The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 118: carry out! Cherokee ...

After killing the son of Fermon, his body curled up, and even though it was nailed to the ground, it still twitched slightly. At this time, it can be seen that the twenty-three hearts on the golden altar are rapidly shrinking in the soaking liquid, as if they were dissolved quickly in the water like sugar or salt.

Obviously, the Chel Oke Russia (Che

Okee), wait until the heart is completely dissolved on the altar! At the same time, the rising Pandora's crystal concave mirror began to vaporize in the air, but the light it projected became brighter, and slowly projected into the unclear area at the bottom of the small lake. [Search for the latest updates in m]

The heart and the concave mirror finally disappeared in front of everyone. After they disappeared, the faint purple light suddenly appeared in the clear water of the small lake. The light was mysterious, majestic and solemn. The illusion of worship.

Slowly, two or three long arthropods emitting purple light appeared from the clear water below, drifting gently in the clear water, and the soft purple light flowed with the waves, making people's hearts involuntarily filled. The soothing and solemn meaning, the psychological suggestion of worship is even stronger. Except for the old Mulbo, the rest of the riding tribe all fell into fear and trembled, kneeling on the ground, and pressed their heads tightly on the ground. .

Only the old Mulbo was terrified, his body was trembling violently, and his mouth murmured:

"Soul tree in the water! This is the tree of souls in the water !!!"

He suddenly rushed into the clan madly, kicking them in anger:

"Get up, don't kneel, don't pray here, do you want to be fallen?"

I heard the words of Old Mulbo, all the doubts in Fang Senyan disappeared in a flash, as if the lost beads found the perforated thread, and immediately understood the ins and outs of everything! !!

But at this time, he had no time to think about it, because as the 23 hearts on the altar melted completely, the lavender-ray arthropods floating in the clear small lake became more and more. It is extremely clear and transparent, so the thousands of purple arthropods, like the branches of willow in early spring, slowly fluctuate with the rippling water of the lake, which is very magnificent.

At the same time, the long-awaited reminder of the Nightmare Mark finally came:

"Golden Side Mission: Chel Oke Russia (Che

The okee) sacrifice was successfully completed. "

"You successfully killed Chirok Russian chief, dug its heart and sacrificed it."

"Mission Completion Rating: Very Poor (You will not get worse reviews than this)"

任务 "Mission description: The Demon Sac tribe has perished, and the heart of Chilok'o has successfully sacrificed on the golden altar. You only completed these two elements, so you can only get the lowest evaluation and basic reward."

提示 "Hint: your team level is not enough, so your silver team leader status cannot influence the outcome of the reward."

"Your merit value increased by 20 + 1 points (Legendary degree bonus +1)

"You get 30,000 universal points."

"You have thirty potential points."

"You successfully completed the golden branch mission! Improve your team experience by 30 points !!!"

"Your current team experience is 60 points

15 o'clock, please raise your rank as soon as possible so that the team can upgrade. "

After the reminder was here, I paused. Fang Senyan also shared all the task information in the team at this time, indicating that he did not mean to hide privately. This was continued when everyone was wondering. Gives the hint:

"Complete the evaluation based on your task as: Very poor. So you can only get two unique bonuses for the random gold branch missions!"

"Please select three of the rewards below as the final reward."

奖励 "Reward A: You get a bonus of 10 additional +1 points for the free basic attributes (legendary bonus)."

说明 "Explanation: After selecting this item, your free basic attribute points will increase by 7 points + 1 point, you can assign it to the basic attributes at any time."

"Reward B: Star Trek Certificate (one-time consumption item)."

说明 "Explanation: After using this item, you will not be able to be attacked by the contractor (in a broad sense: including the hunter, etc.) while you stay in this world, and you cannot attack the rest of the contractor."

奖励 "Reward C: Waiver of Power of Attorney (This item can be exempted for 3 missions below level B and 1 penalty for missions below level A, and cannot be exempted from higher difficulty missions."

