The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Door of hell!

With the distance approaching, you can see the densely packed chimney tips in the distance, which emits smoke very simply, and the top of the chimney occasionally emits red flames. The hundreds of smoke and dust gathered together, like a gray snake, meandering in the sky to the distance.

There is no doubt that this typical 18th-century spectacle of British heavy industry pollution style is where the mén base of Hell is located. To extract Pandora crystals from the ore, a series of complicated and extremely complicated processes are required. With this sign, we quickly rushed past the sound of the deaf mechanical engine motor, and saw a grass-green giant machine at least 100 meters in operation in a mine.

This is the largest digging machine known to mankind so far: the bucket wheel excavator (B *

It has a giant toothed wheel with a length of two kilometers and a height of twenty meters. It can grasp the rock surface as tightly as it chews on the rock surface. It can easily bite plants, wood, and even rocks from a distance. It looks like a hill-like mechanical giant is slowly moving. Behind it, there will be a deep trench that is 50 meters deep and 100 meters wide.

On the discharge opening on the side of this grass-green mechanical monster, there is a long line of **** mega trucks with mí Caisè. The back of this truck is entirely composed of a huge 1ù-day carriage carrying the initial processed materials of Pandora ore. The structure is sturdy and durable, and the cab is compressed in a space the size of a phone booth on the left and right of the car.

Although they are quite small compared to bucket wheel excavators, once you get close to this giant truck, you will feel that its sturdy and behemoth wheels are enough to reach the height of two adults, which ensures it Can easily pass through Pandora's thick thick soil plow brushes and rocky terrain, and can resist the threat of various creatures of Pandora. Deeply, the sporadic arrows on these tires reaching two meters in length fully illustrate the reliability of this tire.

If you get closer, you can see that even if there is no armor on the **** truck, it can block the shock of light weapons, but if it is larger and sharper objects or heavy firepower, it should be able to penetrate its armor.

It can be seen that, at least for now, the Namatians of Omatikaia (o) are still quite civilized, and it seems that their means of protest is only aimed at the tires and instead of putting a few arrows on them. The arrow began to target members of the cab.

Mo Gansha is a very good guy. As the team embarked on the dirt road built for the **** truck, he spotted a **** truck passing by, and grabbed the driver's cab next to him in a short step. The ladder climbed up. The driver is also a big-eyed black girl. She looks very similar to Xie Wa, the protagonist of Resident Evil Five, and turns her head and casts a suspicious look. Black guys knocked on the window of the cab and threw a piece of chewing gum into it: "Hey, beauty, I know you will take me for a ride, and trek three in this **** jungle After hours and eleven minutes, you and your car are more lovely than angels in my eyes. "

What's surprising is that the black buddies have not been rejected. Perhaps it is really the xìng sense thick mouth net that he has been boasting. He got on the car and sat in the driving position facing Fang Senyan. Waving his hand, and the smoke from the exhaust of the **** truck disappeared behind the corner cliff.

Since he has used it as a demonstration, many contractors have learned everything, but Fang Senyan, who has limited charm, was very interested in not going to touch the nails, but climbing directly to the car of a **** truck to go with the ore. Companionship.

Due to the low gravity of the planet Pandora, the big guys in Hell Truck also drove fast on temporary dirt roads. At this time, the base of **** had begun to take shape. From a long distance, you can see the tall steel reinforced hn condensate permanent tower. The black dòngdòng cannon above can tear any ground or air anxiety factor. All the contractors at the large mén of the base were not closely inspected. It seems that they should be doing routine work to avoid bringing some unknown infectious diseases into the base.

The mén base of Hell looks like an irregular square from the air, with a total area of ​​square kilometers. To ensure the safety of internal personnel, the tall and sturdy surrounding wall with a length of 3.9333 kilometers, and of course various automatic machine gun towers, Every 50 meters, there is a permanent tower. Sun Bushi is on duty at all times. Fang Senyan made a visual inspection in the gap between the lines. Basically, the material of the wall is about three meters thick reinforced hn concrete.

