The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 49: Extended difficulty, extended tasks

Chapter 49. Extended Difficulty, Extended Tasks

After a fight, the defense only realized that the strength of this group of uninvited guests was very powerful. Most of them were colony hunters, at least they were the reserve hunter who had survived the extreme value but stayed on the "Varkiri" transport ship Is a person weak? At least one-half of them are reserve hunters, not to mention the number advantage. Once there is a total conflict, I am afraid that all the people who come will be destroyed, but the remaining contractors will not survive.

The thirteen contractors came from the hell's mén base. They received a hidden mission, saying that a Valkyrie transport ship crashed at xxx, xxxx coordinates recently because of a special mission. The core engine of the Valkyrie transport spacecraft is very valuable, let them go and see if it is not damaged, then take it back. Of course, this task has a six-hour time limit and is out of date. In short, it is absolutely impossible for both sides to have the best of both worlds.

At the time when the two sides were deadlocked, the outside hunter group probably felt that they might not be able to stabilize the game, and then released the words, saying that thirteen of them stood here, as long as they could be defeated in the same fair situation. They immediately turned around and left, whether it was 1V1 or a few V, a total of thirteen V and thirteen, and it was ok to enter the dying state, not hurting.

The duel rules follow the usual conventions:

F system, (one comes out to challenge, then you can continue to challenge without being defeated)

After starting the battle, the space will be forced to determine the distance between the two sides by fifty meters.

Duel time ten minutes

If no one enters the dying state, the victory or loss is calculated according to the remaining health (percentage),

The winner has a 30-second break after playing a game,

Admit defeat,

After admitting defeat, enter a state of invincibility that cannot attack others (this is to avoid intentional abuse),

Do not use any objects during the battle.

Of course, in order to avoid the bad behavior of dying after the death, this series of duel rules will be notarized by the space contract.

Of course, if you do n’t agree, then these 13 people will also speak out, and they will have to stare to death of all of them in the world without gaining any benefits. Simply put, they will go to the secret and stay with the group of contractors who are behind the spaceship In guerrilla warfare, as long as they catch the order, they sneak in and murder. This rude remark came out. Naturally, they also took hold of the death of the left-behind contractors. They are still a piece of sand after all, and it is impossible to advance and retreat together.

So in this case, the two sides naturally fought ...

After listening to the context, Fang Senyan took a deep breath:

"The difficulty of this battlefield mission ........ It really is more than I imagined! We interrupted the beast cháo's attack in disguise, reducing the difficulty of the mission, so we immediately arranged such a The hidden task of intense conflict and opposition came out. Only by defeating these thirteen hunters, can we win the final victory. "

Looking at the monster dream with unbearable eyes, Hak, a member of the Illuminati Club standing beside Fang Senyan, was also shocked:

"Even the demon dream was defeated"

The black buddies chewed gum and thought of Rap, saying heartlessly:

"It's normal. The **** doesn't look good."

Huck's face sank, but anyway, he didn't turn his face on Fang Senyan's face, anti-net said:

"You will know when you go up. By the way, I want to tell you that there are already seven people who have been defeated by the long-stalker Zeisskar."

Mogansha said indifferently:

"Then they lost a few people."

Huck's face muscle ròu twitched:

"This guy was the first to come out and challenge, and he hasn't lost."

Fang Senyan's face suddenly became a little dignified, how could the contractor who can stay in the beast cháo be mediocre? And this guy with a katana won seven games in a row, and then reminisced of the previous Lear, the strength of this guy in front of him can be imagined. Compared with the contractor, can the breeder hunter really occupy such a huge advantage?

He pondered for a moment, but suddenly the sound of ak's familiar "DaDaDa" shattered like a gong sounded in Fang Senyan's heart, and an incredible thought burst into his mind:

"Don't ..."

He looked up, and in such a blink of an eye, the black buddies took the opportunity of the cold field to take the initiative to challenge the breeder hunter. Fang Senyan was shocked. The breeder hunter used a long knife and saw away Did n’t he be so restrained by his closeness? As he was about to speak, he put a hand on his shoulder, but nodded when he saw the reef, saying seriously:

"Boss, the reputation of Jin ak is not blown out."

