The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 81: Success? ? ?

Although Fang Senyan had used Zerg eggs before killing Lille, the six savage beasts that he hatched were killed by him, so both Mogansha and Reef knew something about this. This was the first time they saw the emergence of an extremely aggressive creature such as the savage beast.

Upon seeing these four familiar beasts, the reef suddenly screamed "ah", but his next words seemed to be stuck in his throat, and all of them caught in his throat, causing traffic jams! Only the look in Fang Senyan's eyes can be seen full of surprise.

"Did you ?! What do you want?"

When Mo Gansha saw the two Zerg worker bees that broke out of the egg next to him, the cigar stinging in his mouth fell off, and he shook his head with a bitter smile for a long time:

"Boss ..... you may be playing too much this time!"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"If you don't play bigger, how can you possibly get this **** golden branch task?"

With the end of Fang Senyan's voice, the eggs in the last two larger mounds also hatched, and they are two worker bees of the Zerg family! The body surfaces of these two worker bees have obvious black stripes, and they appear to be much larger than ordinary worker bees.

At this time, Fang Senyan pulled out a full 600 units of Pandora crystals from the private storage space and stacked them in front of the two worker bees. Both began to devour the crystals madly, and the volume also rapidly increased. When each worker bee swallowed up After about three hundred units of Pandora crystals, its volume has expanded to five or six times as much as before.

Then the two worker bees separated, each looking for a wide place to spin out quickly, forming two large gray-brown giant cocoons on the ground. The giant cocoon's footprint quickly spread, and eventually stopped growing after reaching more than a hundred square meters, and then developed to a higher place, when the growth reached its limit. The iron cyan wire mesh covering the surface of the giant cocoon suddenly burst and turned into a fragment of the sky, and it took a long time to drift away! (Bi-base start, you know, hehe)

The next two large organic buildings appeared in front of Fang Senyan. The surface was covered with thick purple-red veins, and they were flat on the ground, with a feeling of taking root. Immediately afterwards, the zerg-specific organic bacteria blanket spread naturally, covering the soil surface of Pandora in a seemingly gentle way!

The core building of the two Zerg, the beast cave, appeared on this earth, this rich, beautiful, and dangerous planet! !! !!

Fang Senyan's plan turned out to be to build a Zerg base on this Pandora planet! Then use the terrible breeding power and quantity of the Zerg to complete that terrible golden branch mission! For him, it was just the use of two Zerg worker bee eggs that were carried out, but these two eggs could be combined with the special environment of Pandora's planet to be born in four, four, four, eight ... Limitless possibilities! !! !!

--------- This is also the ultimate reason for Fang Senyan's painstaking layout, the reason why he must choose Avatar World.

Fang Senyan looked at Mogansha and said seriously:

"We can do this, and it's indispensable to your non-private contribution. Unless you generously took out close to two thousand units of Pandora crystals to me, everything would never be so smooth."

Mogansha laughed and took a deep sip of the cigar:

"Head, in fact, I was able to get so many Pandora crystals in Xinghe World at the time. I also wanted to see where you could go, so I invested in you. This is investment, You see? Not generous, haha! "

At this time, the two completed "beast caves" have begun to run at full capacity, and one by one larvae hatched on the fungus blanket. Fang Senyan also left only the last two hundred units of Pandora crystals at this time. In the incubation tank of the mother nest, basically every fifty units of Pandora's crystals can hatch another worker bee, so four worker bees are quickly hatched again and start to break out of the shell. .

With their joining, Fang Senyan's deficit “cash flow” finally began to stop falling and rose. The four cute beetles began to put their peculiar mouthpieces on the Pandora crystal clusters nearby, directly. Use advanced mouthpieces to crush the crystal ore clusters, and then the saliva they spray can be used to extract the crystal ore into high-purity crystals, and then quickly transport them back to the beast cavity and throw them into the incubator.

In just one hour, a small Zerg camp has begun to take shape, and various building organs that seem out of place with the environment have been quickly hatched, and one of the beast caves has hatched to the level. It looks like an extraordinarily huge puppet, and several other Zerg buildings are still hatching.

