The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 69: Hunter's Key ...

Chapter 69 The Key of the Stalker ...

At this time, the three of Fang Senyan were all sweaty and covered with blood, and looked very embarrassed. Fortunately, people inside the base were also familiar with this kind of thing. The healing facilities of Hell's mén were also very sound, and the treatment of injuries was very good set.

In addition to the tortured Mogansha, it takes more time and money to heal. Fang Senyan and the reef just took a shower and bandaged and felt relaxed and refreshed. Then they went to the restaurant inside the base. Ordered meals, not more than ten minutes later, the black buddies also came to the meeting whistling.

Today, the sun was hot and the weather was hot. Mogansha had no reefs and Fang Senyan beside him. It was really tense and insecure. Coupled with fighting at the back and trying to get on the road, she was thirsty. I saw a green cup in front of Fang Senyan The green freshly squeezed drink was taken over and drank clean.

At this time, the dining room has been serving three people for 6 consecutive times. It is nothing more than steak sandwich borscht and the like. While Fang Senyan was gobbling, he shared the rd company information to the reef and Mogansha, and now he looks carefully anyway. It's a bit of a woodworker who hasn't sharpened his knife.

The three sat in the air-conditioned restaurant for a while, and on the road outside **** mén, there were also a few contractors who lost their hands and blood, and fled back with anger, many of them suffered physical injuries. With a severe injury, another person was roasted on the front like coke, but the back was covered with frost, and he didn't know if he had strong willpower or good luck and persisted to the present.

As time passed, the surviving contractors returned sporadically, and at the end, even the pose of the Illumination Society came back with a group of people ashamed. Among them, the worst-looking one is Akafir, who was carried back with blood and faint. It was originally a tropical climate, but Akafir even sprayed it when he coughed. The cold air seemed to have been dying.

"What's going on?" Fang Senyan wondered.

Mo Gansha thought and thought:

"I heard that this will happen in a near-death state many times in a short period of time, and the effect of yào objects will become worse and worse, and finally until it is invalid. Akafir was actually beaten back like this. ... "

"Well! Yuan Zhan didn't return, and I do n’t know if I dropped it directly or forcibly gave up all the gains using the props to leave the world. It seems that those guys are against the gangsters of xìng and are dedicated to the summoner, because the summoner often Being able to communicate with animals and plants is a great help to complete the mission on the planet Pandora. Their hidden mission failed. These guys will also mess up our mission! "

At this time, Mogansha and Reef both felt the chill on the back:

Mo Gansha used 1v3 in the gambling with these guys at the time, and he used other people's reputation to achieve a good reputation for gold. The reef was also a mainstay in the team battle, and he shouted the note that established the victory and defeat. Heartbreaking.

The colony of hunters was defeated in the end, and both of them can be said to have achieved great success. At this time, Prince Staro led his team to ambush outside by any means, naturally for revenge. If it was not for Fang Senyan to call them back in time and destroy them in advance Having complied with each other's ambush plan, they forced them to snip. The two were afraid that their bodies were now being whipped.

It is worth mentioning that the raids of these guys not only caused casualties, but also made those guys who robbed several first-class tasks cocoon. The tasks received at the laboratory have a time limit of xìng, if completed If not, the punishment will be severe ...

Basically, if a task fails, you can declare it out of competition! At this time, Prince Staro's team was blocked outside. Who would dare to go out?

As the so-called blessings of disasters depend, those contractors who have seized multiple first-class tasks have to face the situation. The contractor who did not grab the first-class task was gloated. Therefore, although some people are yelling and organizing, saying what to kill and giving the guys a look, it seems that there are few responders, and some people even say something. How can you think of unity when you grab a first-class task? ? Under this mentality, the contractor is also very internally divided. Obviously, mobilizing and killing together is also a waste of effort.

Fang Senyan didn't care about them at this time either. When he killed the three covenants, two of them lost the **** key. The archer was very sorry that he didn't make any contribution for them. From this, it can be basically determined that the true red card is indeed the one with a very high probability of falling. Otherwise, the guy Zeisskar is also a breeder, but the blood key is still dropped.

Despite having the rank task of getting the **** key, after some discussion, Fang Senyan decided to use Zeisskar's key to open it, after all, the hunter's key is not the same. This guy's attack power is not only very powerful, but the equipment must also be first-rate.

