The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 38: Lille's hole card

At this point Yu Ze was dead, it was almost impossible for Lille to hide and attack Fang Senyan. Therefore, Fang Senyan is still confident that he can return to the title of wine tasting expert before he appears. After all, the additional crit rate is also very useful.

Time passed quickly ... Even the sunset was about to extinguish in the depths of the fog, and the funnel-shaped clouds that appeared on the sky were stained with a layer of embers. But the sky on the other side is a blue iron, and you can even feel how violent power is brewing in the clouds!

Obviously, a storm is coming. Fang Senyan took a deep breath. Although he had filtered with an oxygen mask, he seemed to be able to feel the violent thunder particles in the air were brewing and beating. The fresh air circulated along the nasal cavity to the alveoli and blood. The spirit was refreshed.

At this time, a person slowly came out from the dense forest on the left side of Fang Senyan.

A man with his head buried in his hands as if dragging something, although he can't see his eyes, he is full of momentum.

And the nightmare mark on the man's chest was shining with scarlet light. The light originally covered his whole body, and at this time it was retracted into the body little by little. Where he walked, as if the grass and trees were to wither, and the earth was to be cracked!

After awakening, Lille approached Fang Senyan slowly, but when he was 30 meters away from Fang Senyan, his body was suddenly buried, and the wind suddenly rushed to a big tree 100 meters west. Although he kept the appearance of dragging something with both hands when sprinting, he was so fast that he even dragged a long afterimage behind him. A loud sniper roar came in the next second!

Fang Senyan's pupils shrank a bit. The sound of the gun was quite familiar. It turned out to be the sound of Jin Ximin's sniper gun! This guy doesn't know when he touched this side, what's worse is that he was first discovered by Lille!

If this Korean is really good-hearted, then there is no doubt that Fang Senyan should be notified on the team channel before coming, but he is silent, so his intention is intriguing, apparently holding the mussels to compete for the fisherman The idea of ​​gaining the benefits of cheap fishing!

No matter who wins this time, it is obviously impossible to be in the best condition intact. At that time, there is no doubt that the method of sniping such a huge single injury is the best opportunity for "leak detection"! As for the **** of the team, Jin Ximin certainly did not quit the team at this time, but since the previous biologist Mackie has a method to quit the team instantly, why can't the rest come at such a critical moment?

However, Fang Senyan suddenly became worried about the reef, and immediately opened the remote contact method by spending money:

"Hey, reef, how are you there?"

Reef coughed a few times:

"I'm fine. It should be good. The Korean didn't agree, but he was in a coma and he couldn't wake him up. The **** flesh vine seemed to have a temporary lowering of the maximum health. We do n’t know why, just now There was a thick fog, so I couldn't see them at all. Hell, why is the speed of life recovery so low in the dying state? Sailor, can you? Hold on if you can, and I will come to help soon. "

Hearing the news that the two guys were unharmed, Fang Senyan was relieved and smiled:

"It would take at least forty minutes to escape from the dying state without the help of others! At that time, the dust has settled, so please wait patiently for my good news."


Jin Ximin was annoyed at this time, and his nails had been deeply plucked into the soft bark next to him. The thick moss exudes an indescribable moist breath, while a squashed fiery red bee-like creature is convulsing.

"Just pinch a fire bee! Did you find my perfect camouflage hiding?"

Jin Ximin muttered incredibly.

"Damn! If I knew this, I would use that A-level disposable prop to break free from the shackles of flesh vines and do something!"

Of course, Jin Ximin only noticed these slight movements and was discovered by Lille, which can only be explained by the horror power of the stalk hunter after awakening. But for Jin Ximin, after experiencing the previous psychic magic battle under the leadership of Yu Ze, he did not feel how terrible Lear was fighting alone.

"What about awakening?" Jin Ximin gritted his teeth. "Ghosts will also tremble under my gun!"

Then he pulled the trigger hard!

A "bang" came, and the dull gunshot echoed in the middle of the dense forest, startling a few birds and beasts that came home. Bullets with huge kinetic energy flew out at incredible speed! But weirdly, the speed of Lille, which rushed forward at a high speed, even accelerated a little! If it hadn't been for the blood shot from behind him, a beautiful red line had been implicated in the air, I would have thought that what came straight at this time was still an illusion.

