The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Sweep the Lair

Chapter Twenty-nine

Under the attack that the armor of the amp exoskeleton system swept through like a steel storm, even a tree that is hard and thick to a diameter of two or three meters can not be used as a cover for a long time, and it will be broken by a living shè if it cannot persist for a few seconds.

So when the fire offensive like a violent storm and rain slightly reduced, I saw a few strange long blue shadows fluttering out, and scattered in a dense movement toward the dense forest, it felt like it was jumping out of the water The fish was suddenly shocked, and then shook its head again and disappeared into the deep water.

Fang Senyan flashed out from behind the tree at this moment and raised his gun on his knees. His rare quilt narrowed his eyes, tilted his head close to the scope, and raised the Nai Li gun (1gun) with both hands. You can see a strange little dot in the red is quickly moving through the woods, this is the infrared jīguang jīng dense targeting device that comes with the Nai Li gun.

When it overlapped with a blue shadow, Fang Senyan took a very vulgar excitement and pulled the trigger very simply. At this moment, he finally reached his childhood wish, like the protagonist in the Hong Kong police band or the villain killed by the protagonist, shot a hundred times and killed the Quartet.

There is no doubt that Fang Senyan's shortcomings in talents were made up by high technology in an instant. He successfully hit the enemy. You can see that blue thin thin shadow suddenly collapsed. At this instant, See the dazzling blood from the big tuǐ on the left.

But when Fang Senyan excitedly called "ok", a long whip-like thing was suddenly thrown behind the tall and thin shadow, and he cleverly rolled on the branch next to him, losing his balance. They flew up again. After hiding in a big tree.

"Oh, T, I'm going to curse all the dexterous tails," Fang Senyan said as he filled the sound. "If the gun can be connected, then I can guarantee that it will have no more than ten more tails."

Mo Gansha crisscrossed her cigar and said with a thick mouth.

"The only advice I give you is to put away this beauty and stand in front of me, and block the **** arrows as much as possible. This is the best way for you to show your presence."


Fang Senyan said badly.

The powerful armor-breaking power of the Nai Li gun (1gun) makes its bullets quite expensive, and the only shè strike mode of this weapon is the single point shè. Fortunately, Fang Senyan's reloading rate is quite fast at this time, and the shè strike interval has been controlled within five seconds.

However, in a short moment, the Naomi appeared again in Fang Senyan's field of vision, but he stepped out of the shelter at the pace of cricket and had completely lost the value of shè strike. Because he was born out of Lille with a stubborn face.

The close-minded agile special contractor fluttered sideways from behind the eyesless Namei. If the hurdle slanted over his head like that, the left-handed dagger behind him would not wave at all. The body moves, only a stern black light comes out

That dagger light is like a dark moon rising obliquely, and it will be splashed with a few strokes.

Strangled the Naomi's braid,

Strangled the throat of a Naomi,

Among the blood spewing from the fierce blood, the Namei who lost five depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles and a titanium alloy sharp nail projectile lost his life instantly and returned to the embrace of their gods.

B-level ability: Blade Dance. Side cut

The Naomi's braid fell from the forest, fell to the ground, and then turned into countless filaments and penetrated into the soil of the planet Pandora. The next Naomi did not hold on for too long, and was directly shot by Jin Ximin's roaring sniper gun in the process of jumping.

The remaining Naomi seems to have lost his mind in pain and anger, screaming and no longer rushing out, he looks like a guy who is good at melee, without carrying a bow and arrow, but holding one The broken blade made from the teeth of a wild animal was violently waved in the air, it seems that this can prevent the bullet from entering, and then ...

Then very annoyed, Maggie controlled the amp exoskeleton system and aimed at him,


No more then.

This guy was hit by thirty-seven depleted uranium bullets in an instant, and the sudden volley of the volley twitched, and it became a honeycomb alive.

Fang Senyan looked at the reef at this time. In the process of being attacked, the three Nameis were definitely not just beaten and not beaten. They also counterattacked during the run, one arrow missed, but the other arrow pointed directly at Zexing and the reef took the lead to block it. After this, but the tricky arrow from this angle really touched the shoulder of the reef.

