyone looked at each other, but when they saw the beasts cháo surging from a distance approaching about a kilometer, they suddenly separated two black pressure from the big army, each with a significantly larger body. The head of the English 蝰 snake and wolf led the defensive circles of the two mén mouths in the south and north respectively.

Facing this surprising situation, the contractor on the west defensive circle couldn't help but cheer. Then there was a more gratifying scene. Many jackal wolves actually ran to the burial body of the former contractor and plowed the ground. Their movements were very fast. I saw that the dirt was thrown out like raindrops. These vicious and greedy guys began to scoop out the corpses and eat them.

After such a diversion, the herds that followed the buttocks of this class of cows became sparsely pulled ~ ~ Seeing that the plan prepared in advance worked, the reef immediately shouted:

"Spread apart, I **** the mobs in the back, all long-range attacks set fire to attack this big guy's left front tuǐ as far as possible to release the minus effect on it, do not face its head"

One side of the reef is conducting the battlefield command, and the body is already covered with a layer of glittering shroud. Obviously, he has put a "belief of faith" on his body, and then holding the shield to stand ahead. Fang Senyan naturally followed him without hesitation and was ready to cope with it at any time. It is estimated that under this difficulty, the reef is not likely to be smashed into the dying as soon as face to face, but if such as: rolling and ignoring defense plus multiple crit In such a small probability event, naturally Fang Senyan has to take him to run in time.

Two hundred meters,

One hundred meters

This distance has entered the effective course of most long-range attack contractors. Fang Senyan can even see the deep texture of the thick leather on the banniu's body, which is almost like a gully cracked after the paddy field has dried up, and there is still black in it. If the rope-like parasite is wriggling, its bulging tendon ròu moves under the thick skin, and the white gas coming out of the nostrils is even more than one meter long.

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