Inside the mining area, there are hundreds of grinding disc-sized fuchsia six-legged beetles digging hot with their mouthparts, and then digging the hidden crystals, they constantly pass between the beast cavity and the crystal ore clusters.

Within this hour, Fang Senyan also hatched all the Zerg eggs he had in his hand, leaving only three Zerg host eggs to spare, but his armed forces in his hand also had only four savage beasts, and six Zerg exploded. Mosquito.

Fang Senyan said seriously to Mogansha and the reef:

"I believe that the mother of the earth, Eva, will probably not let me get the Zerg base so easily. Therefore, there should be considerable trouble in the construction of this Zerg base. From now on, the next two Hours are one of my most difficult time periods. After this time, the Zerg base will continue to support us. And it is very powerful! "

"Because the ownership of this Zerg base now belongs to me! They are like my summons, to be simpler and more straightforward, the creatures they kill! They will also drop keys and give us rewards! You know What does this mean? The rewards of the gold side missions can already be set aside. The biggest benefit is the keys that the fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-level creatures we killed in completing the missions !!! "

Mogansha and the reef nodded, and the reef suddenly said:

"The people of the riding tribe will also help us? As a reward for treating Mulu's injured leg, they should not stand idly by."

Fang Senyan sighed slightly:

"The riding tribe is not necessarily reliable. Even if they will keep their promises, the old man Mulbo is the actual master. He is very sly and can fight downwind. However, if he encounters any dangerous situation, he will Those who retreat ca n’t take their lives to fight. Because the soldiers who are now in the vicinity of this area are already the last force of the entire tribe. If all of them are killed here, then the riding tribe will inevitably die. Not to mention ... ..... The enemies they are facing now, maybe their **** Eva! "

After listening to Fang Senyan's analysis, all three developed a feeling of "cocoon self-binding", shaking their heads with a bitter smile. It was they who killed more than 80% of the elite power of the Cycling Tribe, but in just a few dozen hours, they had to be anxious about the lack of power of the Cycling Tribe.

At this time, the patriarch of the riding tribe was wrong. Now he should call it a sacrifice, ride the huge black manta winged dragon soaring up in the air, circle several times, and then fly to the west. This indicates that an enemy is coming from the west. What is even more outrageous is that the seemingly calm sacrificial offering in the sky turned out to make a terrifying shout! !!

Fang Senyan immediately called for a host who stayed in the air, and then rode up with his two teammates, then quickly rose, and flew closer to the west for observation, waiting to see the number of enemies coming more than ten kilometers away. At that time, Fang Senyan showed a helpless but "earlier" expression. He looked very annoyed, sighed a long time, and sweared viciously:

"Damn space! Sure enough, there is no way to drill!"

It turned out that when you looked at it from afar, you could see the smoke and dust in the dense forest in the distance. The trees fell down and the trees and birds ran away. Come over! If you look carefully, the "strap" is actually made up of viper and wolf, and the length is beyond sight. At a glance, it seems that it will spread directly into the sky! !!

The number of such horrors seems to be the same as that of Fang Senyan when they first entered the world ~ ~ The number of the first wave of beast tide attacks was between Bozhong! And because the beast tide at that time was divided into four, attacking four directions. Invisible because the division dilutes the visual effect,

Now this beast tide is a whole. If the Yangtze River is flowing like a dignified stream, it is even more of a terror that destroys and blocks everything in front of itself! That feeling, just seeing it will produce an unmatched psychology from the bottom of my heart!

Not to mention that at that time, there were more than 400 powerful contractor breeders and hunters facing the beast tide. At this time, facing the tide of beasts, even if you add the people of the riding tribe to help, it is only twenty people!

"Sure enough, I still can't make a trick ..." At this time, the reefs and Mogansha couldn't help but pass this thought, and even a frustration of failure came out. The feeling was crooked deep in my heart, and I couldn't help screaming crazy to vent it!

"Don't we all lose ground here?"

There was a power outage on our side and there was something wrong with the line. This chapter was updated in an Internet cafe. Chapters 82, 83, and even two chapters will be updated around 12 o'clock this evening.

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