Two meters long arrow,

Extracted arrows of nerve xìng toxin.

Fang Senyan glanced at the reef. The reef knew what he wanted to ask, and gave him the answer hoarsely:

"72 points, no crit, 48 points of continuous damage, reduced."

If the reef does not wear Rda's hydrar armor, a normal Naomi's long-range attack power can cause nearly a hundred points of damage to the reef, not to mention sustained damage, and the reduction effect of neurotoxins. ? This difficulty is close to the strength of ordinary half-orcs in the last world.

It must be recognized that the Naomi is a long-range attack, which means that a fire attack may be possible. If Mogansha is attacked by more than three Naomi at the same time, it is undoubtedly possible to be beaten or dropped.

"B + difficulty is really so strong ......... That means that if we next explore the world further, the difficulty will reach a- or even higher," Fang Senyan sighed in his heart.

Only three items needed for the milestone "Headhunter" were dropped in the keys that were dropped by the three Naomis that were killed: the Naomi's long bow, which shows that this thing is not dropped. So to complete this milestone, it is estimated that at least ten Naomi people will be killed by each person.

At this time, the rest of the contractors have begun to continue vigilantly. Maggie is very dedicated to controlling the powerful mechs and has taken the lead, and continues to conduct battle analysis in the team:

"In the movie, the number of Naomi tribe Omatikaya (aya) joined by the protagonist is about people, but Namei people who have the ability to ride pterosaurs are among ~ people. The height of the home tree they live in is Meters, the diameter is about meters. And the tree in front of our home is only less than a hundred meters high, and according to some information I collected before, this so-called Chihuataiqin tribe should only have three to five people Left and right, is a tribe that is about to die. "

Maggie came along all the way, making full use of his biologist's knowledge to make judgments. What is even more rare is that each judgment is well-founded and very accurate. Therefore, although he has recently joined, he has already hidden the rest. The limelight covered the past.

After listening to his words, everyone was relieved, and then swarmed towards the home tree to sweep the humanoid nest xùe, even if it was the most expected thing in the game, none of them .

More importantly, even if there is a contract agreement on the distribution of loot, only the keys dropped by killing monsters will be automatically assigned to the reef leader of the ace team. The contents of the nest xùe will not be taken by the ace team. Left ...

However, after the broken Fang Senyan hadn't rushed into the home tree, the agile contractor who rushed into the tree dòng first came out with a very ugly face, and his expression seemed to think a little bit. To gag, and some urge to pull a knife and cut people. Fang Senyan suspected that Huò went in, and he smelled a smoky smell in his nose.

Although the trunk of the home tree is hollow, the huge plate-like roots distributed around it have a strong and strong feeling of vitality. The dáng in the tree does not have the cháo wet as imagined, but has a dry, warm and clean feeling. Those ants and rotten wood dregs that should have disappeared. But it can be clearly felt that the space here is not too large, and there is no even a second floor.

Leaning against the tree wall or what could be called a wooden wall, there are some horns like trophy decorations, things like skulls hanging there, and neatly arranged damaged javelins and bows.

There is a fire pond in the middle of the trunk with cold embers in it. There are torches next to the fire pond ~ ~ These torches are **** with dried banana leaves and other things. They are also saturated with oil-like substances and should be secreted from some trees. Thing.

Withered vines are **** in the sky above the fire pond, and the hanging and smoked beast ròu hangs on it. There is no doubt that it can be stored longer. Fang Senyan does not know the beers on the left side. What it is, but the second row on the right, ròu, on the left, knows it, and is very familiar with it.

That's a human head.

The beard was removed by the fire, then the mouth was opened with a branch, and the head was roasted with the fire.

The human head's eyes and brain were cut off, showing a dark horror of air, and the skin was shrunk because it was tortured, so that the expression seemed to be twitching with a weird smile.

Strictly speaking, this treatment method is exactly the same as the way humans treat dried pig heads.

From this, it can also be presumed that most of the ròu hanging around was once part of this person's body ...

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