The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 105: Gospel of the Cycling Tribe

Faced with the reef's doubts, Fang Senyan smiled and said, "Go for a while. You can rest assured. I am also a principled person."

Reef nodded silently: "I believe in you."

Look at the direction in which the host is flying "is the position of the previous riding tribe.

Fang Senyan jumped from the host two or three kilometers before reaching the home tree of the riding tribe. In addition to the powerful bat * pterosaur that had the old chief.

Shè attack ability is also quite not weak. If you approach it rashly, "it will cause an accident."

When they walked within one kilometer of the homeland tree, "there were members of the riding tribe," but after seeing Fang Senyan, they immediately swayed his Majesty's heavy armored horse and fled far away in shame. . Until Fang Senyan came to the front of the homeland tree, "but saw the current patriarch Mulu and Mulbo standing down in mén." His face was full of shame. "My brother" Please forgive us on the battlefield "Cowardly" because we received the shrine of Mother Earth Eva "and we retreat" Absolutely not because of danger !! "

Mulu opened his hands and said, "It's very painful." The expression on his face has been distorted. "His appearance is very sloppy." His eyes are full of red silk. "It doesn't look like he's fake. "My friend" I understand your mood. I also respect your beliefs. I thought I had never been born at that time. "We are still brothers. "

"Mu Zeng shook his head in pain" said with tears in his eyes: "The ear is that I am no longer worthy of being your brother. I am a coward who escapes.

He pulled out his own blade with ease. "He pointed the handle at Fang Senyan:" Please end my shameful life. "This will make me feel better."

The high priest Murbo, who was falsely weeping beside him, suddenly panicked, and hugged his baby: "Oh! My child, do n’t be like this, “I ’m holding you back” If you blame, blame me! "

Fang Senyan looked on with cold eyes, "Of course, I can see the false imagination flowing from the deep priest Murbo's bones," but Mulu was sincere. Fang Senyan didn't want to spend 1àng time at this time "to directly chase Mu Lu's bone back into his sheath. Walked to his front and said," Since I have said that thing, I haven't had it ", then So far, "Do you want me to be a wordless man?" But Mulu, I really have one thing to ask you this time. "

Mulu immediately said eagerly, "What's the matter?"

Suddenly, the black guys had a strange expression on their faces at this moment, "somewhat inexplicable and insignificant and 〖yín〗 dang", just like the crown, the expression of the brother when he took the nèn and walked into the hotel elevator. Similar to "he anan his own thick mouth net said:" I remember the last time you seemed to mention "The girl of the Mosak tribe is very good?"

Mulu's eyes were very tense, and he looked at the dad next to him, "Have I said that?"

The black buddies immediately knew that he was a bit vague at this time, "but seeing the old man's face sèyīn sink down again", it seems that family law must be asked at any time. Suddenly a few people hit the sky and haha ​​wanted ménghn to pass by.

However, Fang Senyan's previous topic mentioned "it can be said that all male xìng creatures can chat a few words. The level within the riding tribe is not so strict," so there are some riding tribal warriors who were eavesdropping on the periphery At this time, I started to try to cheer up. "It is estimated that I want to be active and add to my heart.

"Yeah yeah!"

"Although the Demon Sac's group of fallen men lost the favor of the earth **** nv, their nv people became extremely u people!"

"It is said that it was because of the sacrificial tower built by the fallen."

"It really looks better than our dry nvs."

"Ng is tǐng looks good to the touch."

"The **** is also round."

, ".

Fang Senyan listened to their nonsense, in the final analysis, they should all say that the nv people of the Mosak family should be fuller. However, think carefully that this has a half máo money relationship with the earth nv god! Obviously, it is because the tribe is not so More taboos "everything that can be killed can be regarded as a prey", so there is plenty of food, so nvxìng will of course become fuller and taller. This is naturally due to rich nutrition.

However, at this time, Fang Senyan was too lazy to talk with them so much, regardless of the old Murbo who was blowing his beard and staring. "Murula, who was so embarrassed, looked aside." It looks like the aesthetics of your tribal men and you It ’s the same. "

Mulu said suddenly, "Is this normal?" Why would there be so many people chasing the most beautiful girl. "

& o cleared their bottom line, "then coughed," a serious saying: "In fact, this time I want to make a deal with you.

