The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 40: Stand up

Chapter forty stands

"Speaking of which, you are really a perverted guy. You can crush Yuze. The strength value is at least 30 or more. You can perceive more than 20. It is even more strange that your life value is actually 400 points. 500 points, defense at 20 points, and you * such a guy can also provide powerful assistance. Intellectual jīng should also pass 20 points. "

"It's been a long time since I have encountered a fool like you. If I hadn't ventured out of my flaws before, and seized the opportunity to give you a fatal blow, then I might really be hurt by both of you. Now you How much life is left? Two hundred, three hundred? How much blood do you still have to shed? "

In the face of Lille's provocation, Fang Senyan was silent, his face pale, and stepped back, blood dripping from the bruising knife wound at ng mouth, splashing all over the ground. Lille had the upper hand at this time, and when he was proud, he lifted his long sword and slashed away.

The two sides have once again fallen into the previous offensive and stalemate phase, but this time Lille has gained the confidence to win, and it seems that it has taken the advantage of the sword and waved, but it is step by step, and there is absolutely no chance of escape Ken gave Fang Senyan, but at this time Fang Senyan's counterattack in Lille's eyes was filled with futility of trapped beasts.

The two fought again for several minutes, and Lille stepped back and retracted his sword, saying coldly:

"go to hell"

At this moment he didn't know why in his heart, and a vague sense of ominousness was born. Probably the case where the opponent has suddenly turned over. Therefore, although the shadow avatar will continue to consume jīng divine power, Lille also made up his mind at this time, and moved his most powerful ability at present.

His body suddenly disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Fang Senyan who looked stunned.

The face of sèyīn Lier fluttered sideways from behind Fang Senyan, a hollow heel turned over his head, but the long knife held by his right hand behind him outlined a sharp dark blue sè light, like a splash of ink Came down.

That knife light is like a blue moon rising obliquely, passing by Fang Senyan's cheek and passing by Fang Senyan's ng.

B-level ability: Blade Dance. Side cut

This inscrutable chop immediately caused Fang Senyan to scream with pain and anger, like a dying beast, who rolled on the ground for dozens of times and then hid his face and fled. After taking out a bottle of cursed yào agent, he fell heavily on the ground and broke off with a rising poisonous mist, then turned and fled, completely ignoring his own back and being violently under the sword of Lille.

Lille's eyes flashed with excitement and bloodthirsty. As soon as the dizzy time passed, he didn't care about the poisonous mist and immediately drew tu. His agility at this time has already passed the extreme. Although the poisonous fog will be reduced, he only chased less than 30 meters and came behind Fang Senyan.

Double tu

After leaping high, he held a long knife in both hands and aimed at Fang Senyan's back to cut it down. He already had the will to win.

But but

At this moment, Fang Senyan, who was already a prey, clenched his fists with both hands and turned back.

The eyes of the two looked at each other suddenly. Lille immediately developed a feeling of "eye injury", because Fang Senyan's eyes did not have the cowardice he intended, without the pain and fear that he expected, the pair of wild eyes filled with wildness, 桀骜And the belief of victory

Suddenly, Lille had the illusion of lifting his sword to a towering mountain range where he could not see the top at all, but his heart was also very tenacious.

With a swipe, blood appeared, and the left hand Fang Senyan used to block was directly cut off alive, flew for five or six meters, and then "popped" and fell to the ground. And the sword still swept down. If the flowing Yangtze River was vented like a river, it also left a deep knife mark on the land for more than ten meters.

Even several giant plants in the rear have suffered from the pond fish, and were smashed with two swords, collapsed, and the sky was filled with smoke.

But at the same time, Fang Senyan's neck flashed with dark gold, and his right fist was shrouded in a light blue light.

Dark Gold Necklace: Smith's Matrix Chip Capabilities, Formatting ...

Armor special effects fast fierce bee primed jī live ...

At this time, Lille was still falling in the air, and Fang Senyan's right fist struck lightningly and bombarded with mad thunder on his left tuk.

Critical strike


Fang Senyan's first punch gave Lille great pain, but from the second punch, Lille felt that his big tutu on the left seemed to have been trampled directly by an elephant, and the third punch ... he had no Feeling.

