The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 131: Gratitude

Chapter 131

Hearing this **** from Shama, Gu Gu opened his mouth a few times, but he was a loyal and kind man, but he was speechless in the face of this guy's strong words. In fact, if Gu Guai was also a well-established senator in Chiang Mai at this time, he had a wide range of contacts, otherwise, Shama would have ordered a shot to blow his head.

"Go!" Shamapi stood up with a smile on his face, and gestured with his hands in the hands of Master Tieqing's Aipele with his hands crossed, and performed a symbol of extra practical etiquette, and then pointed at Chaba very simply. Wait for a few boxers he sees to force them into captivity.

But suddenly there was a faint voice in the distance:

"Wait a minute."

All eyes were on the person who made the sound, it was Fang Senyan who had watched for a while while holding his hands in front of ōng.

He looked at Shama Road casually:

"You said, as long as you defeat all the boxers you brought, then you turn and leave."

Shamahaha smiled, mō mō himself bald, and only said a word:


Fang Senyan stepped out, glanced at Master Yapile, and said earnestly:

"I have studied under Master Yapile for more than ten days, and he can be regarded as half of his disciples. Then, I am also qualified to play a game."

Shama also snorted scornfully from the nostrils, completely ignored Fang Senyan, and sat back on the chair again. With an impatient expression on his face, he made a gesture of cutting his throat to a Muay Thai behind him. .

The Muay Thai gave a sneer:

"Boy, blame you for being stupid!"

Fang Senyan raised his head slightly, and saw a dark-skinned, slender Muay Thai boxer, who forced him step by step. His muscles were not developed, but they were as hard as steel. Every time After taking a step, the bones of the body crackled, as if a vicious wolf was staring at the sheep.

At the same time, the surrounding soldiers even lowered their guns. The weather was too hot, and they kept the aiming posture for a long time. They naturally saw Fang Senyan as a rookie at first glance, so they regarded this as a good show, most of them holding their arms, gloating over the field with pleasure.

The Muay Thai boxer leaned forward slightly, and then there was a footprint on the ground, and he rushed forward with a loud drink.

He bent his knees and even produced

Whine, whine, sound,

The roaring tuo wind even has a heartbreaking feeling. Suddenly pressed against Fang Senyan's chin! Fang Senyan was flipped back alive, and his very embarrassed face fell down and smashed his mud.

But Fang Senyan also kicked on the stomach of the Thai boxer! !!

In the eyes of others, Fang Senyan was afraid that he would not even be able to hold his chin, at least it would crush the xìng fracture, and even an ordinary Muay Thai boxer would continue to exercise his abs every day to exercise his ability to fight against blows! The foot Fang Senyan walked up to was just like a mosquito biting him a little bit for him!

However, Fang Senyan, who was facing down on the ground, quickly climbed up casually, shook his head, and patted the ashes on his body. The Muay Thai boxer in front of him had a constantly twisted muscle on his face. He opened his mouth wide and saw that the blood in his throat was tumbling, and there was a terrible and painful God in his eyes. His hands were tight. Covered his belly, then slowly tilted down. The blood flowing from the mouth Lanser face quickly accumulated a large pool!

"Next." Fang Senyan lowered his eyes, in an ordinary tone.

The crowd was suddenly shocked, and another Muay Thai boxer opened his eyes suddenly, rushed straight up, and roared:

"You dare to use a weapon! His shoe has a hidden knife on it!"

Everyone was shocked at first, and suddenly thought that the root of the matter had been found, and the Muay Thai boxer had roared:

"You mean man! I want every bone in you to be interrupted alive !!!"

It is said that he has already struck Fang Senyan and rushed up. For these Muay Thai boxers who have been struggling between life and death all year round, it is actually not important whether the enemy has a cold weapon. Their elbows and knees The lethality is absolutely not inferior to steel pipes, watermelon knives and other common weapons.

"Not good!" Gu Guai watching from a distance only felt a flower in front of him. The angry Muay Thai boxer had snatched it in front of Fang Senyan. According to the judgment of the Muay Thai boxer, Fang Senyan's shoes had hidden blades. Therefore, he exhibited his best tutu method, almost between the electric light and fire, bang bang bang! Five feet in a row, kicked on Fang Senyan's body.

