The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 74: The truth of the golden branch!

At this time, when Fang Senyan got up and toasted, he suddenly saw something, his eyes suddenly tightened.

This thing is a wooden stick about the thickness of a bowl. It is inserted vertically on the ground. The wooden stick is about three or four meters long. It is like being capped by many people over the years.

The erected sticks are quite common among the Omatikaya tribe, but the sticks on this stick are quite rare, and they can even be said to be unique among the entire tribe!

This thing is a skull. Although it looks dry and shriveled, it is still bulky. It is an adult, fierce, and although it should be anti-corrosive, it seems to be dried out, but the yellow-red warning stripe color is still sharp. , Ready to come!

This east-west forest rock looks very familiar. At this time, there is a ready-made one in the team's storage space, which is the skull of Naha Phantom Flying Dragon! In the Omatikaya tribe, the ground under the stake in which the skull of the overlord phantom dragon is inserted is similar to the throne of the emperor. Ntukan, the patriarch of the Omatikaya, and the sacrificed Moya sat below. None of the rest dared to touch the imprisoned land.

After witnessing this scene, Fang Senyan moved in his heart, but he did not immediately open his mouth to ask, but continued to enthusiastically persuade the wine. After a while, several clan people carried a few peacock deer to come in to barbecue. It was also joyful, when the banquet reached its climax, many unmarried men and women of Naomi began to stand up and dance relatively, and the atmosphere was very lively for a while.

It was not until this time that Fang Senyan walked over and toasted Moya, and when she saw that she was in a good mood, she began to instruct the gold mine to ask some related things about the tyrant's phantom flying dragon skull.

When mentioning this item, Moya also felt emotional for a while. It turned out that her grandfather was a very glorious Torukmato (Phantom Knight), who was the Naomi leader of the entire Pandora planet. After the old Toluc (phantom tyrannosaurus rex) riding on his grandfather died, they were very honored to cut off his head and treat it as a totem mark to protect the entire Omatikaya (sounds very Bloody, but a bit like the mummy in Egypt), it is a great glory, so Moya also has the nickname of "daughter of the dragon race".

After thinking about Fang Senyan, he finally asked such a question:

"So ... I once heard about one of our pot-top heads. When they were mining underground resources, they unearthed a sarcophagus. The sarcophagus contained the phantom tyrannosaurus rex. The remains of the skull, strangely, this sarcophagus is buried under the road and trampled by many feet every day. Such a strange thing is really puzzling. "

Moya said solemnly:

"The burial of Toruk (Nami: meaning the last shadow) with a sarcophagus is to show respect for this huge and sacred creature, and to bury it under the road is to trample on what was once The dignity and glory of the tribe it protects! "

"During the entire history of the Naomi, only six Torukomatos were tamed. What you said can only happen to the deceased Illinois tribe, annexing their Chihuatai tribe. That's how Toruk worshiped by the Illinois tribe. If we don't strengthen our defenses to be annexed by the rest of the tribe, they will treat the skull of the Torukmato we worship in the same way! "

After hearing this, Fang Senyan finally understood the strange origin of the sarcophagus, and then he couldn't help asking:

"It sounds like Torukmato's skull seems important to all Naomis?"

Moya proudly said:

"Of course, it can protect our warriors from being harmed by the beast during hunting, it can protect our children from being born safely, it can cause the enemy's army to suffer doom in battle, and it can only receive the protection of Toruk Totem. The U.S. tribe can better communicate with Mother Earth, Eva. "

"Wow!" Fang Senyan sighed, "It sounds very good, it seems to be close to omnipotence, then why would the Chihuatai Qin tribe bury that Toruk skull totem?"

Moya said seriously:

"They have fallen into the sin of blood and slaughter and have fallen, so their tribe is not capable of allowing Toruk totem to admit it."

At this point, Fang Senyan already understood the reason why Lille turned his face violently on that day. It is because Toruk's skull totem is so important. Obviously, after entering this world, many contractors will naturally choose to help RDA. Half of the people will choose to fight alongside the Naomi tribe! Once a cooperative relationship (friendliness) is established with any Namei tribe, it is likely that everyone will receive high-level tasks related to Toruk skull totem!

