The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 127: Penance

Chapter 127 Penance

Facing the old man, the guide Gu Gu took a step back and waited until the old man had finished eating, and then he folded his hands and uttered his voice:

"Dear Master Abel, I have brought people."

At this time, the old man named Master Yapile raised his head. He was obviously young, his back was slightly sloppy, and he was dressed in black and black kù all over his body. Most notably, his head was covered with a If the hood of the jumper is passed by, you can only see the lower part of his face. The skin on the outside has a pathological whiteness, and the unique slack and wrinkle characteristics of the elderly skin look like There is a sharp blade.

"Are you going to learn boxing?"

The wizard shook his head:

"not me."

Fang Senyan took a big step forward at this time, and folded his hands, bowing and saluting:

"I want to learn boxing."

Master Yapile did not respond, Ren Fangsenyan bowed there, turned to look at the guide and sighed:

"I haven't seen you for a year. Gu guesses that something is wrong with your health."

Gui Gu Guran suddenly said:

"No, I'm in good health. The company only checked us out last month."

Master Yapile smiled slightly. He looked around and saw that there were a few sections of aluminum wire left by the worker. He walked up and picked one, and bent it back and forth about twenty times. That aluminum The line broke naturally. Then he picked up the other one and continued to bend back and forth seven or eight times. Then take it to Guchai:

"My child, can you see any problems with this aluminum wire?"

Gu Gu took a deep breath and shook his head:


Master Yapile continued seriously:

"You ca n’t check out this aluminum wire that I ’ve bent seven or eight times with ordinary inspection methods, but you ca n’t say that there is no safety hazard like a hidden disease in your body. , Can't check it out but can't deny its objective existence. "

Gu Gui bent down deeply to salute:

"Please master save me."

Master Yapile frowned slightly, somehow, his frown naturally had a sense of anger and prestige, making the voice that he could not feel offended, and stepped back timidly. But the overall feeling is still two words:


Even that kind of mildness adds majesty.

"If your illness is to be completely cured, then you have to give up your present life and go back here to become a monk. You have to stay away from the outside yòuhuò and corrosion!"

Gu Gu at this time raised his head and said very seriously:

"Master, then I would rather die earlier. If I cannot make enough money to change the face of my hometown, I will never give up."

Master Yapile sighed and waved his hand:

"Bajaar heard that you're coming, and I'm looking for you."

Gu Gu nodded, patted Fang Senyan's shoulder and walked out of the door. Master Yapile raised his head and glanced at Fang Senyan, while the latter still kept his hands folded. Master Yapile snorted a bit, walked up and pinched Fang Senyan's bones and muscles, and then called out very simply:


From the back came a Thai girl about seventeen or eighteen years old, with dark skin, and pulled her hair back:

"what's up?"

Master Yapile facing Fang Senyan Road:

"This person is here to train. It looks like there is a certain foundation before. Give him a second training program directly. Also, since it is a person brought by Guchai, then only 5,000 US dollars in training fees are charged."

Naitake Road:

"Okay, it seems that Brother Gu Gu just paid the fee just now, twice as much as before."

Master Yapile brow. But he didn't say anything. After listening, Fang Senyan suddenly stood up and said:

"Master Yapile, I hope to go directly to the most difficult training program. Money is not a problem."

Master Yapile raised his eyes and glanced at him, scolding:

"What's the irritability of young people?"

Fang Senyan looked at his eyes and said without a wink:

"I insist."

Master Yapile coughed a few times, pointing Fang Senyan severely:

"You can finish the second training program. Let's go out now, change clothes, and start training in the afternoon!"

Fang Senyan bowed slightly to Master Yapile, and then followed Naizhu out.

Fang Senyan bowed slightly to Master Yapile, and then followed Naizhu out. Of course, at this time, he has already restricted his genus xìng / resilience and so on to 1.5 times of ordinary people by the way of the reef, and is roughly flush with the Muay Thai boxers around him. Otherwise, no matter how hard the training is, the mysterious potential inside the body will not be squeezed out, the innate talent!

The next life was boring for Fang Senyan. On the schedule of Nai Zhu's work, the first item was to start chuáng at 6 am and then run.

