The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 121: Go back

Although the situation was critical, fortunately at this time, under the control of Fang Senyan, at least dozens of Zerg hosts swarmed into the ground cracks desperately, although these hosts were killed by the collapsed stones above and dropped a Most of them, but the rest is still to pick up Fang Senyan and the remaining riding tribal people.

When they flew about a kilometer away, despite the host ’s ròu wall, they just felt the heat behind them. The terrible fiery red magma had already been filled with a lot of white smoke and black gas, and it burst out into the sky crazy! At this point, if you are looking down on the spaceship outside the planet Pandora's atmosphere, it looks like you have lit a torch on the beautiful planet Pandora!

At this time, Mogansha's stay time was close to two hours, and they were about to reach the limit of their current financial conditions. Even if they stayed for more than two hours and one second, then the general sense of space was not enough, and they would go directly from the contract. Take the equipment and props directly in the storage space of the person to pay the debt. If it is not enough, they will strip the equipment worn by the contractor! If the equipment is gone, the skill level is forcibly deducted, and finally until it is wiped out! People died and the debt was cleared, so the two hurriedly chose to return.

And Fang Senyan has about twenty minutes remaining time. He is also a jīng guy who does not plan to pay 1àng. So he plans to go to the mother of the blackthorn and take advantage of his wealth to repurchase some Zerg units, especially It's a big killer of Zerg worker bees! Definitely a must-have option for killing and setting fire. The relationship between the two parties is an unshakable worship relationship, and the top-level charm of the gold mine is a blessing.

However, at this time, Black Echinococcus was a little sorry to tell Fang Senyan a cruel fact that although he can sell these things, no, even to Fang Senyan. However, because the Blackthorn Clan has now separated from the Zerg and formed its own body, the forces of the Blackthorn Clan have not gained the dominance of the king of the sword nv king. To put it plainly, if Fang Senyan got those Zerg eggs, as long as the hatched troops left the Echinococcus a certain distance, they would have no cào control because they lost the **** of jīng god.

This point was actually manifested when the golden branch task was completed before. For example, in the face of the rock protected by the jīng divine power barrier of the mother of water, because the worker bees are far away from the black spinococcus, the mining efficiency of the weakened jīng divine dominance is greatly reduced, even through the legendary creature Queen Queen To increase.

When facing the huge spiral shell behind, the savage beast became crazy as soon as it came into contact with that powerful interference. However, if you change to the Zerg controlled by the blade nv king, then this problem will definitely not occur.

Under such circumstances, Fang Senyan should not say that he took those eggs to the rest of the Nightmare World to hatch, that is, to take these eggs to a hundred or two hundred kilometers to hatch, and the emerged Zerg creatures would become uncontrollable. Beasts, if they do n’t, will kill each other, completely out of control. It is equal to white hua money. The only good news now is that the eggs purchased in the Xinghe Team World can still be used normally, but Fang Senyan only has two remaining host eggs that can be used as tools.

However, although Fang Senyan was upset, he still felt that there were gains and losses. In order to complete the golden branch mission, the necessary sacrifice should be made, so although I sighed, I did not feel too sad. At this time, the prompt to return to the nightmare space has arrived. Fang Senyan took a deep breath and looked at this again. The beautiful, dangerous and rich planet Pandora, then bid farewell to the blackthorn, walked into the woods next to it and chose to return.

About ten seconds later, I saw a lot of vines growing at the feet of Fang Senyan who was walking. Every time he took a step, the vines wrapped him for one more point, and the whole person sank for one point. After less than ten steps, the vines had completely wrapped Fang Senyan, then pulled into the ground, and completely disappeared on the land of the planet Pandora.

At this point, Fang Senyan was very familiar with the return process, he closed his eyes directly, and waited until the very strange weightlessness on his body disappeared before reopening.

At this point he returned to the environment that seemed to be cosmic space, with dark and deep backgrounds, and starlight shining.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan felt an indescribable pain all over his body, as if every blood vessel in the body was being washed by a máo brush! The pain lasted, probably came and went, and it just disappeared after only five or six seconds.