说明 "Explanation: After using this item, you will be exempt from the penalty caused by the failure of the mission. Of course, you cannot get the reward of the mission. Please use this item before the punishment of the mission comes."

"Reward D: Innister steroid implants."

"Explanation: This is the latest invention. Researchers have taken inspiration from a human pacemaker. This implant collects carbon dioxide in your body and continuously supplies new steroid hormones to the body. Increase your attack power by 15%. This increase is similar to the halo effect and will last forever -------- the thing you have to do is to inject it into your body, please rest assured that after our Thirty-seven years of clinical observation experiments have proven that as long as there are no more than three implants in the body, it will not affect your health. "

"Reward E: One Cross Medal of Honor." (Exclusive Reward for Golden Side Mission)

说明 "Explanation: After using this medal, you can increase your current rank by 1 level. Only for Captains

使用 Used by reserve officer or higher. "

"Reward F: Azizol-

Kruka-Lu ion complex high-energy injection. (Exclusive rewards for the gold branch missions)

"Explanation: Eklu high-energy injection is a very precious medicine. Even the contractor who has almost exhausted the internal potential of the body can also make its strength leap again and directly break through the limits of humanity! Any test will directly become the official hunter.

奖励 "Reward G: Rand Cool Road Ze Defender (One-time Consumption)"

"Explanation: In any case, you can use this item to directly transfer users back to a safe nightmare space-the side effect is that any benefits you gain in this world will be affected Empty. "

说明 "Explanation: Although we don't encourage escape on the battlefield, well, even heroic fighters should have the right to surrender decently."

"Reward H: Elite Metal Dissolving Modulation Solution.

说明 "Explanation: This is a rare plot-level item, painted on the equipment you are trying to strengthen

On the weapon, it has a 100% chance to directly increase to LV3, a 50% chance to directly increase to LV5, and a 10% chance to directly increase to LV7.

说明 "Description:

道具 This item can only be used for equipment with silver plot and dark gold

Items take effect.

说明 "Explanation: This is a rare substance further extracted from the core of the planet, which can greatly increase the ductility and toughness of the material. Even the entire nightmare space is a very precious prop."

Looking at this series of explanations, the eyes of the three people were straightened at the same time. It can be said that none of the seven props is useless! Taking one out and selling it is also invaluable. Although the increase in Innister steroid implants seems to be limited, please note that its bonus is a percentage! And it does not occupy the equipment field. In the later period, if you become a hunter or more advanced, you can form an overwhelming terror advantage if you don't get 15% of the attack power.

At this time, dh also seemed a little curious in the face of the reward of this golden branch task. Fang Senyan also has to admit that without his horrible shot, whether he can accomplish this task is also ambiguous ~ ~ so I can't help but will take out this series of reward options and ask him for reference opinion.

Haunting is dh, but it is a hunter. When he saw this generous reward, he couldn't help but be surprised. He thought about the other side of Mori Road:

"The space has strict confidentiality regulations on some information, and I ca n’t say more, but if I am you, then you will definitely consider the basic attribute points! By the way, you should get the reward of breaking the 20 points naked. ? "

When dh uttered this sentence, there were quite a few prefaces, but after Fang Senyan heard it, his heart suddenly moved, he took a deep look at dh, and then nodded seriously:

"I see, thank you."

Dh laughed, and Fang Senyan actually chose item A at this time: 10 + 1 free attribute points! If you add the 8 free attribute points that he obtained before, then his unassigned free attribute points have reached the terrifying 19 points! However, at this time, Fang Senyan still did not intend to assign free points.

He still has a few questions in his mind at this time, because the return is imminent, and the return will inevitably increase the rank, then the level is sufficient, and more confidential information can be consulted. If these questions can get satisfactory answers, Then it ’s better to add more points later, it ’s better.

At this point, Fang Senyan decided to make a decision, facing the reef and Mogansha Road:

"Everyone in this golden branch mission is born to death. There are two remaining options to choose from."

Both the reef and Mogansha said suddenly:

头 "Boss? Don't you need that Eklu high-energy injection?"

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