The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Fierce battle

This violent collision immediately gave Aldarus a considerable degree of damage. His eyes were dark and his limbs turned toward the sky. The wolf howled and fell out. He even felt a muddy mouth and his face was dirty. Fang Senyan was hit in the Caribbean world almost as if he was hit.

However, Aldarus also appeared a layer of dark blue shield on the surface of the body at this time, and it seemed to be flowing like the essence. When I saw the reef, I couldn't help it:

"I trust, this stupid person even raised his mental power shield above LV4?"

Aldarez climbed up after a few tumbles, but there was no decadence, but his eyes showed excitement:

"D! Come again!"

After that, he wiped a nosebleed. This action immediately aroused the laughter of others, and even those hunter hunters began to shake their heads slightly. Prince Starlow closed his eyes completely, and said that he should not listen to Ayros. He agreed to let such an idiot play. Ayros is also an idiot. Maybe he was defeated, so he sought comfort This recommendation made to myself after smoking marijuana!

"Well?" At this time, Fang Senyan suddenly smelled an indescribable sharpness from above Aldarius' body. Fang Senyan even noticed that the nosebleed that Aldarus dropped to the ground actually fell on the grass, and if the ruby ​​gathered on the surface of the grass, it would last for a long time.

The "posture" that occupied the first move did not reduce the vigilance, but she swiped on the crystal ball again and then looked into it. But this time, even the "posture" expression has moved, because the crystal ball shows an extremely weird scene, and four Ardares rushed straight at her from four places in the northeast and southwest! And it's more fierce than the last rush, and it must be decided! That feeling, people are in front, and the sword is behind.

If it was said that when Aldarus rushed for the first time, it felt like a strange mix of speed, then this time when he rushed, it felt like the extremely cold wind in the extreme north. , Rushed forward to the battlefield that ignited blood and fire!

After seeing this weird scene, the color of the posture suddenly dignified, and a hexagonal mental power crystal surrounding her body burst suddenly, turning into a little bit of crystal light to supplement her body, this time , Posture just stretched out one finger, pointing directly at the sky!

You can immediately see that the infinite suction began to appear on the front, back, left, and right of the posture, and then the entire four-sided force barrier formed around her. At this time, Aldarus had already sprinted in the posture, but when he sprinted to a place close to thirty meters, three Aldarez appeared strangely from the other three directions. The upper body is four people who rushed towards the pose together!

Obviously, it is impossible for Aldarus to have four, and three of them must be illusions!

So when most people face this situation, they have to do multiple choice questions, which is to find the real body from the four Aldarez! The time to do the problem was less than two seconds.

But Zi didn't do the question, and her coping method was to tear off the test paper given by the questioner directly!

The full-blown Force Barrier was completely transparent on all sides. The collision rushed towards the four Aldares and rushed over. As a result, the North Aldarus was knocked alive again and his nose broke and bleeding. disappear.

The Force Bund. High Frequency Shock!

Huck standing beside Fang Senyan suddenly said:

"Zi is very cautious today. He would rather spend a little more energy than resolutely avoid this guy. It seems that this guy has also put a lot of pressure on Zi."

However, Fang Senyan was thinking of another thing in his mind at this time, that is why the guy Aldarius wants to restore his posture to the best state? Fang Senyan absolutely does not believe in any gentleman-like chivalry. The probability of this idiot appearing is 1 in 10,000. Since he has already encountered one at the Grand Canal (Reef Furious, your mother X), then he will not encounter Until the second one!

From this, it can be inferred that Aldarez will have an advantage in playing the best posture. This inference may sound quite outrageous at first, but it is not impossible to think deeply ...

Altarius sighed, shook his head and stood up again, grinning and wiping his nose with his nose and throwing it on the ground, looking very depressed, and then continued to prepare for the attack!

At this time, Zi did not care, and continued to look at his own crystal ball. Then he saw that the next time Aldarius actually exhibited the ability to divide the three illusions and attack on all sides. She didn't find it tricky for her brutal behavior. She had great confidence in her abilities. How many force barriers could Aldarius eat? Crash? Even if the magic shield's defense ability is strong, he has definitely killed half of his health. How much blood can he shed?

