The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Fang Senyan's Counterattack

Chapter 34 Fang Senyan's Counterattack

Hidden Team Ability: Life Link Takes Effect

However, Yu Ze's single damage was not high. After weakening, after the attack was transferred to Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan's own defense was calculated, so there is no suspense for 1 point of damage, and it will never increase ... .

"Dispel the magic, Yu Ze, dispel the magic" Lille yelled suddenly and frantically.

Yu Ze's angry response came immediately:

"Damn, you idiot, I need to continue to consume jīng divine power to maintain the illusion. I maintain the state of strong electromagnetic interference at this time (making Fang Senyan headache, blurred vision, unable to reinforce the strengthening ability of the reef), but also double the jīng divine power I threw the pupil of Thor who had just been thrown at Maggie, and it would have consumed the horrible jīng divine power ......... Do you think I could still release the dispel magic? "

"Take a closer look. When attacking the reef, the sailor there is also glowing with silver. Obviously, this is a life-linking ability. The reef obviously has completely lost its combat power. You only need to follow the original Just plan to get rid of that guy, instead of always telling me what to say, and finally warn you, because you deal with the drag of the reef, I not only drink a bottle of honor yào agent, but even carry the restoration of jīng divine power The yào agent has been consumed clean, and the state of strong electromagnetic interference is supported for at least another minute. "

Lille stood up abruptly, his eyes sharp:

"Who are you calling?"

Yu Ze did not hesitate to say:

"You're called, stupid stupid you're a stupid right, give me Makji's real red card, otherwise I will put your head in the fart ~ eyes."

Lille immediately jumped up like a cat stepping on his tail, yelling madly:

"You dream."

Yu Ze seriously said:

"If you don't give me, I'll tell Zeus."

Lille sank his face and said:

"I can kill sailors without you."

Yu Zexuan sneered, and sneered without fear:

"Without me, you are a waste, listen clearly, waste"

Lille's figure disappeared instantly. When it appeared again, Yu Ze was already behind the tree in the distance, and then a dagger was pointed at his throat and wiped the flash of silver light, but the dagger stayed in Yu Ze's throat. In front of them, the two then took a cat-and-mouse play at the same time, and looked at Fang Senyan and the reef with a burst of laughter:

"Looking at the expectant and sad look of the two of them, they thought we would be stupid."

"Wow, my acting skills are really getting smarter, and the roof of Broadway will surely be overturned by the applause I have drawn."

"The best partner like us, how could it be possible to turn over for a card? Hahaha. Here you are, brother, catch it."

"No hurry, you hold it first."

"Ah, these two guys are also a little bit boring, the last time the nv broke down and cried out everything."

"... ……."

"Ok, stop playing, kill them." Yu Ze suddenly said something like this: "My jīng power is really low."

Lilleby made a V-shaped victory gesture:

"Brother, you can rest assured. I have observed for a long time. This guy is taking the auxiliary line of perception + intelligence + strength. It is estimated that there is a good piece of equipment to support life and defense. But weapons ... Haha, sets The finger tiger on the fist and a shotgun are all in white and clanging poorly, but his consciousness is really good. Many times, he relies on pre-judgment to avoid the attack of the enemy to get him ... Takes ten seconds "

"Ten seconds ..." Despite being under strong electromagnetic interference, Fang Senyan, who had dizziness, brain swelling, and headache, could not help but twitch his mouth. In front of him, Lille rushed towards himself, he closed his eyes, and let the quiet darkness completely occupy his consciousness.

After seeing Fang Senyan's behavior, Yu Ze's face suddenly changed a bit ......... At this time, Fang Senyan quietly held his fists and stood in place, his eyes closed, even in the intense dizziness, he could feel it. The threat actually comes from ......... the foot of the left foot? ?

"How could Lille sneak into the ground and attack himself?" The question swept across Fang Senyan's mind, but he followed the feeling without hesitation. Taking his left foot back and taking a half-step back, Lille's attack suddenly failed.

