The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 103: broken! defeat! (Thanks for the support of the leader Ghost Crying Wolf)

Chapter 103 is broken! defeat! (Thanks for the support of the leader Ghost Crying Wolf)

Obviously, the chief of Kiryok Russia has spotted that this strange and evil giant mén also has its own weakness. That is, the troops that can be transmitted in a single time are limited, and they cannot be transmitted continuously, and there will be a certain interval. This is because the black spiny brain worm deliberately suppressed its effect when hatching the dòng to prevent it from being moved by the blade nv Wangjue Space!

In the plan of Qierokeruo, he sacrificed the life of a legendary monster, and completely destroyed the seven or eight layers of troops left by the opponent! Then at this time the enemy ’s strength has just been seriously damaged. It is no longer a concern, and when his warrior successfully sprints in front of the giant mén, there can only be two limited forces out there.

Adding together such limited powers, it is absolutely impossible to prevent the full force of your Majesty ’s warriors from attacking, so there is a certainty to destroy the giant mén that can transmit troops. Settling here is also a matter of seconds!

But at this time, Fang Senyan watching the battle from a distance made a very strange gesture!

He raised his left hand high, then raised his index finger, and made a constant shaking motion.

With the appearance of this action, a strange shadow suddenly flew high in the woods next to the Zerg base. This shadow may be quite strange to the Mozak people, but both Fang Senyan and Mogansha are quite familiar ... .. That turned out to be a queen jīng.

It flew straight to the front of the Mozak tribe, who was galloping forward.

I don't know why, as soon as the Chief Kirk Ook saw this creature, an indescribable danger premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and he roared immediately:

"Shè it!"

With the roar of the Chieftain Kiryok Russia just dropped, a legendary creature knight rushing forward slaps the neck of his mount, his mount looks somewhat similar to the enlarged and heavier version of the dragon on the earth, During the galloping, a bifurcated and red letter will spit out, and three long black giant thorns will grow on its neck, shining sharply.

As soon as the owner patted his neck, the dragon suddenly made a human "snoring" sound, and a long thorn on the neck sprayed out in a second, hitting it with a thunderbolt. Only the body of the Queen Queen shook it instantly like a balloon inflated, and then exploded into a mist of blood.

Just before being hit by the long thorn, the Zerg Queen's body surface had a slight green fluorescent flow, and then quickly gathered on the two antennae, spraying a little fluorescent green slime on this side. .

The long thorns passed by this green slime.

The Mossacks certainly know that this green slime is definitely not harmless, but they have formed a shock formation, so it is absolutely not allowed to leave the group, so the few people who have been affected have already closed Eyes clenched his teeth, waiting for corrosion, stench and severe pain! But the pain will be transformed into combat power, and it will be madly discharged to the body of the enemy in front of it!

It was just that the green sè slime actually flew in the air for a few seconds, and it was divided into two, two, four, four, and eight .... In the gap between the splits, there were even green sè slime threads connected to each other, and when flying to Mosak When the tribe's striker was in front of them, a pale green cobweb with fluorescence was formed! Wrap them up very simply.

u catch! !!

This is exactly the U-catcher of the Zerg Queen!

Although three legendary creature knights exempted this powerful range reduction effect, it is undeniable that most of the more than ten legendary creature knights charging ahead were also affected.

The whole body was covered with that kind of pale green slime. They looked awkward, raising their hands and throwing their feet as if they were tied by a rope with bouncing xìng. It became extremely difficult, and the degree was suddenly reduced!

Therefore, a rear-end event is quite normal. Although it is not like a serial rear-end collision on a high-speed highway, it is inevitable that people will fall suddenly. For a while, there was even a traffic jam.

and so!

Chilok's Russian chief's estimates were biased,

Terrifying deviation!

What he expected was that before rushing to mén of worm dòng, there would be at most time for worm dòng worm to transmit two troops, but because of this sudden work, four corps could flow out of worm dòng worm. !! !!

It is estimated that this accident also anxious the black spiny brainworm! Among the first troops that surged out were fifteen giant mammoths with one clear head, plus ... two scorpions! !!

