The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 47: Demolition (Thank you for your support!)

Chapter 47. Demolition (Thank you, the leader of the alliance, for my support!)

Song of Rum

There was blood on the back of the acrylic, and he suddenly felt dark, and the whole person temporarily lost consciousness and stiffened.

At this moment, a tongue of fire suddenly spit out in the dark night, and a bullet with flame shè hit his little tu ,, and then an explosion occurred. The huge forward thrust made it difficult for acrylic to control his body, and his face suddenly turned to the sky Fell down.

But the ensuing four bullets followed viciously and followed closely, but the braid that made acrylic was swaying wildly, giving off an unpleasant scorch. It was Mo Gansha who was hit hard at one point and shot again.

As mentioned earlier, the Naomi ’s braid is as sensitive and precious as the man ’s words. In other words, the pain caused by these four bullets to the acrylic is almost the same as the two shaking under the man. I felt like I was pounding four feet in a row. As soon as the dizziness was over, acrylic snarled and turned back to shè.

But the arrow hole in Mogansha's mouth was still bleeding, and the blood lesson had just passed for a few minutes. How could he easily forget it? Immediately after shooting, the black buddies flung aside unscrupulously, and a Namei corpse whose neck was torn by Fang Senyan became his best bunker. But he screamed again immediately. The arrow that Acrylic shè gave out was painful and indignant, and the corpse of the tribe was worn. It happened to be on his strong tn ...

Acrylic shot with an arrow, not to hesitate, immediately resisted the severe pain from the roots of the braids, Shuang Tu leaped up and caught the vine on his head. He wanted to escape like Tarzan, but rushed from the tree dòng A fierce figure came out and chased it up indescribably high.

The muddy waters where he passed were extremely powerful. Although the degree of acrylic was extremely fast, he only fled more than 50 meters and was taken up. The fast injection effect of Fang Senyan's savage beast had been touched for a long time, and he approached successively three vicious and fistful three punches, which made his eyes black.

He was about to continue to escape, how could Fang Senyan let him distance, a bottle of cursed yào agent hit the ground, dizziness and appeared again. Once again, yīn's soul was entangled, Fang Senyan's fists roared and roared. Even if acrylics were fighting and retreating, it was often three punches to hit a punch, but that punch was enough to make him feel bad.

If the acrylic counterattacked, the enemy wouldn't parry the block at all, and live for the wounds for the wounds, so the tribe warrior was also killed before he escaped the poisonous mist.

Acrylic finally stabbed the battle dagger into the enemy ’s ng chamber, but felt as if he had penetrated into the toughest wood, but the enemy didn't care about the injury, and grabbed his neck with one hand. He was held in his hands, and after the entire slender body was lifted, he slammed down to the ground. At this time, Acrylic still wanted to fight back, and his tail fell on Fang Senyan's face.

Fang Senyan's answer was still a fist ... a heavier punch

In the muddy water splash, the war dagger pinched in the hand of Acrylic also reluctantly drawn an arc in the air, and finally soaked in the dirty muddy water, groaned a few bubbles and then sank into the water, the light also For it dim. Fang Senyan's eyes flashed fiercely, raising his fist again and slamming it down

A punch,

Two punches,


The Naomi warrior bit his teeth firmly and refused to make a sound, until the death came, and never screamed. But this is the cruelty of the war. He died here and the tribe revenge for him, but the human skull hanging on the fire was even eaten by the Native Americans.

After confirming that all the Naomis who were attacked from the outside were wiped out, the three raised a bonfire in the tree dòng in the home garden. Fang Senyan dragged all the Namei's bodies together, making the black guy of Mogansha very tasteful. With a heavy heart, the gentleman's abdomen is considered to be the villain's heart, thinking that the head plans to have a fresh indoor stall in Namei to barbecue to fill his belly. Who knows that Fang Senyan observed after a while and said:

"Now the thunderstorm is coming to an end, I'm afraid we have to take some risks this night and flash people."

Mo Gansha said suddenly:

"Boss ... you just said this place is very dangerous"

Fang Senyan shook his head slightly:

"What's the difference when you look at these bodies?"

The reefs were carefully inspected for a while, but nothing happened, but the black buddies were mén clear about these clans, and after a few glances they discerned:

"Well, this guy's decoration isn't right."

"Oh, there is something wrong with the oil paint on the face."