Fang Senyan's heart suddenly froze. Since Mo Gansha decided to follow his own, he has indeed behaved extremely low-key, but it cannot be ignored that all the tasks he has given him have been successfully completed.

More importantly, because the members of the team are not yet perfect, the fire output is also completely picked by Mo Gansha. Before he knew himself, Mo Gansha was the leader of all the long-term contractors of the Symbiosis Society. How strong was the metal mentor? Is she the backbone of the team she sees? Maybe she brought it out when she left the team herself

At this time, the battle in the distance has officially started. After Mo Gansha crooked the cigar and raised the challenge, after the challenge began, according to the practice of duel, the two sides would be forcibly separated by 50 meters, and that face was coldly carrying a katana. The contractor rushed straight forward with a knife, Mogansha spit out a ring of smoke, and ak's muzzle pointed out the dazzling tongue of fire.

For a moment, the hunter's forward rushed slightly, and there seemed to be a few more cold rays in front of him. That was the light from his long sword dance.

Mogansha shè's bullets settled in the air, it seemed to lose its kinetic energy at this moment, and then, as in the freeze-frame shot of the "Matrix", frozen in the air, then divided into two and then slowly dropped, and at this time The contractor had already buried his head and rushed high again. It was like a cavalry. Even if he died, he would die on the road of charge.

Mogansha took a sip of the cigar, took the light blue smoke deeply into his lungs, and then aimed again and fired.

The hunter had rushed within 30 meters in front of him, and he continued to decrease slightly, and the cold light around him appeared again, but this time, after the bullet touched the blade, it was a series of explosive explosions.

Because all kinds of bandages and healing materials also have a cooling time, it is impossible to use them unlimitedly, and the rest time is only 30 seconds. Therefore, the breeder hunter has been fighting hard for seven games in a row, and apparently his health has fallen to Quite low, but in the face of such a violent explosion, the hunter Zeiss Carl raised his blade and continued to rush forward sharply.

At this moment, a flash of cold light flashed in Mogansha's eyes, but his finger pulled the trigger again, and the blue light on the surface of the golden ak suddenly shone ...

Beast instinct,


"DaDaDaDaDa" This time, it was the five bullets that came out of the barrel. These five bullets seemed ordinary, but after shè out of the barrel, the fifth sudden addition hit the fourth bullet butt, the fourth Hit the **** of the third bullet ... When the first hit, the bullet suddenly increased at this moment, turning into a white light and flying out, and caught the hunter by surprise Broke his throat in an instant




The faces of the new breed of hunters were suddenly ugly. In their minds, it was a delusion for a gunman to challenge his companions, but the situation was in an instant, and more importantly, it seemed that the other party was even ready to serve. None of the hunters

It is reasonable to say that shè strike change is a basic skill that all gunmen must master, but Mogansha's shè strike change is really too good. It can only be described by a "monster". Use ordinary shè strikes first. Let ’s give this breeder a parameter that adapts to the xìng shè attack, and then the second attack, it turns into a bullet and then it changes continuously for four times. All people ’s neural reactions are limited, and they are immediately mogansha Seized the opportunity to knock down the ground

Of course, it must be realized that this samurai hunter has lost seven people in a row before ~ ​​ ~ his various skills may be cooling, and the most important thing is: all kinds of medical treatment Objects and bandages also have a cooling time. Therefore, Mo Gansha saw the opportunity to beat him with a headshot.

At this time, the black buddies raised the golden ak with a swift pop, and shot a few shots into the sky with a big laugh, spitting a green smoke.

Fang Senyan smiled and thumbs up

The opposite breeder did not seem to be too surprised at the loss of his companion, and he went back and took back the Zeiss Carr, the contractor who was full of unwillingness. Another tall breeding hunter with a pony tail stood silently, but he was carrying a m4a1 with a muffler in his hand, facing the black crooked cigar in the distance. Buddy raised

"Wow, ak battles m4, are you sure you are not playing cs?" Huck whispered.

After each battle, there will be a 30-second rest period. With this opportunity, the black buddies are naturally unwilling to lose. Although he was not injured, he extinguished the cigar and threw a piece of blue sword gum into his mouth. It is a food of recovery type, which can continuously restore jīng divine power.

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