The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 32: Makji

Chapter 32: The Powerful Maggie (New for the Leading Pirate)

After Lear cut this note, the dagger with a faint black light held by his left hand quietly disappeared in the wind. This wicked and savage slashing was actually a sacrifice / at the cost of an expensive black sè dagger, but it can also be seen that the deep hide of this person, even Lille, who took the lead, was so jealous It is actually at the expense of a precious black weapon.

Suffering from the pain of a broken limb, Makji screamed. He rolled out at this instant, and at the same time, ng mouth was also full of blood, apparently also actively breaking through to the extreme. But Lear, as an agile elder, certainly knows what is the ultimate suppression of shadow and shadow. His left hand is holding another silver dagger shining between his wrists, and he never stops at his feet. The shadow follows the chase.

MacGee, who fell violently on the ground, suddenly looked up at Lille, his almost **** eyes piercing his face like a knife. Makji slaps the ground with his right palm. Suddenly, three or four traces of winding-like soil marks appear on the ground. In the dirt, the thickness of the four telephone poles shows a dark red bloodstained curve. The huge brown vines swept across like a whip, and the ends of these vines grew with serrated mouthparts, which kept turning and biting, which was daunting.

However, Ma Keji's counterattack didn't use these four vines to sweep across. The trees and ferns around the thick bowl mouth were poured down by the living u, and the leaves of the plants that were reached flew out more than ten meters away. It looks like a cricket that gave birth to a storm, but when the vine swept through Lille's body, it was just netg.


Turned out to be an illusion

The pairing of Lille and Yu Ze is actually so perverted that at this moment, everyone has no idea when Lille will change from reality to illusion, and from illusion to reality. There is a kind of everyone for a time Feeling at risk.

At this moment, Xi Zhao came from a distance, passed through the leaves, shè on everyone's face, and there was a burning pain, which also pulled everyone's shadow to an old age. Five Lille's shadows were also cast on the ground, and Yu Ze's illusion was actually created so true

The reef eyes tightened, hissing:

"Everyone stands back to back"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a hallucination in the shadow under MacGee's feet, Lille rushed out of it, rolled over from behind MacGee's back, and then fell in front of him and ran back to MacGee's. Open ... And the dagger light that flutters through it is as if the silver moon rising in the sun is on Makji's neck, and there is no flash between ng

There was a terrible sigh of fright, and the silvery moon-like light remained undiminished. He also cut a long 1àng-shaped energy on the ground, and a "wow" sound will set off a dirt on the ground. The composition of the giant *, spurted into the sky, and then the salad fell down. And the huge window on his neck and shoulders was already dazzling with blood, spurting blood.

Makji, who had hit the blow, did not die, apparently it was something that was used. At this moment, the brutal sè flashed on his face, and the four blood ròu black rattans flew out at the same time, pierced deeply into his body, and the blood vessels on Mackey's face suddenly burst out. As if the vine had replaced his veins, the horrible power was madly input into his body.

At the same time, Makji turned back on Lille's vest, which was fleeing in front, and finally hit Lille's body. At the same time, he could see the blood on the back of Lille immediately and sprayed, Terrible, the nails popping out of MacGee ’s palms seemed like sharp black barbs, and suddenly ruthlessly tore off a large amount of blood from the large leather ròu and even became instant black

"Go to my children," Ma Keji screamed as soon as he hit his hand. The two blood ròu vines inside his body emerged from the body, and immediately fell into the ground. Illusions can deceive the eyes, but they can't even méng the instinct of this terrifying creature to pursue blood.

Seeing the two mounds of blood ròu vines buried in the ground extended forward, Mogansha and sniper Jin Ximin also aimed at the front of blood ròu vines and swept wildly. But at this moment, there was a disconcerting muffled sound in the rhythmic shè sound.

