The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 17: Resurrection Item Exchange! !!

Fang Senyan leaned against the wall to reconcile himself, and after a while the reef sat with a wind and a buttock, and said with a little excitement:

"Boss! It's worth fighting for this time! I said why the **** world is so difficult, the original exchange is so powerful, you go and see!"

Fang Senyan took advantage of the auxiliary at this time. Although his attack power was not strong, he often could not get the extra battlefield contribution reward for the last kill. But there are too many contractors who have blessed the beneficial state of potions! Each of them killed a beast, and they would give Fang Senyan a commission!

Although this commission is not much, but the accumulation is less and more, Fang Senyan's contribution to the battlefield is implicitly among the top contractors, with a total of more than 8,000 RDA battlefield contributions. However, it is worth mentioning that it seems that all the contractor's relations with RDA companies seem to be friendly and have nothing to do with the contribution of the battlefield.

After the contractor around the five official staff gradually disappeared, Fang Senyan walked over to apply for the purchase menu. The staff member looked at Fang Senyan, his face looked quite disgusting (low charm), but after looking at Fang Senyan a few more times, he was a bit surprised:

"It turned out to be Mr. Ensign. I have heard of your legendary experience before .......... 唔, your contribution to the company is also huge. Please rest assured that we will give you appropriate discounts on your favorite products of."

Fang Senyan nodded, and the purchase list swiped open in front of him. The first thing that comes to mind is a long line of warnings:

Earth Resources Development Administration Disclaimer:


Based on Articles 2311 and 3188 of the Earth Interstellar Development Regulations.

The Earth Resources Development Authority may not employ armed members as active duty military personnel,

Expedition members cannot use weapons of mass destruction. They can only use technology weapons 50 years ago to fight on alien planets.

Combat aircraft must not exceed: the latest models of Samson general transport aircraft and poison scorpion gunboats.

All weapon built-in computers have been programmed with a factor that cannot harm humans.

……… ..

This series of disclaimers is actually because the purpose of RDA's exploration of interstellar is to request resources, not to fight. In order to ensure the safety of staff, it is necessary to set up mercenaries. In addition, based on the fact that RDA is a very powerful company, in order to prevent RDA technology, the military forces are too powerful and prohibit them from using weapons of mass destruction.

So in the days when they could travel interplanetally, their mercenaries were still using backward kinetic energy rifles to fire bullets, not even laser guns, let alone heavy weapons such as tanks and star destroyers. Because these are antiques produced at the end of the 21st century. The best-performing AMP powered exoskeleton system (that is, the robot in the film) is also the obsolete product that was reopened on the production line with the design drawings from the film 20 years ago. In other words, for the time of the story, the machinery they used was from the last century.

After Fang Senyan browsed all this, he hurriedly looked at the purchase menu. Although he was prepared, Fang Senyan couldn't help but took a sigh of relief, because for unknown reasons, the RDA company's purchase bar actually directly Items that can be purchased are equipped with unknown singularities and other items. Just marked the need for purchase with bold fonts at the back.

And Fang Senyan's vision quickly stopped at the bottom few items. Obviously this is what the reefs call powerful things.

"Animal control technology (mals) integration box: Many animals on Pandora are very ferocious, but humans find that the local intelligent creature Na 'can easily tame certain types of animals. It was later discovered that they The result of the connection of the exposed nervous system to the tamed animal.

"Through studying the neural structure of Neville people and experiments with different animal nervous systems of Pandora, human scientists have developed neural control devices that can control animal consciousness. In the experiments, scientists successfully controlled the heavy armored horse (rse), hammer The behavior of various animals such as the there, the zebra (Sturmbeest), etc. Scientists have also managed to suppress the fierce instinct reactions of viper wolves (lf) and death beasts (r), and make them simple and controllable reactions. However, due to the low availability and popularity of the invention, related research has been stranded. "

"This integrated box is a subsidiary product of this research. After use, there is a chance to control the above-mentioned creatures (common creatures only), and the energy will be exhausted after using it for up to three times."