That day he lost seven consecutive contractors, but according to the real materials, even the core member of the Illumination Fairy Dream was defeated by his hands. If it wasn't for Fang Senyan under the guise of "auxiliary", he would have calculated it intentionally, and Zeiss Carl's situation would have been clear before, otherwise it would not be as easy as killing him on the surface!

But this time Zeisskar's keys gave them even fewer surprises. Jiaoshi usually does not care about this, today I do n’t know what happened, and suddenly I was very interested in u this time. Together, the three of them felt that the u equipment was more cost-effective. As a result, the reef fell into ruin, but it was unexpectedly pulled out of an unexpected piece of equipment:

Birmingham "Stuka" dart waistband

Production World: Exorcist

Origin: Birmingham, UK

Rarity of equipment: Black

Equipment location: Long-range weapon bar

Material: nylon fiber

Weight: 138 grams

Attack power: the sum of fixed damage + user power, agility, and physical strength.

Equipment use conditions: the strength must be above 17 points, the agility point is above, the physical strength is above 15 points

Equipment conditions: Basic long-range war 1v2

Durability: None

Equip: Strength Dexterity +2

Equip: Reduce perception by 3,

Equipped with equipment: This hand dart waistband has magical magic power. After the hand dart inside runs out, it can be automatically replenished at a rate of 2 minutes each. The generated arrow and pin darts are randomly enchanted. After hitting the enemy, negative effects such as reduction, weakness, burning, and bleeding will appear. Which can accommodate up to four hand darts. You can also take the form of continuous consumption of common points, reducing the replenishment of the hand dart waist to 15 seconds each.

Explanation: Throwing a hand dart, aiming at the enemy, throwing a sharp arrow and needle dart will cause damage to it. The effective attack distance is 333 meters. After the initial damage of the arrow and pin dart to the enemy, it will be deeply nailed into the enemy's body to cause long-term continuous xìng damage.

Note: This equipment has the possibility to generate "rare" arrow tail needle darts. Such needle darts will have double damage and multiple stacking negative effects.

Combat effectiveness score of this equipment: 21

Comments: If you like to use this equipment often, then I think that in due time, you can also consider trying to participate in the World Tournament of Professional Dart Association.

Because this piece of equipment was to be equipped in a long-range weapon bar, Mogansha was caught first. And Fang Senyan, who has ambition, can only express regret. However, the reef's long-range weapon bar is only a light blue sè pistol with agility +1, which is almost never used. This thing just filled his regret for lack of attack methods, so it was accepted by the reef.

Zeiss Carl has never seen him use this thing in the previous battles, because for him who is pursuing degree and lethality, the act of stopping and throwing a dart is costing time and life. What he is pursuing is that he must end the battle in a short period of time. What he looks for is only the 4 points that he added.

However, for the reef, it is necessary to slowly grind with the enemy and consume for a long time ... and this hand dart may also have various negative states attached to it that are also valued by the reef. So there is no doubt that this thing was assigned to the reef.

The next three of course will not be out of the base of rd ~ ~ but visited all the major mén everywhere, it is worth mentioning that the three bundled armored horse's nerve connection bundles previously obtained Very valuable, and it is indeed a good thing that is marked as valuable. I actually took it to the institute and changed everyone's reputation a bit.

Because there are many noctilucent plants on the planet Pandora, even in the evening, there are rarely five fingers out of reach, but at this time some lush vegetation in the forest shines brightly, beautiful, and looks straight. Like a neon city on earth.

The three of them, Fang Senyan, were walking in the dense forest at this time, and they heard all kinds of fantasy insects in their ears, and they saw the sight of the light monster 6 away. More than ten times more than the visual impact on people during the day?

If the planet Pandora is similar to Earth ’s rainforest by day or eight, the jungle at night is completely two completely different worlds. Fang Senyan stopped suddenly and narrowed his eyes and said:

"... Stop! Yes, right, the front should be the striated fern that the task asked to dig. Reef, you pay attention, the cào manual provided on the information clearly states that this plant lives by the water, its The root system is very good, you have to be careful not to dig too much, otherwise it will affect the task evaluation. "A.

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