Fang Senyan was kicked off with only one punch, but he quickly got up without a hit, but the Thai boxer who was hit by him to ōng's mouth was full of horror, eyes full of terror, Stepping back step by step, and then fainted on the ground, blood squirted wildly, and the blood foaming in his mouth seemed like bubbles vomiting from a fish leaving the water, and the body began to twitch.

Shama suddenly got up from the stool, his pupils narrowed, he rubbed his bald head hard, and looked at Fang Senyan with a look at the monster:

"Your strength is so great? Hahaha!"

He burst out laughing:

"Good, good! With you and I, what else do you want those wastes to do? You went to the black boxing world and at least could help me get tens of millions of dollars back before being killed."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"You can't afford me."

"Hahaha!" Shama issued a series of giggles, he seemed to hear the funniest joke, and couldn't help but wipe the tears that laughed out:

"The people I want to invite, I ca n’t afford it! Because they are asking for money, I am using a bullet!"

When he spoke, the soldiers around him had picked up the gun again, and the black hole muzzle aimed at Fang Senyan! These well-trained soldiers saw Fang Senyan raise two hands and kill two powerful Muay Thai boxers. He naturally did not dare to carelessly. Fang Senyan moved a little, and he was bound to be beaten into a horse honeycomb.

"Surrounded by soldiers holding automatic rifles ... I was afraid if I was a day ago! But now ... hahahaha!"

Fang Senyan suddenly gave a long laugh, and then backed away, grabbing the barrel of one of the soldiers who aimed at him, pulling it, and the soldier could not control his body and fell into his arms. Fang Senyan grabbed his head, twisted it, and crackled, and immediately twisted his cervical spine.

At this time, the remaining soldiers had opened their eyes wide and pulled the trigger angrily! Just Fang Senyan threw the corpse to the ground, and bent over and rushed forward!

He is like a tiger sprinting at full speed in the rain. The muscles on his body are full of the beauty of strength. The strength moves like a flowing bō!

Most of the scorching bullets were missed, but a small number of them hit his body. If he was not awakened in the real world with the talent of Mori in front, then he is very worried about this situation. but now! The intensive bursts of a large number of semi-automatic weapons have completely threatened Fang Senyan's life!

A distance of tens of meters flashed across instantly.

Fang Senyan exerted a force at his feet and vacated his knees against the ōng bore of the nearest soldier. This order made his mouth sag deep for it, blood squirted wildly in his mouth, and his bullets had been shot. It was too late to change the magazine. He reached into his arms and drew half of the pistol and scattered it.

Fang Senyan stepped on the ground at this moment, then jumped up in the air, volleying the pistol-like kick, hitting the head of a soldier who was firing. He immediately cracked his brain and died!

After Fang Senyan landed, he actually tumbling on the spot, then bounced up like a ghost, flew another soldier, kicked his feet and swept, and hooked the other two into a rolling gourd, holding the ankles together. Supposedly, it seems that a tibia fracture is inevitable.

At this time, Fang Senyan's vest and ōng mouth were all bullet marks. At this time, some people found that Fang Senyan was wearing a thick coat, and immediately thought that he had found the truth of the matter, and yelled:

"He has the most advanced body armor! Hit his head and tuo!"

But shouting that this man was kicked by Shengsheng immediately ~ ~ then a thick fist hit his face, hitting the whole person like a sandbag! Even the left eyeball burst out, lying on the ground and couldn't even scream.

Almost in a short time, all the people brought by Shama died under the hands of Fang Senyan! !! But Shama was still sitting in that chair with a stunned face, not yet awake from the reality in front of him, Fang Senyan walked in front of him, patted his cheek, picked up the cigarette next to him, and lit a stick His mouth Lancer.

"Old man, obediently go home and take care of yourself. What are you going to play with when you are old?"

After speaking, Fang Senyan walked to the front of Master Yapile and bowed with respectful hands. Master Yapile hurriedly saluted amidst the confusion and consternation, Fang Senyan laughed and left, and drove away Gu Guchai's car and went directly to Chiang Mai.

At this point, after Fang Senyan successfully developed his potential, it was finally a worry. In fact, Fang Senyan also clearly felt that if he did not break through this time, his own inspiration would fall from the peak of bō to the bottom of the valley. If he wants to break through again next time, he wo n’t know the year or month. After the seven-day limit, he can return to the nightmare space, and Fang Senyan has been deliberately delaying. At this point, I finally realized that I was eager to enter the space. @。

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