The only significance this situation represents is that ... his left tu is obsolete.

In the first second Lille was proud, but in the second, he was facing an extremely dangerous situation.

At this moment, Lille's heart sank, and he couldn't help the feeling of huge loss, depression, and fall in his heart.

Desperate howl like a wolf caught in a trap

But his call in the next second stopped abruptly, because the amount of violent violence attached to Fang Senyan's fist burst, and the three consecutive punches not only directly smashed his left tuǐtu cheekbones into pieces, but also shattered the inside The whole person flew out of the air in a volley, lost his balance and fell down, his face covered with dripping blood.

The tolerance of all this: just for these three punches

This is to abolish a tule in Lille, to avoid the three punches he ran away. If he ca n’t beat him with a single blow, then the agile and extreme reserve colony hunter Fang Senyan can't catch him.

At this time, Fang Senyan slowly retracted his fist. Although the body was scaly and bruised, blood was flowing across his mouth, and even one of his hands was cut off alive, but at this time he felt more powerful, as if it were covered with cracks and cracks. The rocky mountains are still inextricably linked.

Facing it alone, there is a suffocating insurmountable feeling

The eyes in his eyes were mixed with perseverance, killing any previous impressions of Lille directly.

"You, this ..... a liar." The muscle ròu on Lille's face jumped suddenly, his fingers digging into the bark of the tree, and then he held the big mouth and gasped and stood up. He just felt that the black halo in front of him was like the three punches before the thunder and lightning flash, which not only crashed his left tuo, but also destroyed his confidence.

At this time Lille realized that his strength value had not been quietly reduced by 4 points to 23 points. But even then, Lille felt a horrible fact, that is, the strength of the enemy in front of him ......... At least 46 points have passed.

This cognition directly caused Lille to collapse, because it is clear that a contractor with a strength value of 46 or more must estimate the chance of breaking the extreme value.

This means that Fang Senyan may even have a hole card that breaks through the extremes.

You * a guy who is dedicated to assisting can actually break through extremes in strength

This means that Lear ’s elation is a joke.

At the same time, some neglected small suspicious points were magnified ten times at this time, and they were devouring Lille's mind like a viper. He watched Fang Senyan, who was bathing in blood, stepped straight towards him, his eyes were bloodshot. At this time, Fang Senyan said with a little calmness:

"Come, just need to add another knife to me, and I will be on the verge of death."

"Damn, damn. According to my calculations, his life value should have entered the dying state long ago."

Lille's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip. After hearing this sentence, he remembered many scenes of failure, and determined that the enemy in front of him was screaming in a bluff, dragging his wounds and limping. Dragging a long knife towards Fang Senyan and rushed up.

So two seconds later, Fang Senyan stiffly carried a **** vertical chop with his forehead. The wound was long and stern, and he pulled straight from the left side of his forehead to the corner of his right mouth, so that his expression was distorted into a bizarre weird. laugh.

However, when the blood was flowing, Fang Senyan also fisted out his fist, hitting Lille's nose with a sharp and sharp blow, and the power burst in an instant, and Lille flew again alive.

At this moment, UU reading Lille was finally desperate, he realized two things deeply:

First, the guy named Sailor in front of him is not bluffing.

Secondly, if you do n’t believe in evil, you will die because of the power of crushing attacks, which is too horrible.

He never thought that a person could be so tenacious. It was the most perfect and gorgeous offensive he had ever played. From the beginning of the first sword, Lille felt like he was incarnate for a full load of knives. The tsunami, the enemy seems to be a decaying leaf, can not hold on for a few seconds in this violent cháo tide. But now the enemy is coming back in the Jedi, turning over in one fell swoop.

Lille finally gave up completely, his eyes became terrified and dreaded, apparently step by step, the nearby Fang Senyan had put him under great pressure. He finally collapsed completely under pressure, turned away with a scream, and although he broke off a tu 里, Lille was a reserve hunter in the awakening state at this time, limping and escaping was still better than Fang Senyan's Even faster

Alas, there is another leader 4 tomorrow. Today 4 more words can not guarantee the quality.

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