The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 2 Chapter 35: unexpected result

The stupid and sweaty silly Biao was in the middle of a severe pain, and he didn't know how to answer for a while, and Fang Senyan didn't seem to be waiting for him to answer, it was his knees that stabilized his back, A torn hair slammed his stupid face on the hard concrete floor!

Uh ...............

The three thugs staying downstairs are also marginalized under Huashangfei. In simple terms, they are the ones who can't stand on the platform and are responsible for shaking the flag. Therefore, they are neither affected by silly treatment nor by Brother Hu. Valued. They can only dare to be angry and stupid when they want to eat alone, but they are so bored waiting below. They even feel like hundreds of ants are crawling in their hearts, which can be called panic and itching. Only "Fengu Four", who complained the most and complained the most:

"It might be a good thing not to go up. The Yanzi has a tight door. You talk about it. Brother Hu has been with Huashan for ten years. What gun battles haven't been experienced? Hey! It got into the throat, and even the tongue licked the tip of the knife. Brother Biao took three people up .... Hey. "

Speaking of "Fenchangsi" here, I also shut up, because he felt that this assumption was too incredible. Just then, a scream came upstairs! The following three people looked at each other, and it took a while for the guts of fire to tremble:

"This ......... this voice seems to be Kaige."


"Don't talk nonsense!"

The other two yelled in surprise:

"It was the street screamer that was beaten!"

But soon the screams rang again, but this time it was clear that Biao's distorted pain sounded, and then came the dull "cricket" sound of the body hitting a hard object. The sound was very loud. The law is full of penetrating power. The three of them couldn't help but feel a little scared, and didn't know if it was because of the cold or the fear, and the goosebumps on their bodies kept coming out.

Suddenly, a window on the third floor crashed. As the glass splashed, a dark shadow was dropped, and a slamming noise fell into the muddy water below. This shadow was only five or six meters away from the three, and blood was dripping from his body, but he could also see the burly look before. His hair seemed to have been tugged vigorously, and some places on his head were obvious. Swelling and thinning hair. And the face of this dark shadow is completely immature. The teeth, eyes, and hair are blurred together, and it seems that there are half of the chewed tongue on the cheekbones, which looks like the entire face is on the rough ground. It has been rubbed for hundreds of meters.

Looking at such a miserable man, it is hard to imagine that he was the big brother Biao who stepped into the building with great enthusiasm. If it wasn't for the unique taste of Biao, who likes to wear a Chinese standing tie flip-flops, it would be really difficult to distinguish the deity for a while. Immediately afterwards, two black shadows were dropped. It was the bodies of Ruanfankai and Xiaoning. Their expressions were distorted and terrified.

I looked at the three **** evidences in front of me. The three people downstairs had a feeling of panic at the same time, and his chest seemed to be pressed on a heavy stone, and he couldn't breathe. At this time, Fang Senyan appeared from a terrace on the second floor, holding his hands on his chest, looking calm and indifferent. He looked down calmly in an overlooking posture, and suddenly smiled coldly at them, and made one with his right hand. Very aggressive cut throat action!

This action immediately caused the three downstairs thugs to jump suddenly, as if the heart of the foot was stabbed with a knife. They made a strange noise, and then fled. This is the heart of Mori Yanaka. He suddenly jumped from the second floor, and chased up in the direction of Fanchang Four escaped! The ideas of these three thugs are very beautiful. The three of them ran in separate lanes, and at most Fang Senyan could catch up with one. But they did not consider one thing: that is their own physical strength!

The three guys chased Fang Senyan for a few kilometers in the mud and rainstorm, and panted up and downstairs. They didn't even drink half a sip of water in the middle. Even if they rested for ten minutes below the floor, they How much energy can I recover by spending in a cold and hungry environment? Fang Senyan chased less than 30 meters, then flew up and killed Zheng Quan, who was the fastest escaper, and then turned to the west to chase a hundred meters. It was easy to stun the intestines with no fighting spirit. Finally chasing the fire, this guy is even more helpless, seeing Fang Senyan getting more and more flustered in his heart, and finally knelt down with tears and tears.