However, Lear's previous action clearly stabbed Fang Senyan's right arm. Fang Senyan's brain just gave his left foot a command to retract half a step, but after a series of neural anti-shès, he turned into a right arm retraction. Half-foot

"I understand that under this state of strong electromagnetic interference. This guy named Yu Ze is not only limited to making hallucinations, but also can mislead the senses of my brain in a short period of time. For example, just now, he I misled my right hand into my left foot. If I have any doubts, I will be recruited ... ... the French breeding hunters in reserve can be so powerful? "

"Damn" host illusion Yu Ze cursed in his heart. His least favorite enemy is, of course, a contractor who has also made a difference in intelligence and jīng gods. Illusions are extremely easy to see through them. The second thing he dislikes is the guy with high perception, and the intuition brought by high perception. You can directly block out the elements of the phantom for warning.

Next, Lille attacked three times in a row, but they were either avoided or parried by Fang Senyan without exception ... You know, Fang Senyan's agility reached 32 points with the addition of yào agent at this time, not to mention There was a perceptive warning, and at this time Lille did not enter the awakening state of the hunter hunter, of course, he could not cause absolute suppression to Mori.

At this moment, Yu Zemeng snorted, and suddenly pointed at Fang Senyan, his fingertips suddenly dazzled with electric light, and then shè an indescribable dazzling electric light hit Fang Senyan. U, like a whip, hit Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan had just noticed the huge threat, and Dianguang had already come to the front. Even the parry had a chance to take advantage of this great opportunity. Lille tanned like a leopard, and two silver sè daggers hovered around Fang Senyan in the air. In a lap, in the end, I hit a flame cross again. The penalty blasted Fang Senyan alive.

Fang Senyan fell heavily on the ground, rolled over a few laps, and hit his back on a tree. He finally stopped and fell. He gasped a few times, only feeling that there was a tumult in ng, there was a salty taste in his mouth, and he did not know whether it was the taste of blood, or the astringent taste of the earth that fell in his mouth. The scenes are twisted and jumping, and they are stained with a layer of blood red, which is a sign of rupture of máo thin blood vessels on the retina.

But at this time, the intense headache and dizziness in my mind shuddered again, and then completely disappeared. Fang Senyan looked at the clear scene in front of him, knowing that this was Yu Ze's divine power was about to run out, and he could not support the horror state of "strong electromagnetic interference". In the short term, this guy who broke the extreme value can't enter the state at all.

Fang Senyan looked at his status bar again. Although he had just been attacked by the enemy's full force, but ... but his 800-point life was still full 530 at this time ...

What's more, Yu Ze, the reserve breeder hunter who threatens himself most, has completely lost his threat in the short term. A legal contractor with a shortage of MPs appears to be a gun without bullets and a tiger without minions. And his large-caliber pistol may pose a certain threat to Mogansha and Jin Ximin, but for Fang Senyan, it is almost impossible to achieve much effect.

Wiping off the blood on the corner of the net, Fang Senyan stood up slowly. In front of his eyes, Lille stretched his hands straight, and silver sè's double daggers flew between his five fingers. Under the setting sun, there was a cold light like a beast's fangs. From the back of him came out an identical Lille again, looking coldly at Fang Senyan. This weird thing lasted five times. Five identical Lilles held the weapon in their hands at the same time and looked at Fang Senyan indifferently.

"Well, it looks like Yu Ze's illusion-making ability is still working."

"Although I can rely on perception to deal with Lille's attack ~ ~, the five illusions can cleverly obfuscate my pursuit."

"Since this is the case ...... hmm, although your two partners are seamless, the biggest weakness should first be those who can't deal with the same high-powered contractor, right? If it is a metamorphosis such as posture or metal teacher Nv people are here, the flaws of this illusion are afraid. "

"For example, these five brilliant illusions in front of me are likely to be just one Lear dragging four afterimages in their eyes."

"But it doesn't matter, because although my jīng **** and intelligence are a mess, but at this point in the battle, oh no, to be precise, five minutes after the start of the war, the second weakness of your combination is like The slick beast is as violent as 1ù in front of me ... "

"Boss of the reef, you can rest assured, Jinak, I will never give up, I will definitely save you"

Fang Senyan suddenly yelled with a righteous voice, the sincerity of the voice and the perseverance of the voice, it was really audible. There was a feeling of tears and blood in the eyes. Even Lear and Yu Ze couldn't help but feel that the sailor was really just a cloudless sky, a type that would never abandon his companions.

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