The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 84: Viper Wolf Beard

At this point, the Black Echinococcus has granted Fang Senyan permission to mobilize and control all Zerg troops, so under Fang Senyan's deliberate underwater, many stalkers deliberately do not attack it. Not even, please refer to Scar Henry for details), let this jackal wolf rush directly to the entrance of the Zerg base, 〖Xing〗 Furiously aimed at the Zerg base and flew up!

However, a figure emerged from the oblique stab, and the reef hit the shield directly and hit it!

With a loud noise of "Peng", both sides were smashed into a rolling gourd. When this jackal wolf ss crooked his head and got up, Fang Senyan had rushed straight, first a curse of a bottle of power. The yào agent smashed on its head, and then boxed out incomparably.

This fist was supposed to hit the jackal wolf's ear, but it was deflected by its head, and it hit his mouth. Despite this, the strength of this punch is not trivial. Even the monster's strange force is completely irresistible. It was kicked out by the beating and hit the wall of the pit next to it. Sharp teeth scratched on the hard stone wall. Harsh noise.

It was just that Fang Senyan was smashed into the sky by a healthy tail volley u

He barely guarded ng with both hands, but still rolled a dozen times in a row to stabilize his body. The corners of his mouth were already bleeding when he got up.

This u came without warning, and it seemed that the viper wolf just opened its mouth and was hit at this time, but its long tail came first, like a engraved ěn. !!

However, the severely hit Fang Senyan stabilized his body in the first month and the whole person had bounced off. If ordinary people seldom said that the bones would be broken by dozens of bones, but he had at least formed some skin trauma. The action of the jackal wolf was not agile, and it tumbling a few times just to get up, and the oncoming fire was a continuous hot bullet, hitting its skin máo flying, miserable.

This jackal wolf was about to fight back, but the reef blocked it in front of it again, jamming its offensive course, and screamed! The invisible impact swept away, and it was actually alive to curb its counterattack.

However, for a few minutes, this jackal wolf ss had been covered with bruises. It only felt that the enemy in front of it was like a stone of iron, and could not break through the tail and escaped. Fang Senyan, who had been waiting a long time, had been shaking like shadow Bully, the thick hands held the open mouth of this monster, and the strength was so strong that the blood and water flew to tear it up and down nearly two meters long, and the internal organs were full of blood. Ground!

The fangs are said to be sharp, how can they bear me!

You are strong in this area, then I will start at your strongest point!

The hard-hit viper wolf ss was struggling to death, but was deeply pierced into the heart by the black sè lightsaber of the reef, finally at netbsp; ~~

This is the second ss-level creature they have killed by Fang Senyan. However, the first one was very mén and did not drop the key.

After killing this guy, he sniffed a black key, and opened a black key from it: Viper Wolf Beard (Special Product)

Origin: Avatar World Equipment Rarity: Black Equipment Location: Neck Material: DNA, Carbohydrate, Water Weight

Length meter equipment use conditions: power must reach 15 points or more agility point or more durability: point equipment: all belong to xìng + 1

Equip: When you take enemy skill damage, you take 25 extra damage.

Equip: Reduce your critical strike rate by 1

Equip: When dealing damage to an enemy, you have a chance to summon a corpse of a jackal wolf to attack your current target.

Explanation: The hn spirit of the viper wolf is the basic genus xìng of the common viper wolf xìng 25 and its existence time is fifteen minutes.

The viper wolf hn spirit has a special ability to tear the heel. After causing damage to the enemy, it will reduce the enemy ’s mobility by 5 for 15 seconds, which can be stacked up to a maximum.

Explanation: At most two viper wolves can exist at the same time.

Explanation: When your controlled viper wolf hn spirit dies, it will temporarily reduce your highest genus xìng by 4 points for 8 hours. This bad state can be stacked up to 5 times.

Evaluation: This is the medium that the King of the Snake and Wolf uses to connect with the earth naturally. After being cut off, it still has very extraordinary power. If it can find a suitable device, it will become more powerful.

