The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 112: Live and die!

Although Zerg's worker bees look at the right and Rda's giant construction machinery does not seem to be a grade at all, every cell and even every gene of these hardworking and tireless guys are modulated to deal exclusively with mén. For all kinds of rocks, they integrate mining, refining, and transportation into one body, which is the biological machinery of the Zerg.

They are used to dig tunnels, and they are not less efficient than human heavy engineering machinery.

However, when Fang Senyan mobilized dozens of Zerg worker bees to excavate, he encountered an unexpected situation: the worker bees were extremely inefficient!

When I usually watch them collect Pandora ore, which is also growing in the rocky nest, the action is very neat. The acid sprayed and the two huge mouth clamps were clamped a few times to easily corrode the hard rock. Open it up and take out the Pandora ore.

At this time, when I saw a group of worker bees swirling around the rock, it seemed that they were lazily gripping the rock with their mouthparts. Then, dozens of worker bees nòng for a long time before they got a hard rock of about one cubic meter.

Fang Senyan knows that there must be something weird, because the Zerg worker bees definitely don't have the idea of ​​negative work. After thinking about it, he contacted the black brainworm directly.

This guy was also very interesting, so he sent the Zerg Queen Jia Ni, who had advanced to the legendary creature at this time, to understand it. Accompanying them were two jīng British Great Devourers and six rare jīng Yingfeilongs. Escorts of this size dared to fight, even if they encountered the Overlord Phantom Flying Dragon, they also had a battle, showing the importance attached to Jia Ni.

Because the identity of the Zerg queen is quite special, it is the only unit in the Zerg that can control enemy buildings (the base that controls human beings) ", so it can almost be said to be the representative and clone of the mother nest. Once this queen came here, immediately Use telepathy to tell Fang Senyan that there is an indescribable powerful jīng divine power protecting these stones. Therefore, the progress of the worker bee's excavation will be greatly delayed.

Fang Senyan immediately asked Zhou two questions about xìng: the first is whether he can clear the source of this jīng divine power, and the second is that it is impossible to weaken the jīng divine power and speed up the excavation process!

Jiani began to contact the mother's nest, and later told Fang Senyan that the jīng divine power should be controlled by cào and attached to the rock many years ago. According to its observations, the entire Fengshi Heights seems to be protected by this magical jīng divine power. It is estimated that this is also the reason that the layer of méng on the top of the Fengshi Heights has not collapsed.

Secondly, there is no way to speed up the progress of the excavation. The more you dig inside, the stronger the mysterious jīng power is, the greater the resistance is, and the proper excavation will take at least six or seven days ...

In the end, Jia Ni also told Fang Senyan that ordinary humans would also be affected by this jīng divine power. Under the influence of violent 1ù, it would be easy to go crazy and do some crazy things.

This even more directly eliminated the thought of Fang Senyan going to the Rda base ...

Hearing this unfortunate news, Mogansha and Jiaoyan looked at each other suddenly. They only exchanged the time of stay in Zhantian. At this time, ten days have passed. If it is dragged on for six or seven days, Fang Senyan would still have You can stay here for an extra three days, and they can only be forced back into the space!

& cdh, the breeder hunter stood up, and he provided the reef and Mogansha with a one-time xìng prop. This prop is called the gds point-to-point focused positioning system. Locate the location of a contractor, then teleport to re-enter his world.

Of course, to use this prop, you must first know the nightmare space number of the contractor, and secondly, the contractor must actively cooperate with it to locate "The most important thing is that the use of this prop is very expensive" General points are consumed in hours and are superimposed.

& cdh gives an example: when the reef and Mogansha teleported over, xìng would be charged 20,000 universal points (because of two people), but the 20,000 universal points only allowed them to stay for a small

Time, even if it is an extra second, then 40,000 universal points will be deducted! !! This 40,000 universal points is the cost of an extra stay in the next hour. If you stay to the third hour, it will be 80,000 universal points, and 160,000 universal points.

However, such an expensive charge is estimated to have something to do with the space battlefield they experienced at this time. According to the previous experience of use, usually the single person's transmission cost is only 3,000 points.

The appearance of this item finally solved the urgent needs of Fang Senyan. After all, the strength of Qi Erke Russia is obvious to all. If the reef and Mogansha are added when the task is completed, there are two more insurance factors. . Although dh had only collected a powerful powerful beast spirit hn before, he still cherished the high-end death beast of Cyrkeok.