From the blood stains and bullet holes around the fence, it can be seen that in addition to the machine guns, the towers of the fence are also equipped with ground-to-air automatic heavy weapons to combat unfriendly wildlife on the Pandora star. In addition, every meter There are also small towers to eliminate the invasion of some small creatures. Outside the fence, a clear open field of rice that was regularly and automatically cleared by machinery, dug deep trenches and dense mines, to prevent the invasion of certain Pandora creatures that could be dug.

When the contractor's foot reached the ground of hell's mén base, the Nightmare Mark finally gave a hint: "You successfully reached the hell's mén base."

"Warning: The use of violence in the hell's mén base is a very dangerous thing. It is best not to do this, please remember every word above.

, "You have gained the follow-up battlefield side mission: Mén's Trust in Hell."

"Mission objective: to increase your reputation in Rda base to respect within 72 hours." (Your current reputation is: neutral. Reputation in turn is, neutral, friendly, respect,

Reverence, worship)

"Hint: In battlefield side missions, if you use items that can quickly increase reputation, the effect will be weakened."

"Hint: The top three contractors who complete this task in advance will receive additional rewards."

"Warning: If this mission is defeated, the merit value will be deducted by 8 points!"

"Warning: If you reject this task, you will return immediately after receiving a certain reward."

"Do you want to accept this assignment: Yes / No?"

When he arrived inside the base, Fang Senyan was very relieved: the base showed a phenomenon of tightness outside and loose inside. After all, if you commit a crime in this place, there is no place to escape. Peripherals are heavily guarded. Soldiers are on guard at 25 hours (one day on Pandora). They should be monitoring dangerous creatures that may invade the wall or drill into the ground. The inside is very relaxed -... "" This means that if Fang Senyan is forced to sneak into a laboratory to do a bad thing of taking blood from a certain experimental subject, the chance of escape is also quite large.

At this time, the internal construction of the base has begun to take shape. Not far away, several school officials with a typical American soldier style have roared loudly, asking them to gather in the past. Fang Senyan recognized Colonel Miles Quag with his flat head at a glance. The three red scars on his right head had successfully betrayed his identity.

At this moment, Fang Senyan even dropped him even after he was killed by malicious speculation. "Mechanical Driving Advanced Mastery Scroll LV7" Once the colonel got into the amp outer bone and skeleton system mech, he was in There is no doubt that it is powerful. In that battle, he even completely overwhelmed the rider who was probably the nv protagonist of the seventh-order legendary creature Death God Beast. Finally, the male nv protagonist can be killed together.

After everyone had his feet apart, tǐng straightened, and his waist was in a collapsed military position. The colonel did not speak, but looked at everyone with his sharp raptor eyes, it seemed to be using It only seemed to scan all the people, and only two minutes later said, "Maybe I should call an old friend on the Star of Entrepreneurship and praise him for his high work efficiency this time and sent us enough The manpower "a ..." Now my only problem is: I don't know if you guys are the bang guy we badly need! "

Having said that ~ ~ Colonel paused and walked back and forth a few steps: "Only those who obey orders and endure hardships will receive high salaries, benefits and my favor. Listen, if one of you is the supporter of Grace Augustine's chattering pussy, then I will be generous to give you thirty seconds to disappear from me. "

"It turned out that we need to choose a camp now." Fang Senyan said in his heart.

Obviously, although the entire mén of **** is almost completely controlled by Rda, it is divided into two distinct groups. The six factions are the advocates of the Avatar Project and the moderator is Dr. Grace Augustine. She had been on the planet for ten years, and most of them were scientific researchers. The other group is hawks, mainly Colonel Myers Quarches. They think that using bullets, high explosives and fighters can solve all problems.

At this time, Yuan Zhan took the lead and bowed slightly to Colonel Miles Quach: "Mr. Colonel, although I may cause your resentment to say so, my heart and conscience told me that I should dig underground Wealth protects this beautiful planet instead of destroying it desperately. If you don't mind, can you tell me where to find Dr. Grace Augustine? "A.

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