The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 60: Golden branch! !!

After these tips were finished, the space finally gave a reminder that many people have been waiting for: "It must be reminded that we do not advocate this behavior of fleeing in battle.

So you have to pay a maximum of three points to reduce the value of xìng and deduct five points from the meritorious value as the cost of transmitting back to the safe zone. Given that you have completed the first side mission we paid, you have gained in this world All the benefits can be carried back into the nightmare space. "

As soon as this reminder came out, among the remaining seventy or so indenturers, a dozen people disappeared again and again. These people must have earned a lot of money and are unwilling to stay long. The guys who can make a decision at this time are obviously also very self-control, and in the face of greater opportunities and richer rewards chose to give up.

Immediately afterwards, another loud voice sounded.

"Warning! Warning! You have been qualified to accept the Golden Side Quest, which cannot be shared! It is extremely difficult!"

, "Warning! Warning! The golden branch mission has appeared, you must pay 3 points of merit, general points to purchase the mission!"

"Warning! Warning! This golden sideline mission has a unique xìng. No matter how many people accept the mission, there may only be one who finishes the mission at the end!"

, "Hint: you only have one minute to consider whether to take the wife's task, it is out of date!"

Upon seeing this prompt, Fang Senyan, who had been expecting, suddenly couldn't stop the heart from beating. Such harsh conditions for receiving missions, and thus the only mission reward of xìng! Reef and Mogansha were also shocked.

Although it can be said that hn's time is much longer in space than Fang Senyan, but this time the golden branch task is really the first time I see it, whether it is in the way of receiving or finally completing the reward! !! !!

At this time, Fang Senyan suddenly turned his head and looked at his two teammates. The reef and Mogansha also saw the indescribable frenzy in the eyes of Fang Senyan! The reef took a deep breath, nodded his head, shook his fist and shook Fang Senyan to show his support. The black guys ordered a cigar and then gave a thumbs up.

After paying 3 meritorious values ​​and general points, Fang Senyan finally got this powerful task, and the rest is not worth mentioning. The purchase price alone is indeed worth the word "gold".

, "You got the kee) offering."

, "Mission Duration: None. But if this mission is not completed after returning to space, it will be considered a failure."

"Mission: Kill Chief Kirok Russian chief, dig out his heart and sacrifice."

And then no more, no more! !! !! Just the eunuch? ? ? ? ? ? Fang Senyan suddenly felt a little sluggish. This golden branch task was too much. Three words! I hit myself in three sentences, no hint, no warning. Therefore, Fang Sensu has two major points to face at present: First, to understand what kind of creatures the Chief of Kiryok Russia is, according to the literal meaning, it should be a Naim patriarch, but also It is definitely not ruled out what a mighty beast, a metamorphic pterodactyl or something.

Secondly, the difficulty of this task must be very large. From that simple introduction, there may be multiple forms of difficulty, such as killing the Chirok Russian chief with great pains and then continuing in The sacrifice is an article, such as the sacrifice. This ritual requires the blood of a sixth-order death beast to make a sacrifice. It is necessary to invite the Namei tribe Omatikaya (bsp; Shaman Moya (ie The protagonist's mother-in-law) came to say something like a spell, etc. "So what Fang Senyan needs urgently now is intelligence, a lot of information! Obviously, this thing is only available at the mén base in Hell.

What's more important, even if the golden branch task is left aside, Fang Senyan still has two things to do urgently: in the dense forest. Although the two people, Lear and Yu Ze, have never been kind, they catalyze them. The key factor is actually the skull of the tyrannosaurus rex, which is buried in an extremely strange place. There is no doubt that there are huge secrets and interests hidden in it. I'm afraid that it will have to go to the mén base in **** to unlock it.

Secondly, there is a vital special item on Fang Senyan: Chris Redfield's lucky bracelet. This thing needs the blood of the movie's protagonist to unblock it.

At this time, the body of the main character, Jack Sally's Avatar, should also start to be cultivated. Yes, Fang Senyan is also currently salivating about the main body of the main character who is still in the cultivation tank but has not settled in.