The mammoth beasts roared and ran out in a mad clash, and they did not dare to collide with the legendary creatures. Their huge bodies existed for this purpose! !!

And the fog of the black bee that can completely suppress the long-range attack was shrouded in the mén of the insect dòng in the first instant,

The next second, the scorpion's signature skill, Blood Clouds, splashed around the body of the legendary creature knight in front of it. For a moment, the air around their bodies seemed to be directly dyed red.

After a violent and violent collision, the Zerg danger situation turned into danger again! This powerful fighting creature group once again prevailed, and at this time, the black spinococcus no longer camouflaged, and the mén of the worm dòng began to operate at the maximum load, and it was more terrible to put the new force on the battlefield. The thing is, the new army is also incubating! Yes, they are all swift beasts, and the bottom class of this Zerg class will undoubtedly have an amazing and terrifying effect when chasing the enemy.

The long, mournful trumpet sound once again spread across the battlefield like mercury.

At this moment, the wrinkles on the chief of Kiryok Russia seemed to be a little deeper. His eyes were dim, but there was a little bit of pain! Under his command, hundreds of Mosaks lined up and controlled their beasts to form a temporary line of defense. While they were waiting for the legendary creature knight to escape, it was estimated that they would also perform post-break work.

Mortal work.

Use your own death in exchange for more people to survive!

But not everyone has the courage and greatness to die willingly. Whenever there is such a person, the chief of Kiryok Russia roars loudly, points to the frail who are fleeing, and waves fiercely. A wooden spear pulled out from nowhere was obviously threatening his family.

Fang Senyan looked at the skull necklace hanging on the necks of these Mosaks, but he always seemed a little hesitant. His brows were wrinkled and wrinkled, but his words stopped. At this time, Mo Gansha, who was watching coldly, took a deep breath:

"Hey! Brother Blackthorn, can you control your worms as much as possible not to bite those savage indigenous people and only bite them?"

Black Echinococcus said very simply:

"Yes, but this will increase the casualties of my army by 17.3."

Mo Gansha spit out the gum in her mouth and said very seriously:

"But I bet you, this * can increase the casualties of the enemy by at least more than that."

The black spiny brainworm was surprised:


Fang Senyan smiled bitterly at this time:

"Really, not all creatures can fight wars as cold and completely as rational as you do. Damn, I really have a psychological barrier for children and fùnv, even Naomi."

The black buddies were silent for a while before lighting a cigar:

"In previous years in Mogadishu, genocide was very common ..... fùnv and the blood of children will make the river red. I am an orphan who has survived the genocide."

At this point, the black buddies tilted their heads and saw a deep scar on the side of the neck. If the scar was swash-like on the neck like a bulge, it would almost be pulled from the carotid artery, otherwise The words must die on the spot. He smiled with white teeth:

"This is the birthday gift that those **** racist guys gave me when I was five years old. So whenever I got to this scar, I was reminding myself to be **** the enemy, especially those who can Enemies that threaten your life. "

Fang Senyan sighed, UU read the book patted the shoulders of the black buddies, but did not speak again.

And with such a short time, the situation on the battlefield at this time has evolved into the great retreat of the Mosak tribe and the chase battle of the Zerg!

At this time, Fang Senyan opened his last hand! He probably buried a total of about one hundred fierce beasts one by one on the road leading to the triangular beach from Fengshi Heights. These fierce beasts are usually buried together with five or six heads, which are usually not enough for the Mosaks to plug their teeth.

But at this time, the Mozak people were exhausted, and there was a time for chasing. These fierce guys who suddenly got out of the ground played a magical effect. They only needed to throw the enemy off the mount and even delay it for more than ten seconds. The chasing after the mad chase could expand the results again.

In addition, Mo Gansha's strategy of killing more people and killing fewer people also played a huge role. As mentioned earlier, the chief of Kiryok Russia ordered the whole family to dispatch!

This also means that the Mozak people who have escaped clearly cannot hear the cry behind them, and return to rescue the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and their loved ones, and they are thrown into the net! It is worth mentioning that this includes a full eight legendary creature knights! !! !! a.

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