But in this continuous process, Fang Senyan's teeth were creaked, and the sweat on his body was flowing like a bath! It can be seen that the pain is intense, and then there is a prompt that is not slow and slow:

"The curse of poisonous veins on you has been expelled."

"Your rank is: Ensign."

"Because it costs a lot to get rid of this curse, you have to pay a certain common point for it."

At this time, Fang Senyan knew that the original people were still in the scheme of the mysterious mother of water. Fortunately, he returned to the space immediately after Zhongzhao. At this time, the space would automatically check the body and help the contract. Return to normal state. However, this also verified that Fang Senyan's series of guesses were correct. At least the mother of water has used this curse to prove that it really exists in this world.

"So old Mulbo" Fang Senyan suddenly thought of such a thing. Obviously, this old man must be a hit, and the mother of water will definitely not show mercy to the guy who directly hurts the tree of its soul. However, at this time, Fang Senyan was beyond his reach and could only hope that he could get the favor of Eva, the mother of the earth, who rescued him.

Then naturally began to present a full 3d miniature projection. This time, the behavior of the trio while guarding the Valkyrie spacecraft was played first, and then the process of collecting various biological materials at the mén base in Hell was finally completed. The process of Fang Senyan completing the gold branch mission should have been The result of the special release was only one shot. It was Fang Senyan who stood in front of the altar when he finally completed his mission.

The following information emerged in the air: "Scene: Avatar World" "Difficulty: Difficult (B +), after accepting the gold branch mission, it became s-class (almost unfinished)" Pain reduction: "" Additional personal ability Strengthening degree: o. "" Exploration of current scene: 46.33 "

"New title earned: Predator / Penetrator / Headhunter / Excellent Employee.

"Exploration of mission theory: 21

"Completed mission completion evaluation: e +, Note: The lowest level is: e, and the highest level is perfect sss.

"Because the task completion evaluation is extremely low, you can only get 1 free genus xìng point reward"

"Quest theory digging / mission completion evaluation reward: General points 1175 + 214 points (Silver team leader reward), failed to reach the mén threshold for obtaining potential points.

"This world is a normal space battlefield: you will get additional rewards for passing the honour value."

"You get an additional reward of 3 points + 2 points (Silver Team Leader Reward) + 1 point (Legendary degree + 1 reward)

At this time, Fang Senyan had some psychological preparation for his extremely low evaluation of the pass. After all, the "very poor" evaluation of the completion of the gold branch task was placed there. Words like soup. It's simply to pour the soup directly into the soup. Fortunately, he had already filled a bowl full of contentment. He had little hope for this evaluation, but he had some surprises when he got the extra six points.

The vast starry sky in front of me began to blur and became dark again. When Fang Senyan restored his vision, he returned to his sī room naturally. He began to take an inventory at this time. He felt that only the general points left by Fang Senyan himself were close to 80,000 points, and the potential points were 40 points. It can be said to be an unprecedented bumper harvest. The coexistence of the words risk is indeed honesty!

For Fang Senyan, his personal unassigned free genus xìng point also reached a horrible 19 point! Honor value soared to 93 o'clock ~ ~ not to mention the lieutenant at this time, even the captain can only be promoted by 7 o'clock! Once promoted to captain, you can immediately use the cross honor badge redeemed by Mogansha for Fang Senyan, directly from qualitative change to qualitative change, advanced to the school official!

The reason why Fang Senyan does not assign free points belongs to his own intentions. In particular, some things mentioned by the dh guy in a subtle way have strengthened Fang Senyan's confidence.

However, it is also very risky to do this, because when calculating the personal strength of space, the basic points on your body are not assigned at all, and if they are not assigned, they will be directly included in the calculation of difficulty! It was also that Fang Senyan relied on the strength of his team at this time, coupled with his mentality and good at borrowing strength, this was the only way to take risks.

He thought about it, and first assigned 7 free genus xìng points to agility, and improved his agility value to a point! Suddenly got the prompt:

"Your foundation is xìng: Agility is a bit too much with pretend / no benefit."

"You have received additional basic rewards, please select one of the following list within seconds. It will be randomly selected."

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