"Purchase price, 12000 (10800, legendary discount) RDA battlefield contribution."

The AMP exoskeleton system (rm) is an augmented mobile platform. Referred to as AMP land mech, it is a medium-sized mobile exoskeleton armor operated by one person. The military world called it "army Apache". AMP is 4.205 meters high, 2.83 meters wide, and weighs about 1,700 kilograms.

Bring your own weapon: ceramic Kevlar and-high carbon steel alloy combat knife

Can be attached (additional purchase required)

GAU-9030 mm rapid-fire gun,


Global Positioning System

Front-view infrared panel,

Radar, etc. for navigation and positioning.

Health 5,000, defense 60.

Can be repaired.

Purchase price: 15000 (13500) RDA battlefield contribution.

Unreformed amniotic fluid tank (tank)

The amniotic fluid tank was originally an instrument that imitates the uterus of the earth's amniotic animal and is used for the cultivation of animals, limbs and organs in vitro. It has been successfully used in various organisms.

The body grows in a suspension that helps control temperature and has sensors that constantly monitor chemical composition, even when removing metabolic waste. Above is one or more artificial placenta devices (ums), which function similar to mammalian placenta and are used to supply various nutrients and biohormones. Computers also monitor equipment closely and control nutrition.

The embryo is connected by an artificial umbilical cord. During the cultivation process, electric stimulation is also used to promote muscle development.

You can avoid a death by cultivating your own cells in the amniotic fluid tank!

This special item will be placed in your private space by default after purchase.

When your subject dies, the computer in the amniotic fluid tank will start to transform your leftover cells. You will be reborn, but all equipment will be lost. Your opinion of space will also decline. So you will be in a relatively safe environment in the next few adventure worlds.

Purchase price: 20000 (18000) RDA battlefield contribution

Limitation: This item is the product of Avatar's failed plan, so there are only eight units left.

Seeing this, Fang Senyan suddenly understood the reason why the reef took a sip of cold air! This unreconstructed amniotic fluid tank even has the resurrection ability that any contractor has coveted, and this price only needs 20,000 points of battlefield contribution! You know, every time you kill a legendary creature, you get 1000 battlefield contribution. Besides, those ordinary beasts are overwhelming ...

After seeing this scene, Fang Senyan immediately asked whether the contribution of the reef battlefield can be traded! But the answer was: No.

"Sure enough," Fang Senyan nodded thoughtfully.

He then went back to check the purchase list, and immediately discounted his 8,000-point battlefield contribution immediately! Although strictly speaking, if you work hard tomorrow, you will probably have enough 20,000 RDA battlefield contributions, and you can also redeem an AMP exoskeleton system if you are poor! But Fang Senyan did not hesitate to squander it.

The total purchases are as follows:

"Water Margin Protection Layer (r): named after a series of protruding structures at the waist that resemble water marlin tentacles. Light weight, reinforces the hard shell, while maintaining high flexibility. Because of the targeted design, it can reduce biological pairs on the planet Pandora Your 30% damage ~ ~ increases your speed on Pandora's planet, and comes with an oxygen mask. "

"Various factors were taken into account in the design, so this protective layer can be adhered to the surface of the armor."

"Consumes 5000 (4500) RDA battlefield contributions. Cannot bring out the world."

"L Gun, this is a high-precision long-range attack firearm. The gun body is very long. Its special feature is that its bullet is made of titanium and can be worn like a" nail ". Transparent armor. The nail gun is mainly used to destroy vehicles and certain devices. Of course, it can also be used against various creatures wearing armor on Pandora. "

"Given the amazing weight and recoil of this weapon, you must have more than 30 points to be able to use it smoothly, with a damage of 100 ~ 140, and ignore the target's 50% defense."

"Infrared laser precision sighting device (refurbished). With this expensive and value-for-money gadget, even if you do n’t know anything about shooting, you can become a sharpshooter in every possible way. The things you have to do are similar to those The year-old child is no different: move the muzzle to move the deadly red dot to where you want to shoot, and then pull the trigger ... "

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