For Fang Senyan, who has a stronger perception than Aldarus, he has more accurate data. That is, Aldarus can only hit the Force Barrier at most two times. After a collision, he must enter a weak state on the third hit. !!

But at this time, Zi frowned, and she felt vaguely not right, because this time the crystal ball prejudging was too short, but when she saw four Aldarez rushing together, she didn't. Now, the time it takes for the crystal ball to read the future is at least bizarrely shortened.

However, time was tight, and Zi Zhe decided to fight with Aldarus. His fingers suddenly pointed at the sky, and he recharged:

The Force Bund. High Frequency Shock!



The invisible wide barriers swept out from all sides, and the heavy impact was on Aldarus, who continued to hit from all sides, but ... but! The four Aldares disappeared into the air at the same time, even four were illusions? !! !!

So where is the ontology?

The front, back, left, and right sides of the pose were swept across by the extremely powerful Force Barrier, then the only possible threat ... is in the air!

Not bad! Aldarius is like a predator,

-------- Direct dive down! !!

His downward momentum was very fierce, so the wind blowing from his face was also anxious and violent, blowing his hair, his coat and his cloak all backwards. The man raised his hands at this time. At first, the muscle contour on his arm was clearly visible because of the wind, but this made him exude a kind of sharpness flying against the wind!

At this time, a dagger with a length of about 40 centimeters appeared in Aldaris's hand. This dagger looked like a monster and a very evil feeling, much like a monster's puppet. Toothy.

A line of dents was vacated in the center of the blade, and a dark red color appeared on the edge of the blade, which was probably the reason for being soaked by blood during long-term killing. The handle of the knife appears white, and the whole dagger shines with a light green light! And this light, Fang Senyan is the first time to see.

Huck exclaimed involuntarily at this time:

"Is this the light green weapon that can grow?"

Aldarus ’five fingers were bent like hooks, holding the handle of the dagger firmly. When he entered the range of his attack, the light flashed in his eyes, and when he held it hard, the dagger was burning with flames. The blue flame is just the edge of the flame, but it is covered with a layer of gray and black like embers. It looks blue and black intersection, which is strange.

Some contractors with poor mental strength and intelligence simply saw the flames and felt that their minds would be drowned and sucked deeply into them!

At this time, Zi was in the refractory period after the ability was released. It was too late to avoid it. She saw the dagger with blue and black flames piercing her neck toward her, but she was not panic. Closed his eyes.

Two six-sided prismatic spiritual power crystals floating around immediately flew, drawing two arcs of mystery to protect her throat. At the same time, the posture also activated the mental shield. The blue barrier enveloped her body all at once.

But at this time, Aldarus's wrist suddenly slanted, and the rubbed neck stabbed. The strange bone dagger, with blue and black flames, pierced the dark blue crystal. On the ball.

At this moment ~ ~ time seems to freeze.

It can be felt that between the bone dagger and the crystal ball, there are two indescribable forces that produce an extremely fierce impact collision. A fierce explosion occurs in an instant. The dazzling brilliance sparkles the audience, the crystal clear Crystal ball burst into thousands of pieces of debris. Flying everywhere, it looks as if there is an instant rain and rain falling, dreamlike!

The target of Aldarius is actually a crystal ball prop that can predict the movement of the enemy! !! It is not difficult to explain why Zi began to see the later scene, because the crystal ball has already foreshadowed its own destruction, and of course, it cannot be predicted.

Facing such an accident, Zi's face paled suddenly. The flames in her eyes burst into anger, and a fist in her left hand dropped a little colorless light from the gap between her five fingers. The light quickly flew forward and gathered in Aldarez. Under the feet.

At this time, Aldarius was wiping the dagger homeopathically, but at this time, he waved his hand. At once, Aldaris flew directly to the distance, and the bone dagger was less than in front of Zi's face. A blue-black afterimage was drawn at ten centimeters, but fell unwillingly into the distance.

The Forces Converge. Fall!

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