At this point, Huashenfei sent out to kill Fang Senyan's men. The only two people who survived were the stunned Fanchang Si and the frightened Xiao Ning.

Wu Fangsenyan took a deep breath, and then exhaled, only feeling an unexplainable sense of venting in his heart. He clenched his fists, feeling the power in his body, and his ambition rose up. Then he noticed a series of hints from the Nightmare Mark:

"You fought fiercely in the real world: your power is +1."

"You fought fiercely in the real world: your Dexterity is +1."

"You are still fighting after being attacked by the enemy in the real world: your physical strength +1"

Looking at this series of tips, Fang Senyan is quite calm, because he has already received some information: In the early days, the personal attributes of the contractor will show such a rapid increase, but after he has experienced two more worlds, this This kind of self-growth will completely stagnate, and can only be strengthened by the attribute points obtained in the nightmare world.

After becoming a contractor, it also represents that the potential in the individual's body has been fully activated. If the exercise / combat is intensified, the potential of the body will continue to be rapidly developed until it approaches the limit of the normal human body. At this stage, a contractor can be regarded as a complex of multiple world champions, reaching the limit of human flesh in all aspects. After this step, no matter how the contractor exercises and fights, Personal attribute points cannot be increased by a little more, because the human physical potential has been exhausted, and it can only be improved by relying on the basic ability points obtained in the nightmare world.

The rapid promotion in the early stage is also a protective measure for the contractor in the nightmare space, the purpose is to let them have a rapid growth process in the early stage. Then adapt to the dangerous nightmare world faster. When the contractor first enters the space, the extra 1.5 times the basic attribute value not only protects the newcomer, but also means that the contractor can adapt to the physical changes in advance.

Wu Fangsenyan thought about these things in his mind, and began to bind the surviving powder sausage four and the fire three times five and two. Both men were cold and hungry at this moment, tortured by fear and cold, and kept staring, their eyes filled with helplessness and timidity, where could there be a little bit of strength to resist? After Fang Senyan tied the two together, he introduced the youngest fire fighter to the nearby factory building. He looked at him quietly for a while, until the fire wailed loudly and cried out, and then said lightly:

"Do you want to die or live?"

After listening to this sentence, Beacon was like a drowning man who was about to reach the top of his life, and immediately gave out unprecedented strength, struggling and crying:

"Of course it's about to live! Brother Brother Yan's life is irrelevant to me. I haven't touched any of your fingers!"

Fang Senyan said arbitrarily:

"Of course I know you haven't touched it ~ ~ Otherwise you thought you could live now? Tell me all the things you know about flying shirts, and I'll check with Fanchang IV next time. If there is a discrepancy between the two of you ... "

He said that there was a smirk in the corner of Fang Senyan, but he did not continue. Huozi shivered, suddenly thinking of Biaoge's horrible flesh and blood, and nodded hurriedly, saying:

"I said, I said!"

After half an hour, Fang Senyan walked out of the factory building. Naturally, he got what he wanted. Fan Changsi had slapped his senior uncle before, so Fang Senyan chopped his hand, but Huozi was very lucky to retreat. However, Fang Senyan didn't look very relaxed, because he realized that he still underestimated the strength of Hua Shan Fei. At this time, this guy has been promoted from the backbone to the position of the master in the "Guizi Gang", and the relationship with the gang leader "Nigger East" has also been changed from an underhand to an equal position. To the town, but Nigga Dong can't help him anymore.

Although Fang Senyan did not mix up before, anyway, I have also heard some secrets of the "Guizi Gang". If the shirt is soared to the church owner, the power of affairs will naturally increase. If there is any danger, from Vietnam It's not impossible to assemble some gunmen, which is extremely bad news for Fang Senyan.


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