The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 27: Deep into the Pandora jungle

Chapter 27. Going Deep into the Pandora Jungle

The hot bullets flew out of the shè, hitting a chitinous armour of a heavy armour, and the pale yellow shè flew out. According to the normal situation, this timid beast must be Immediately fled towards the distance. But at this time in the * state, the guy was suffering from pain, his eyes turned red, and he lifted a huge, hard hoof and rushed straight to this side.

A group of horses caught in the bizarre * period was hn1uàn, and the air was filled with acrid smell of fishy smell. The female xìng heavy armored horse was slicing the soil excitedly, looking forward to the duel winners between the stallions that kept colliding. The outlying angry horse's behavior didn't attract their attention at all.

The heavily armored horse had just rushed into the dense forest, and was directly reduced by a roar of the reef, "heartbreaking", and then a group of long-term conspirators contracted like a wolf like a tiger. Without exception, all attacks were poured into its unilateral tulum.

Although the armored horse is amazingly defensive, when it is interrupted by two tues on the same side, its mobility drops sharply. Then everyone started to attack its ng mouth. The creature ’s ng front muscle ròu showed a straight shape with multiple breathing holes on it. These valves mén also greatly increased the amount of air inhaled, making this Animals have great strength and endurance.

But because of this, it also lacks protection and is extremely fragile, which is equivalent to its vital part, which can often cause very high damage.

Fang Senyan paid attention to Lear and Yu Ze, their performance was quite satisfactory. Lille's attack seemed to be fast, spicy, smooth, and splashed with blood, which was quite **** and fierce, while Yu Ze was very careful to aim with a pistol, shè to see, see The chance of crit is quite good, taking a single line of high damage.

Within a few minutes, the beast slumped helplessly to the ground, his eyes whitish and dull. Because all the spoils of the previous agreement in the process of completing the milestone were owned by the ace team, Fang Senyan took the white sè key it dropped, and successfully opened an acute angle required for "penetration" from the inside.

At this time, Jin Ximin had begun to erect his sniper rifle and continued to seduce secretly. But this time he hit an unlucky eye that was fighting a similar duel, and the guy immediately became furious and threw away his opponent and rushed forward. And this horse's opponent is also unwilling to give up and follow the example. You do n’t want to run away on the day of your donkey. I want to run after I bite my brother five or six. ? No mén

There is no doubt that Fang Senyan and their team ate two ordinary heavy horses at the same time. Over time, within an hour of Fang Senyan, they slaughtered this heavily armored horse herd, leaving only a few female horses to flee in a dream. Among the dropped loot, in addition to a few rolls of leather and horse bones, there are three bundles of heavily armored horses' nerve connection bundles marked as valuables. It seems that it should be quite valuable to get to the mén base of Hell by Rda Company.

At this time, everyone also got the long horns of two heavily armored horses. After giving them directly to the space according to the prompt of the Nightmare Mark, Fang Senyan also received the prompt:

"You donated the long horns of two heavily armored horses."

"You got the title: Penetration."

"Penetration: When you attack the enemy, there is a three to eight thousandth chance to ignore its defense and cause full damage. (The faster the attack, the more inclined it is to the three thousandth interval, the attack The slower the degree, the more inclined it is to the eighth thousandth interval) "

"There can only be one title wave effect at a time. Do you want to equip title / penetration at this time?"

"Advanced milestone: dòng wears open."

"Dòng wears the condition: you get five crystallized long horns of heavy armored horses."

"Hint: The crystallized long horns of the heavily armored horse can only be obtained from jīng British creatures."

After the penetrating milestones were completed, two contractors were not interested in the remaining two milestones and gave money away in accordance with the agreement signed earlier. However, they also felt that the small team of Ace had good credit, so they introduced a contractor who wanted to complete the predator milestone.

According to Fang Senyan's plan, the predator milestone will be completed next time.

This milestone is required to collect units of Pandora to guide ore crystals. "(The purity evaluation of this crystal cannot be lower than 16.8), but Mogansha has already completed this task. He stayed in the world of Xinghe Team for another seven days. The crystal mine collected by the captured Zerg drone was impressive. Can be universal in this world

More importantly, the purity evaluation of the Pandora-guided ore crystals purified by the Zerg is over 95, which means that Mogansha can only pay for crystals that are less than the unit of the Galaxy Team World, and this milestone can be completed.