It is conceivable that at least 60% of the guards and armed forces of the entire Mén base in Hell will be used to deal with the invasion of those terrible creatures from the outside world, and 35% should be used to defend expensive storage. The warehouse of pure Pandora crystals ......... This is beyond doubt. There is a good reason to do anything worth more than 20 million US dollars and kilograms ... then the laboratory defense should be taken for granted, obviously. This method is the most convenient and quick way to get the protagonist's blood.

Therefore, in the final analysis, Fang Senyan needs to race to the mén base of Hell as soon as possible. Waiting here for eight hours is definitely not something any sane person should do. Therefore, Fang Senyan wanted to use the host of the Zerg family to fly directly, but quickly dispelled this idea.

It is very noticeable to do this, Fang Senyan is still unwilling to have someone associate himself with an alien Zerg. The second reason is that the host is basically a flying creature and has no self-defense ability. It can't handle those fierce bats * pterosaurs. What kind of phantom tyrannosaurus also wants to taste fresh and change the taste, maybe not, Once these uncles are provoked, it is easy to ask God to send God difficult.

However, at this time, Zi took the initiative to find mén. To be precise, they found the reef. Very simply, they will grasp the coordinates of mén of hell. If you give 10,000 universal points, everyone will continue to align with them and arrive. Hell's mén base can continue to cooperate.

Under the direction of Fang Senyan, the reefs also agreed very simply, and then said that the agent in our hand is now very scarce. In view of the price increase of various raw materials and the inflationary crisis, we have to make The decision to charge a fee in this regard is obviously a bad act of reefs. It immediately made Zi's face unpleasant, but she was very dissatisfied, and she couldn't say in one word that we do n’t need yours. yào agent.

As a team leader, it is natural to be responsible to team members and to ensure their survival as much as possible. Therefore, the addition of at least six points in the battle is so valuable. If you can fight for nature, you must win— As a result, Fang Senyan turned five or six thousand general points.

In the face of this passive situation, Zi really has an urge to grab the slippers and fight Xiaoqiang, and his teeth sighed with irritation and turned away. Fortunately, Akafir also has a place to live, and can also play a role as a lubricant in the middle, greeting Fang Senyan to go together with them.

Although the remaining people of the Illumination Society are all guys with high eyes, the strength of the three people of Fang Senyan is obvious to all, so they accepted them very enthusiastically. It is well known that arriving at the mén base in Hell eight hours in advance means receiving the follow-up battlefield side missions in full eight hours in advance. Besides, there may be a lot of branch tasks in the mén base of hell.

In fact, the eight hours that have been freed up seem to be a bit clueless, but it is not that there is a gap in the arrangement of the space, but because of the normal beast cháo task flow or the hunter hunter flow, the guards will After a very hard battle, these eight hours are the time for them to recover their strength, treat broken limbs, etc., but they did not expect that the contractor on both sides could reach a compromise ...

As the saying goes, step by step, step by step ~ ~ not to mention a long time of eight hours!

If you are waiting for the spacecraft to pick it up here, then when you reach mén in Hell, other people's follow-up branch tasks have done several steps. Therefore, under the intentional release of the order, most of the contracters who stayed here also wanted to go out with the group. Akafir vowed to promise that he could reach the mén base of **** in only two hours.

In this matter, the light will charge a common point for each contractor, and a large sum is returned firmly, and the face is finally better. Needless to say next, hurry up on the road.

The Illumination Society is also rich, but at this time, it is still possible to get a full three amp outer bone system armor with a gun to open the front, and there are dozens of people large and small traveling on the back. Under normal circumstances, it is a death beast. This kind of jungle overlord can also be easily removed. It is estimated that as long as it does not meet the large tribe of the Namei people, it should be able to run rampant.

Mori Yan and Yuan Zhan are quite talkable along the way. Fang Sen Yan's position in the team is to pk as long as the combat students add beneficial status to everyone in time. It is even more impossible for a summoner like Yuan Zhan to run to the front Charged. Fang Senyan talked of Phil and Fanu, the summoners, and found a common language with Yuan Zhan. a.

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