"Suddenly ... a hard punch?" At this moment, Jin Ximin's eyes were stagnant, and a huge crisis suddenly appeared in his heart. He immediately took a deep breath and aimed again! Pulled the trigger again, this time, his fingers were so hard that the fingers holding the trigger were completely white!

The muzzle of the sniper rifle began to glow with a pale green light, and that feeling seemed to attract the surrounding air! Immediately afterwards, a dark green ray of light will emerge at an indescribable high-speed shot, and there are spiral-shaped broken trajectories around it, hitting Lille's body directly!

But at this time, something strange happened, Lille's body continued to lean forward and rushed forward, and a phantom appeared from his back, exactly the same as the body! The phantom was beaten so that the whole person shot in the volley and shot five or six meters, and the body was burning with that kind of pale green flame, falling like a meteorite from the air, and then tumbled to the ground. The pale green flame even spread to The trees beside it burned.

Just a moment, Lille rushed in front of Jin Ximin! Jin Ximin wasn't the one to hold hands either. He screamed madly and pulled out a dagger from his waist. Lille's hands were still empty at this time, but after he turned around, the whole person had reached behind Jin Ximin!

At this moment, Jin Ximin was shocked to find out that he didn't know why, he couldn't move. A cold chill penetrated directly into the depths of the body from behind, and Lille drank aloud, making a big spin, and the shadow behind him also made exactly the same behavior, you can see A large dark blue light swept across Jin Ximin's neck in a way that swept the world!

Time seemed to freeze a little at this moment. The dagger held by Jin Ximin fell off with a bang, and then he covered his neck. The rattle in his throat rang, and the incredible pain in his eyes was extraordinarily strong, making others look There was an illusion of sorrow for the rabbit, and then fell to the ground tragically and entered a state of dying!

Turns out to be a spike!

A lot of blood poured out, and Jin Ximin's eyes gradually dimmed, and he began to twitch helplessly on the ground. At this time, a lot of blood was ejected from the carotid artery, like a grim mist fountain. Dripping Lille's cold face also. Lear stepped forward and stabbed lightly, harvesting the life of Jin Ximin, whose face was incredibly scary!

As a sniper, despite the need to match perception and intelligence, Jin Ximin's agility is still close to forty points. His previous response was not uncomfortable. Even in close combat, when he saw the sharp light flash, The neck was protected, but the cut was directly kissed and the head was cut, and there was no trace of firework. The violent knife was actually cut as if the two knives were cut together. There was even one. Plant a mood of leaves falling from the air!

"Don't think of it? I would give up my double dagger! I put on such a long knife?" Lille, blood-stained, arrogantly faced Fang Senyan Road. After awakening, he replaced his own pair of rare silver plot-grade daggers ~ ~ instead, holding a long knife that looked only dark blue with both hands.

It ’s just that although the light of this long knife only shows dark blue, it feels as deep as the sea, and the blood stains are not contaminated at all. What is more terrifying is that the deep blue light above the long knife is condensed instead of condensed. Scattered, hold in your hands, you can even see a little bit of light falling down, floating in the air before landing. This is a feature that the long sword has been strengthened to +7!

As soon as Jin Ximin died, a reminder would come from the natural team. Fang Senyan was indifferent, watching Lille holding the long knife lightly:

"After you have carried out continuous attacks on me, you must have discovered that my defensive ability is quite restrained against that type of attack with high attack speed and low damage. Therefore, I originally thought that after you awaken, you will rely on your speed advantage and That Frost Boomerang's deceleration ability, took out a long-range combat firearm to deal with me, I did not expect it to be a two-handed weapon ...... in this way, the main attribute after you wake up is undoubtedly agility, secondary attribute It must be the power of choice, +15 power! "

Lille's body was stiff, and he took a deep breath, dragging his long sword at Fang Senyan and rushing towards it, and the afterimage behind him followed with a strange and fluttering weirdness. Behind it, he immediately cut it off at Fang Senyan! !

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