When I saw this piece of equipment, I suddenly lost my voice: "This thing is the best of the summoner! The summoner's summoned 1 thing will cause damage to the enemy and will be counted as his own damage. You can also touch this special effect. The appearance of the viper wolf hn will also be increased by the summoner's various abilities. "

Fang Senyan thought for a while but said: "The gunner is also quite good at taking this thing, usually the gunner's attack speed is very fast, the probability of touching the viper and wolf spirit hn will also increase in disguise. More importantly, the addition of these three can The ròu shield, which reduces the enemy ’s mobility, is not of great significance to a gunner who is afraid of being approached by others. If this necklace seems to the summoner, it is only a mellow addition, but for the gunman, it is The essential difference from having no summons to having summons! "

The black buddies grinned and said, "I strongly support the leader's point."

This necklace is naturally owned by the black buddies. In actual combat, this skill can be touched almost every ten shots, and the spirit of the viper and wolf hn is summoned directly to the target after it is injured. Around, the flail was biting hard. The black buddies immediately fell in love with each other and hated being late, and have made up their minds to promote it to the silver plot equipment.

Next, the trio of Fang Senyan painted the gourd in the same way, killing a few snakes and wolves again, and still got a lot of benefits. In the face of horrific stalkers attacking in the ground, if the cháo water, the viper wolf does seem to fall into the blood ròu slaughterhouse, and it becomes a state of death in vain.

At this time, a large number of worker bees were transmitted from the "worm dòng" in the 6th continuation. Most of them started crazy mining operations, and half of them started to hatch various defense buildings directly on the slime carpet.

At this time, the slime blanket had obtained a sufficient supply of blood, and it had quickly spread to a square kilometer around it. Therefore, these defensive settings built by worker bees are not only complete, they are also strategic points to be conserved, and they have made very clear plans for the next base show.

For the civil war between Zerg, human sea tactics are used the most.

Pandora's Mother Earth Eva used the beast cháo to attack the base. Under such a huge offensive, Fang Senyan and their covenants may only give up quietly, but for warmongers such as black brainworm However, coping with this kind of conference war is extremely well-known, and various defense programs are very complete.

At this time, the level base that Fang Senyan originally promoted has begun to evolve to the level, apparently in order to prepare the mother nest to settle in. At this time, "Jianni" was also transmitted through the worm dòng. This NV emperor obviously also upgraded smoothly. Although its volume has become smaller, its flight speed is faster, and it also has the ability of instant transmission.

When the last viper wolf fell to the ground, more than half of the entire magnetic storm area was covered with a slime blanket that absorbed nutrients. Dozens of building organs were in the high incubation period. The ground spurs are also well established, and a huge base has begun to take shape.

At this time, Eva's second offensive has arrived, similar to Fang Senyan's previous defense of the "Walkiri". It is still dominated by the viper wolf, but with the battened pterosaur in flight.

It is worth mentioning that before the war began, there were some shining flocs floating from the sky. This thing is about the size of a palm, both like dandelion seeds and some in the sea. The floating jellyfish danced in the air like this dang one dang, with a very elegant and leisurely. It is as if the paper money in memory of the dead in the cemetery is exceptionally sad and desolate.

"This is it?" Fang Senyan recalled immediately: "The seed of the spirit hn tree ~ ~ what is this thing dancing to?"

Soon Fang Senyan knew its usefulness. Those bat-winged dragons that dived in the sky seemed to have eyes, and could accurately sense the position of the stalker buried underground! It was directly plunged into the ground, lifted the dirt on the surface alive and killed a few sneakers!

The seed of the spirit hn tree can actually detect invisible units!

Undoubtedly, seven or eight spore dragons were immediately saved to try to attack the seeds of the spirit hn tree, but the results were unexpected. After being attacked, this seed was divided into two, two and four— -It is getting more and more, and even shows a kind of shining light.

Stalker's attack power is very powerful, but it is also an expensive and fragile unit. Once manifested, it will not be able to withstand the shock of the large troops, and more importantly, there is a ròu fighting air creature such as a bat pterosaur, which can be easily planed out of the soil.

Therefore, with the order of the Black Echinococcus, all the stalkers were retracted to the contraction defense near the spore air defense turret. a.

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