You know, there is also a small probability of failure to revive the seed. There is no doubt that if ... Convex can collect the spirit hn of that high-level death beast, then the reviving nv friends will be almost secure.

After a lot of people have negotiated, they can only stay where they are, and watch a large group of worker bees digging. Even though Fang Senyan is a person who cherishes time and opportunities, he does not dare to be paralyzed at this time, and is distracted to consider taking some of the remaining tasks to complete, because no one can guarantee that there will be any unexpected situation. Once the golden branch task I did it all here, but I lost my tears because I picked sesame seeds and lost watermelons!

Finally, the fifteen-day stay period has expired, and the staying time of Mogansha and Jiaoziren has arrived ... They are very reluctant to watch the excavation scenes of the group of worker bees as if played back in slow motion, and the perseverance looks almost like It was so resentful that watching the young nv for ten years secretly put into the arms of others! !!

Although the two were so reluctant to leave, they couldn't resist the powerful rule of space and slowly disappeared from the world. Fang Senyan took a deep breath at this time. If ... if it is difficult to make a mischief, then it is now, but Fang Senyan still controls thousands of fast beasts at this time, and there are many zerg creatures. Trying to kill him is still tantamount to suicide!

Finally, there are only five hours left in Fang Senyan! The tunnel leading to the underground dòng finally penetrated! This ca n’t be blamed for the Zerg ’s degree being too slow, but the more it advances to the back, the greater the interference. At the back, Fang Senyan even saw several worker bees suddenly burst into a nasty nasal slurry during mining. appearance. According to Queen Carney, it's because the vicious jīng divine power in their body has accumulated too much.

After the martyrdom passed through, Fang Senyan yīn calmly waved his hand! Thousands of swift beasts directed directly at this tunnel dòng and slammed in directly. The most important thing at the moment is to avoid being blocked by dòng's mouth, and it will not be opened. Otherwise, there really is May be tǐng over five

At times, it was overturned in this great situation!

Fortunately, worker bees digging tunnels are not as loud as humans, and there is too much movement, so Fang Senyan's concerns did not appear. After a thousand heads of fast beasts entered all the newly opened channels, two hundred heads were left to defend the dòng mouth, and then eight hundred heads of fast beasts spread directly into a huge net and began to open in the vast underground. Filtered by xìng searches in space.

An hour later, there were already seven people of the Mozak tribe, including two NVs and two old people, but they were killed directly by Fang Senyan without mercy. The guys who haven't surrendered to the present are all diehards. Fang Senyan has his own principle of life, but it definitely does not mean that he has fù 孺 renren! He has given the enemy two chances to survive, so he will not give them a second time!

The price paid for killing the seven Mosaks was four hundred fast beasts, but Fang Senyan immediately increased his troops again. The total number of fast beasts searched in the underground space increased instead of increasing to 1,200!

Two hours later, another 21 Mosaks appeared, and one remained.

Three hours later ~ ~ finally felt the trail of Qi Erke Ruo, Fang Senyan directly ordered the siege, and then formed eight hundred fast beasts into eight teams! One hundred turns in each attack! The remaining Beasts continued to spread, searching for signs of all living beings throughout the underground space! Once it appears, kill it relentlessly immediately! Even the people who were trapped in the riding tribe did not let go, because there have been previous examples of Im Da Da using the spirit hn to control the body, so it is difficult to guarantee that Qi Er Okuo will not play this hand!

The old Mourbo naturally protested loudly, but when he saw Fang Senyan's expression and eyes hanging on Yan Shuang, he felt a great deal of anger and pressure! He murmured only a few words around his mouth, but he still couldn't say a half word.

Time passed quickly, and when Fang Senyan left the world two hours and 13 minutes before the countdown, Jani told Fang Senyan through the link of the fierce beast that fought ahead. The patriarch of the Mosak tribe, the fallen leader, and the knight of the death beast Chil O'Kor are dead.

Fifty-seven seconds elapsed, and Jia Ni informed Fang Senyan again that the seventh-tier death beast on which she was riding died.

This combination of one person and one beast killed a total of 614 Swift Beasts, but fell under the mad slam of 615 Swift Beasts. Mouth locust a.

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