"You see the feathers cha chasing on these guys, all of them are facing down."

"And the hua pattern on their arrows, these guys are the same, the remaining ones are the same again, yes, I seem to have seen this hua pattern right, right next to this wooden wall on"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"I didn't observe it carefully, but I just saw these decorative hua patterns on the wooden wall next to you. Most of the incoming indigenous people have them, but some of the stronger ones didn't, but they were painted in the same place. The other texture patterns now look like they're obviously not in a group. "

The face of the reef is also dignified:

"You mean ..... reinforcements?"

"Yes, if we don't leave at this time, then the reinforcements are here. I'm afraid I can't leave if I want to leave."

Fang Senyan said earnestly: "Not to mention that the thunderstorm has stopped now. The biggest reason I was unwilling to go before was to avoid the ambush of the Naomi in the dark ..... you also realized the viciousness of the shè technique of the previous big man . Now that the threat is temporarily lifted, it's better to flash people earlier. "

The acrylic arrow directly shook the reef five or six meters away, dòng wear + skill damage + crit + poisoning, even if the vest that reduces the biological damage on the planet Pandora also fully deducted nearly 300 health And then there is continuous harm or something.

There are a few more tribal warriors. No, as long as two or three more vigilants are added to block them, then no one can advance. If it comes to double digits, I am afraid that the ace team will be defeated.

Facing the problem of Fang Senyan, the reef is still hard-mouthed, and snorted:

"It's cruel, it's just that I'm not careful."

Mo Gansha grinned:

"So I was shivered."

The reef face turned red, but it was a rare poisonous tongue:

"That's better than being shy on the wall"

Mo Gansha heard the three words "shè on the wall", his eyes darkened, and the spleen was choked in his throat, but he couldn't spit it out, but felt that he should panic in his heart, but he couldn't vomit. Fortunately, Fang Senyan slaps and begins to count the booty.

Their initial main purpose here was to pick up the work of Lille and Yu Ze, to complete the title task of predators and headhunters. At this time, thunderstorm has stopped, and the three have a team warehouse. Naturally, they will easily "pirate "The" was completed, and they searched on the Naomi people, and they only managed to get six Namei long bows.

As a result of the crowd, Fang Senyan let this milestone be completed first. The title of this headhunter actually increased the damage to the Naomi. It may seem a bit jib, but considering the composition of the title later, even reserve contractors such as Lille and Yu Ze also attach great importance to it, and there should be some very important hidden value.

In addition, the acrylic also dropped a horn with a strange shape, but also a slight black light. The three of them studied it and realized that it should be a key for Namei people. After opening, there are more than 3,000 universal points ... potential points, in addition, there is a leaf with a black light and a bunch of arrows. That leaf seemed to write a lot of weird words in blood, and the information was released as soon as a finger touched these two things.

"Name: Solid Core Tree Arrow". (Condition: Normal)

"Place of Origin:" Tread Riding "Tribe-Warrior Acrylic Production"

"Rarity: Dark Blue sè"

"Usage effect: Each arrow has ~ 17 damage."

"Explanation: A must-have item for Navitas hunters."

"Conditions of use: This item can only be used with longbow / shortbow / light crossbow weapons"

"Evaluation: The arrows of the solid-core tree are common here in the Naomi people-but I guarantee that the proud jīng spirits have never seen this, even if their shè technique is much more sophisticated than that of the Namei people." d Provided by Blackbird)

Move shè to hit Secret Uprising (Remnant) (Special Product: This ability can only be dropped by Avatar World)

Rarity: Black

Use effect: increase the master ’s jīng degree during high mobile shè strikes ~ ~ Requirements: Agility is not less than 35 points, perception is not less than points, and the basic long-range combat is not less than LV4

Note: This kind of ability is often very rare and highly intelligent creatures can master, and it is usually the true experience recorded by these highly intelligent creatures themselves, but it is very difficult to improve this ability, you must To find the full version.

There is no doubt that the mobile shè hitting the secret mystery (residual volume) was taken by the black buddies to learn, but the main point of the potential can only be bitter in the team's public account in advance to advance a copy. I do n’t know the specific learning effect, but in short it will definitely not be too bad. Although this mobile shè hitting secret mystery is only of black quality, it is very important that it is only produced in this world, which is very rare. It can be said that this is the only one, there is no alternative

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