According to the information provided by Yu Ze, there are a total of six Pandora ore crystal mines within 50 kilometers nearby. However, the scale of these mines is very small. For the humans of Rda, the cost of mining is too large and it is not cost-effective. Therefore, it was directly ignored by Rda Company. Of the six mines, three have been evaluated for purity.

Obviously, in terms of efficiency, going to these three mines is the most suitable. Because once a unit of high-purity Pandora ore crystals are picked up, it is equivalent to collecting several units of standard crystals.

But the so-called risks and benefits coexist. The huge tree called ke1utra1 tends to grow on the Pandora ore vein, and the more abundant the Pandora ore vein, the larger the home tree will often grow.

Although there is no threat to the tree itself, for the fighting Namei tribe, the home tree is the home and habitat of the entire tribe, and the natural tree dòng is their house, where the Namei people sleep and eat Weaving, dancing, and celebrating their eya ...

To put it more bluntly, the higher the content of Pandora's ore crystals, the larger the home tree that grows, and the larger the Namei tribe living there. What's more important is that all Namei people are very devoted to the high-purity Pandora ore ore ... This kind of fanaticism similar to religion is deeply rooted in their hearts, whether it is an uncivilized Namei or a cultured Namei.

Therefore, going there to collect Pandora's ore-conducting behavior is almost equivalent to breaking into your home. After digging the ground three feet, you will **** the Buddha / ancestor tablet from your home without saying any greeting. If you encounter this situation, will you go to raise the knife and kill him immediately?

Fang Senyan didn't know if the Earth people would, but he knew that the Naomi people would, so after getting closer to the destination within one kilometer, everyone became cautious. In fact, walking in this dense tropical rain forest is really A very difficult thing, the purple vines draped like snakes, the freaky weird yellow-green plants with knee-shaped féi, staggered into the layers of the tropical rainforest's unique ecological layer, and it will explode when touched. Puffball, with strong insects and creatures attacking xìng ……….

Even your ears can't be quiet at any time: the sound of cicadas, the sound of insects shaking their wings, and even the sound of frogs from mid-air combined ......... No, it is indeed the sound of frogs from mid-air, many The decaying trees formed trees dòng. The rainy and cháo wet weather made the trees dòng become disguised cisterns, and a large number of tree frogs reproduced by this. Incidentally, most of them have very strong poison xìng.

The reef walked a little away from the open road ahead, and accidentally broke a dead branch and clicked lightly. A yellow shadow reef was thrown underneath the shield, and the Lear behind was cold. The shot was cut flat by a dagger, and it didn't feel very fast. As if it was passing by like a breeze, the yellow shadow was cut in two sections.

This yellow shadow turned into two paragraphs on the ground, but it was crazy and dying bouncing. It was not until after the death came that it could be distinguished. This is a creature similar to a snake. It has a triangular head, a protruding chin, full of Toothy mouth bitten a dead branch, as if to avenge the world before death.

Beneath this guy's head ~ ~ There are also a pair of mantis-like blades and feet that look very sharp. If you cut them, you should be able to easily cut off a piece of ròu.

The reef took a look at Lille, did not feel jī in his eyes, did not say thank you, and continued to move forward silently. He didn't care about the reef that added huahua. Lille failed to sell well, the muscles on his face twitched, and he groaned and put the dagger back into his waist.

The trees in front are somewhat sparse, and a bright orange-red plant appears. Most of them live in pairs, about six to eight meters high. This plant has no veins and is in a translucent thin film state, just like many conch stacked from large to small, showing a spiral upward trend.

MacGee, driving the amp exoskeleton system, undoubtedly touched one of the plants. This plant immediately responded to the unusually sensitive rotation and retraction, and instantly disappeared on the ground. It completely disappeared into the ground. Some of the sounds of trampling on the leaves and walking away, MacKee's eyes suddenly contracted:

"This ... Is it a spiral leaf? Everyone be careful we are close to our destination, so we may be attacked by Naomi at any time"

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