The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 1: 3 Legendary Ships

With this in mind, Fang Senyan immediately tried to query the Nightmare Mark and got the following prompt:

"Your merit value is 1 point."

"You can only get simple information about the next world five minutes in advance."

"You can also choose a random entry method before entering the next world."

"Random access to the world will put you into the world of randomly drawn movies. So you can't make targeted arrangements for the next world to experience."

"Randomly entering the world will give you the ability: insight." (Allows you to obtain basic information about the current target, the stronger the target's strength, the less information you get). Perceive the distance between this basic attribute and you Poor will affect the chance of success of insight.

"Random entry into the world will negate certain space-related abilities."

"After entering the world at random, the various types of rewards you get will increase by 20% in the pass statistics. This effect cannot be superimposed with similar effects." (That is, the original task reward can only get 100 universal points, but random Those who enter can get 120 points)

At this time, Fang Senyan is completely in a state of poverty and whiteness, that is, even if he predicts the content of the next world in advance, he is at least psychologically prepared. It is impossible to purchase any targeted props and equipment, so it seems that entering the world randomly is the best choice, and there will be at least two preferential treatments. Fang Senyan waited silently in space, and when there were five minutes left in the world, he got the prompt on time:

"Your merit value is 1 point."

"You can get information about the next movie world to experience."

"You can also choose to randomly enter a certain movie world."

Fang Senyan, who had already considered the proper nature, naturally chose random. Over time, at this time, an oval white light gate has appeared in the center of the nightmare space. Some people have started to enter, and ripples appear on the surface. Lin took a deep breath and stepped inward

"Starting into the nightmare world ........."

"Begin matching data ..."

"Start Randomly Assigning the World"

"World Selection

"Begin to assimilate characters with this world ..."

"Starting to enter the world ..."

This is a civilized and barbaric world

This is a world of gunpowder, witchcraft magic sunset

This is a world full of rudeness and elegance, madness and reason

This is a world of smoke, skulls, breech guns, rum ...

Fang Senyan opened his eyes calmly.

It was as calm as waking up naturally every morning. The first thing he saw was the yellow and black dusty dust, and then he found himself in a low and humble house-or an old shed. . Such a scene even made him have the illusion of returning to the shack in Siqiao Town.

There was a smell of moist mold in the air, and the sheets on the body were rough and heavy, and should be made of linen. The worm eyes on the crooked table next to it were very clear, and it seemed that a large amount of crumbs would fall down when touched. With a slight movement, the bed underneath will make a very loud noise. If someone is passing by outside, it will be misunderstood that some kind of fierce and exciting primitive activity is going on in the room.

Fang Senyan turned over and got out of bed. Although he was bound to return to the best state when he first entered the space, he moved his body subconsciously. The touch from the feet showed that the floor was also rotten because of the humidity. It ’s hard to say clearly if you do n’t have a footstep. The surrounding walls are pieced together with old wooden boards. It has a rich humid atmosphere. It seems that if you push it with your hand, it will break like paper open.

唯一 The only furniture in this room is a pocket round table. The surface of this table is full of old scratches, as if someone had slashed it on it. At this time, there was a blank yellow parchment paper, and a quill pen with white feathers. This pen seemed to be able to sense Fang Senyan's gaze, and it was erected directly, as if held by a transparent and invisible palm, and then began to write on the parchment smoothly:

"Contractor 1018, welcome to the Nightmare Space."

"This is the second nightmare world you experience."

"You must complete the main task assigned to you within 24 hours, otherwise you will be out."

"Mainline Mission: Busy People."

任务 "Mission Brief: You must find a job in the port of Tutuga within 24 hours, otherwise your raw face will be cut by your knife and thrown into the sea, or you will roll back wherever you are!"

任务 "Task reminder: At this time, the Rum Festival is being held in the port of Tutuga, so it is at the busiest time of the year, so it is definitely not difficult to find a job."

Hint: This world you entered in a random world way, you gain the ability: insight. After using it, you get basic information about the current target. The stronger the target is, the less information you get, and the longer the cooldown of insight. The minimum is no less than five minutes and the maximum is no more than an hour.

Hint: Insight is not available to contractor.

Hint: Insight is a temporary ability that will disappear when you leave this world. You must pay universal points to use this ability that was not yours. In this world, you need to pay 100 universal points for each use of insights, but you can choose to settle the total accumulated after using the insights multiple times at the end of the world cost.

Warning: If the universal points on your body when you leave the world are still not enough to pay the total cost, then the equipment on your body will be taken to compensate. If the equipment on your body is still not enough to cover the difference, then you will pay your life to pay the remaining debt.

Tip: You can get the following milestones in this world (including this world and extended world).

"Bright eyes: You get any voodoo doll."

"Fearless: You gnawed and killed any legendary creature." (Note: The total damage you deal to this creature must exceed 10% of its total health.)

"Drunk: You drank a hundred glasses of rum." (Note: Any rum that sells for less than 4 shillings / cup will not be included in the statistics) "

"Big Voyager: You have completed a round trip from the New World."

"Because your merit is insufficient, you cannot view the remaining milestones."

Wu Fangsenyan looked at this series of information, and his frown was relaxed slightly. With these piecemeal news, he has roughly inferred which movie world he has entered. For him who grew up by the sea and was a full eight-year crew member, adapting to this world is almost as smooth as a fish swimming in the water!

"I'm here ... Caribbean!"

Fang Senyan took a deep breath, then pulled the hinge off the door bolt and opened the door!

The fresh sea breeze that he was familiar with was blowing up front. He was now located on a half-hill slope, and there were similar small houses nearby. Below was a gray wooden town with cluttered buildings. Are intertwined together, giving a dark and stale feeling. Vaguely see a lot of guys wearing worn clothes, wearing red / off-white / light black turbans. If the ant colony shuttles around the town, just A kilometer away is the endless turbulent sea of ​​white foam.

In the distance came the cry of the Mediterranean white gull, and the faint tunes of the Scottish bagpipes, although they were torn by the sea breeze ~ ~ but still empty. Illusion. Fifty or six kilometers away, a steep cliff as high as a thousand meters deep into the sea like a screen, encircling the whole town like a giant's powerful arm, and also resisting the mighty wind and waves that may come from the outside. As a result, the ghostly axe and magical work have created a very good natural deep-water port. Then, Fang Senyan's eyes turned to the surface of the harbor. His heart seemed to be choked by an invisible giant hand, and he took a deep breath instinctively, as if this could relieve the excitement. Asphyxiation.

Walking in the harbor, there are three huge ships of different shapes moored! In the face of the mysterious, primitive, and awesome feelings of these three ships, almost all the ships moored around them will be ignored by people directly!

Although for Fang Senyan who is familiar with 10,000 tons, the volume of these three ships can only be considered as medium. But 10,000 tons are only dead objects made of steel. These three ships feel like they have their own soul!

They just dock quietly between the mountains and the sea, between sky and water. They float on the ocean in their own way, giving people the feeling of "dominating life and death to rule the seven seas." It seems that the boundless and turbulent ocean is in their You must bow your head in front of you, and be docile!

Although the distance is at least two or three kilometers straight, the obvious features still make Fang Senyan can't help but read the names of the three ships:

女王 Queen Anne's Revenge,

black Pearl!

Flying Dutchman!


Recently there is always a power outage. I rely on it to make the update time not on time, but rest assured that the daily amount will not be small. There is one more at 11 o'clock.

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