That is clearly the roar of a heavy pistol in Yu Ze's hand

As soon as the gunshot sounded, Mo Gansha's left shoulder immediately opened a fresh yàn of blood. Mo Gansha's response must not be slow, and he aimed his Spartan spear almost at the same time as he was shot. The direction of the shot was thrown out (because it was impossible to locate the target, so no skills were used), but the sharp silver spear was only able to pierce the tail of the fiber of the tree deeply .... Then the two blood ròu vines turned out of a big bend, and directed at Mo Gansha and Sniper Jin Ximin. The reef suddenly rushed up and yelled:

"Be careful, he is going to use your breath to confuse the smell of his blood"

No doubt, the sniper Jin Ximin immediately ran away from Mogansha. This was a wise choice, but when he ran for seven or eight meters, another person appeared in the long shadow behind him. Lille quietly appeared behind him, and the silvery and bright dagger robe seamlessly penetrated Jin Ximin's jaw. When Jin Ximin himself hit the fragile throat against the blade, he dragged him with cruel pleasure.

Bloody water came out like a spring, Jin Ximin turned the muzzle and fired wildly in the desperate scream, the hot bullet penetrated Lille's body behind him, but he could only watch the wicked enemy slowly fade away. However, the two blood vines on the rear have slammed madly. If the python generally entangles Mogansha and Jin Ximin, the crazy and greedy shǔn **** their blood and slowly replenishes the life of Makji.

At the same time, everyone on the team was prompted:

"Temporary team member: No. 899771 leaves the team, because it has the ability to waive the relevant punishment, so it will not be affected."

"Now Colony Hunter 899771 can attack you at will, and you can also attack him at will"

"Ha ha ha ha" Yu Ze's giggle returned to the woods again: "Children, I haven't deceived you, Makji this guy joined your team with no good intentions, he will abandon you mercilessly after losing the use value "

Fang Senyan noticed the introduction of Makji ..... The stalk hunter instead of the reserve hunter Sure enough, Yuze and Lille had to deal with him first.

At this time, MacKee was cold with a low voice:

"You two **** idiots, actually bī me to such an extent, to be honest, this silver team I was staying was also t 有 ng comfortable, there are rare mT, there are auxiliary, if I will preside over the whole situation, then What a wonderful thing it should be? But now that it is done like this. I also express my apologies, Jin ak, and you, the Korean, I will try my best to let you live to see the death of these two idiots! "

When Ma Keji said these words, Mo Gansha and Jin Ximin were completely entangled by the two blood vines. The vine forked out five or six strands and hugged them like a python. The reef rushed up and didn't even help. Fang Senyan looked in his eyes, but his mind was full of thoughts:

"This ......... is it the powerful real strength after breaking the extremum? The hunter can rely on summons alone to form such a terrible suppression of the contractor? No, it should be Mogansha The strength of the two and Jin Ximin is too low to escape the vine twine. "

At this time, Makji, who had been drilled / fused with two blood ròu vines, stood up and looked unusually burly. A large number of black blood vessels also protruded up and down the body, and his originally broken arm also formed a horrible and strange looking tentacle from the blood ròu rattan, and his feet were also deeply rooted into the tree roots. Among the dirt. It can be seen that the lives of Mogansha and Jin Ximin are slowly declining to supplement Makji's life. Maggie laughed wildly with a sharp voice:

"When I pull my foot out of the soil, it's your death."

"There is no more chance." Lille abruptly drilled out from the shadow of a big tree, suddenly:

"Since we know that you are the Harlem ~ ~ The Harrin who has successfully dropped the three words of reserve and successfully promoted to become a formal hunter, how can you and you be unsure? Hands on, Zeus already told us how to deal with you "

The footnote of Lear's sentence is Yu Ze's coughing sound. The sound of heartbreaking lungs seems to have deep hatred with his own lungs. Generally, Fang Senyan only felt that his head was painful at this moment, and a severe dizziness appeared. The scenery is distorted like water, even more hazy than thin glass, and the reminder of the Nightmare Mark keeps coming:

"You are under continuous attack of divine power, and you will be in a state where it is difficult to control your body ..."

"You are under continuous attack of divine power, and you will be in a state where it is difficult to control your body ..."

Then Yu Ze suddenly appeared between a tree branch in the distance. His hands were raised high, the palms of his hands were facing each other, and the surrounding air shone with dazzling rays of light, a light ball of hn chaos. Rotating around in the opposite palm, there are still fine thunder and lightning scattered around.

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