This exercise is to enhance endurance, make tu's crotch muscles full, and it is extremely beneficial for boxers to attack and retreat on the ring. Muay Thai masters recognize running as the basis for practicing boxing. And Fang Senyan, because he is the second set of sports programs directly, was required to run barefoot, and tied a sandbag on the tutu.

After running around the village at a constant speed for ten kilometers, you can return to the village for breakfast. The breakfast here is directly on the wooden table with fresh green banana leaves, and is placed there in a hot steam. Then everyone uses the spoon in front of them. Scoop into a bowl and serve with a small plate in front of you.

The rice is dry rice freshly cooked with fragrant rice. It is white and steaming. There are only two dishes. The cooked fish is wrapped in mint leaves. The appearance is similar to the sweet and sour pork ribs.

However, both of these dishes hurt Fang Senyan's appetite deeply, because the taste of the shredded meat was a mixture of sweet and spicy, just like a jar of cola poured into the braised beef noodles, and the fish had a mint Taste and strange acidity, Fang Senyan frowning and looking very dead quickly found a slice of lime in the fish belly ...

At this time, Fang Senyan sighed and looked around, missed tofu rǔ, but saw a strong man next to him trying to squeeze something similar to soy sauce on the fish, he asked a little, but was soon caught by the fish-like The rotten taste of the shrimp was beaten. It turns out that this seasoning called fish lù is also called white soy sauce, which is similar to Chinese soy sauce. It is mainly made by fermenting some small fish and shrimps.

So as soon as Fang Senyan gritted his teeth, he could only go to the kitchen and ask for some soy sauce rice. Fortunately, Thai fragrant rice is well-known in the world, and this small village is very remote. In jargon, it is green and natural without pollution. The rice is white and elastic, and it has an indescribable sweetness. Fang Senyan ate four large bowls, and then he sighed comfortably, satisfied mō and mō belly.

After a little rest for half an hour, the newcomer would have to wear down jackets and the like to start skipping ropes, requiring that they jump more than 100 times per minute! Jumping down in this way and sweating urges the water in the body to evaporate. It can also increase the agility and the reaction of the body.

Fang Senyan even observed that some boxers flicked the skipping rope and drew a dull "hum" in the air, seeming to skip at least 200 times every minute. What is even more outrageous is that while the three right-handed boxers should be deep-fisted rope jumpers, some people even throw plastic **** at their heads! The red plastic ball requires them to flash away, while the white plastic ball requires them to fly directly with their heads!

If someone makes a mistake during this period, the supervisor next to him will wave the leather whip and beat them **** the body. One whip will be a smashing blood mark, which is obviously unforgiving. And Fang Senyan saw that the scars on the surface of the boxers were dense, old and new, obviously he did not know that he had suffered a lot.

Having witnessed such a scene, Fang Senyan was not disappointed. He also felt that only with such severe system training can he really catalyze his talents! So he followed it meticulously.

After skipping the rope skipping subjects, I took a half-hour break to continue running, but this time I was going to perform cross-country weight-bearing running exercises on the mountain behind the village, which lasted about two hours.

After eating at noon, I will take a rest. This rest period is relatively long. I will rest until 4 pm, which should be due to the relatively large amount of exercise in the morning.

The next process is to strike a shadow (a fist against the air ~ ~ activity hands and feet.

Playing sandbags, Fang Senyan was taught to make regular movements around the sandbags, while honing footwork, and choosing different positions, angles, and distances to launch attacks. And he saw some Muay Thai boxers kicking up during practice, jumping up and down in the volley, and hitting sandbags with two knees at the same time. Even the sandbags and the shelves were overwhelmed.

The final process is naturally confrontation and actual combat. However, at this time, there was nothing wrong with the rookie Fang Senyan. He was replaced with a short kù and taken to a nearby room.

The empty dàngdàng in the house, but the ground was densely covered with concrete, and the concrete on the ground still had some stains of purple and black, which had an indescribable and cruel atmosphere. Fang Senyan looked around, could he have come to the place where he had tortured his confession?

Naizhu came in with a wooden stick with bread and leather in it, and inserted it into a concrete hole on the ground to fix it. Then he told Fang Senyan and showed him a movement to stand still, so that Kick the small side of the cheekbones, instead of directly hitting the soles of the soles. You just need to kick a bowl-thick wooden stick to rest. @。

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