Mulu was extremely ashamed and said, "What do you think of us just take it and leave?" What is easier. .

Fang Senyan said that although you said it boldly, "but unfortunately, I don't really care about one of your things." It is estimated that this matter still has to fall on the old and sly Murbo. So he directly said: "I went to attack the Mosak tribe just now" and captured a lot of them. If the riding tribe is willing to pay enough, then "I can consider selling them to you." Otherwise, I will sacrifice to our allies. .

Mulu snorted: "My friend" lies will rot your heart. "Fang Senyan reluctantly turned away his eyes and said," But I didn't lie, forget about the operator. "You tell your father my original words.

Let him talk to me. .

According to his words, Mulu "a few moments later, the old man from Mulbo came over" and looked at Moriya with a dubious look: "Although this is very rude," but I still want to express that I ca n’t believe the Mosak tribe. I have n’t suffered the loss of more than ten clan members for many, many years. "I do n’t think you can still do this thing, just shrouded in the wrath of the earth nv **** Eva ...

Fang Senyan spread his hands out, "It ’s very straightforward:" Okay, "Mourbo sacrifices," You should applaud your eloquence. "Because in the first month, your words successfully made me want to destroy the price reduction ... Chuan" give me sometime. .

As a result, fifteen minutes later, "a young man riding a heavily armored horse rushed to the home tree very impolitely." 〖Xing〗 His face was flushed and his body was shaking....

A lot of nv people and children of the Devil's Tribe! !! !! (What did you do in Xing this year?

The only explanation should be that Namei children are more precocious, "Uh," this expression is really evil)

Obviously, "Fang Senyan's predecessor was to let Mogansha bring two hundred fast beasts" to escorted the captives of the Mosak tribe. "Come here." The reason why Mogansha was escorted was naturally because of him. It's a long-range attacker, and if someone wants to escape, then it's very convenient to control the situation.

The strength of the Mosak people is only in two aspects. One is the ability to control the beasts. The other is the long-range attack. At this time, almost all of their Tu clan have very serious injuries. A swift beast "then carried the host. There was no threat at all" so it was not slow to be transported over "but it only took some time for these people to get on the host.

The old men of Mulu and Mulbo are still incredible. But in a flash, he was completely conquered by the facts in front of him. It was especially the old man who was moving. "Don't want to crook" This old thing has little interest in nv people "... but because the riding tribe has just suffered a heavy hit" The most important young adult has a fault. If it is waiting for natural make-up "

It will take at least two decades to reach its former heyday.

But if the tribe has acquired these NVs and children. These children will become teenagers in about three years, "almost half a netg person", and "in five to ten years" will become brave fighters. This means that the time for tribal recovery will be reduced by more than half!

As for the loyalty, Fang Senyan, they seem to be the most critical issue that can be ignored "because the Namei people at this time are still in the primitive Stone Age" and their customs are somewhat "similar to the tribe on the ancient grassland!"

For example, when Temujin didn't rise, "his wife was captured by the enemy tribe", and then something very yellow and very violent (please ask readers under the age of 18), and waited until Temujin robbed his wife back. "Pregnancy" turned out that the child was born very smoothly "Temaki regards it as his own birth" and is sincere ~ ~ This child seems to be the back of the nest (Tao mine? Or I have Remember the name?). Namei customs can also be inferred from this.

And once these members of the Mosak tribe become captives of the riding tribe, "the choice is to die or be annexed." After being annexed, they must swear before the mother of the earth, the nv **** Eva. Absolutely loyal to the current tribe "However here is the planet Pandora" The biggest key difference from the earth is that "The mother of the earth, Eva nv, really exists! So few people dare to betray the oath!"

"The opportunity for the tribe's re-emergence" and even the mysterious beast-taming technique of the rise of Mosak "are enough nv people and children. Even the old and sly Mulbo sacrifice trembled with excitement. Murmured. a.

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