The Touluk skull totem in this world is the most sought-after. It is undoubtedly the one belonging to the Omatikaya family in front of Fang Senyan (not in a private warehouse), but if it is to be obtained, it means no doubt that it is the same Enemies of Tikaya! If this Namei people solve it well, what else is there for the protagonist? The original plot of the movie had to be tampered with.

According to Fang Senyan's estimation, Su Tai's personal strength is worse than Luz, the orc leader of the Lord of the Rings world, and it is also in a grade. And Moya, the daughter of the high priest, is also amazing. Therefore, it can be further inferred that the value of the totem of the phantom tyrannosaurus dragon skull in his own hand is afraid of the previous estimate ...

Since Fang Senyan found that the charm of the gold mine can still affect Namei people, of course, he will also ask another doubt while hitting iron:

"The great daughter of the dragon family, I have a personal question for you. If you can tell me the truth, I will be very grateful to you."

Moya offering nodded:

"Mother of the earth Eva wants me to help all beings, you ask."

Fong Sen Rock Road:

"I have a friend, because his mother was seriously ill and needed a lot of money for treatment, so he came here and took the initiative to explore the unknown area, but he disappeared two months ago and gave us before he disappeared The message sent back was: the five words of Chil'Ok Russia ... I don't know if the daughter of the great dragon has ever heard of it? "

As soon as the five words "Kirok Oru" were spoken, the Naomi who was in the carnival suddenly quieted down, and turned to look at Fang Senyan. The cold sweat on Fang Senyan's back flowed for a while. Moya then said:

"Foreigners, here we are not allowed to mention this evil name ........ Silence for your friends. Since he is in a relationship with Chilok Russia, most of them have returned to Iraq. Baby's arms. "

Fang Senyan said seriously:

"But I can't explain this to your mother with this sentence!"

Moya stared at the fire in place for a while, then suddenly stood up, turned towards the high level of the home garden tree, and watched her figure sink into the darkness. Fang Senyan had an urge to catch up, but in the end, she could only think Just thinking, if it is put into action, the biggest possibility is to be thrown out by this group of Namei people.

The enthusiastic campfire ended abruptly with Moya's departure, and the entire tribe returned to the calmness of water. Fang Senyan was escorted by five tribal warriors riding heavy Kaima. It seemed that they should be sent back to Hell's Gate, among them Sutai.

Fang Senyan looked at Su Tai and felt that this fierce young man should deal better with that old and sly Moya. When he left the home tree of the Omatikaya family, he turned his head to the gold mine.

"Su Tai, my friend, if I die unfortunately, can you water me in front of the tree of souls?"

Su Tai, who was riding on the horse, was a bit surprised:

"Why did you suddenly mention death?"

Fang Senyan then said:

"Our friend has disappeared for no reason, and of course we have to find him."

Su Tai's face showed an impatient look:

"Your friends must be dead. Didn't Moya just say that?"

The gold mine seriously said:

"To see people alive, to see dead bodies!"

Su Tai surprised for a moment ~ ~ It should be understood. Then I moved a little and sighed:

"You outsiders ... are still very emotional. Forget it, even if Moya will punish me, I will tell you the truth."

With that said, he turned over and dismounted, and sat down on the rock next to him.

"Not all Naomis have tolerance and forgiveness, and some Naomis believe in violence and killing, and their views on us are incompatible with each other, like light and darkness, water and fire. Irreconcilable. They even eat the remaining tribe's Naomis as prey when they are hungry, so we usually call ourselves the sons of nature and the fallen. "

"And Chil'Ok Russia is the chief of a large fallen tribe! This tribe is called Mosak, and he has always been known for his brutality and blood. It is said that a disaster, food scarcity, Ya ’s brother was also eaten after being taken away by Chilok, so when he heard the name, Moya would be very sad, but once the war started for revenge, the entire Omatikaya family did not know How many people are going to die, so Moya can only bury this hatred in his heart.

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