The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 134: Space failure?

Chapter 134 Space Failure?

In so many situations, although Fang Senyan still wants to strike a little more, he can only put it aside. After all, for the time being, most of the charge is ahead, the damage is absorbed by the reef, and 10% of the damage is also Quite good. It used to take a lot of common points and potential points to improve my various abilities. Therefore, in order to save the current funds, I am also waiting to rebuild the basic melee lv7.

You know, space equipment is still the most expensive for gunners, because in the nightmare world in the early and mid-terms, the survival rate of gunners with long-range attack capabilities is much higher. Naturally, the price of equipment is also rising.

Fortunately, the remaining funds of the team are still abundant, and after everything is done, he has left enough funds for the black guys! Fang Senyan authorized that if necessary, he could even sell those spirit hún crystals.

After some bargaining, the black guys first got a black weapon hún, but it was dropped by a zombie in the biochemical crisis. It is not rare to say that this thing is fused with his necklace. Upgraded into a silver plot equipment, mainly to strengthen the summoned wolf wolf, its genus xìng is as follows (only recorded changes).

The viper wolf hún spirit has a special ability to tear the heel. After causing damage to the enemy, it will reduce the enemy's movement speed by 10% (was 5%), the slowdown effect lasts 15 seconds, and can be superimposed, reducing up to 50%.

Explanation: At most two viper and wolf hún spirits can exist at the same time.

Explanation: The existence time of the viper wolf hún spirit is 30 minutes (ascending from 15 minutes)

Explanation: When your controlled viper wolf hún spirit dies, it will temporarily increase your highest genus xìng by 1 point (was 4 points lower) for 8 hours. This status can be stacked up to 5 times.

Next, the black guys engaged in an extremely difficult tug-of-war with the sold contractor. It was not until the last contractor finally let go and willing to transfer the key prop to Mogansha. The common points and potential points spent on this key item also cost a lot of money, but if all goes well, then the silver buddy's Spartan broken spear can be restored and become complete. Needless to say, the power of the version of the spear is greatly improved, and it is possible to upgrade it to dark gold equipment.

Unfortunately, the ascension process of this spear needs to complete a difficult task, and this task can only be completed by a single person, so Fang Senyan and Jiao Shi fully spent their time in the nightmare space for exercise, I couldn't wait for Mogansha to come back, and only returned to the real world.

Although Fang Senyan washed the big circle in the blood when he was out of the island, but because the boss of the bamboo union gang, Gu Yuean, carried it down, he was not worried about the safety of his family. Gu Yuean knew Fang Senyan has great strength, and he knows the horrible consequences if there is any problem with Fang Senyan's family.

Therefore, Fang Senyan also made a few laps in Thailand and bought some casting materials that can be used to try to deploy, and then returned to China. Like Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and other countries, there is no way to ban the cultivation of poppies. Do n’t mention any wildlife protection ... So Fang Senyan used to consume some of the spelling materials during the team battle in the Avatar world, almost I can't support the consumption, but I got a considerable amount of supplements under the powerful money offensive here.

At this time, Fang Senyan's difference was almost clear: he was wanted by the government and was just a false alarm, so he flew back to Taiwan by flying. It can be said that there is no danger and no danger along the way. Some days I did n’t see my uncle and Sanzi who were mischievous and mischievous. I also missed the warm atmosphere of the family.

After returning to West Wharf, Fang Senyan also specially bought the yellow wine that his uncle loved to drink and took it home. However, those who are living on the water can still drink a lot of time, which can not only relieve the soreness, Can expel wind and cold. Uncle Wang likes to heat this sparkling wine and feels it will be milder.

Unexpectedly, Fang Senyan screamed a few times when he entered the door. No one agreed, and he couldn't help it, and pushed harder! How could the door hold up Fang Senyan's strength, and the wood chips flew and slammed open with a click.

Fang Senyan looked around and found that the clothes of the senior uncle and Sanzai were all taken away and the furniture tables and stools were neat and tidy, and a light layer of gray had accumulated on the table. The person left after making adequate preparations, and his heart eased a little.

After Fang Senyan went out, he saw the landlord ran over with a tight breath, and complained constantly. Probably that is why Fang Senyan broke the door of her house, Fang Senyan directly took hundreds of lock repair fees to shut her up, and Zeng Xuan became angry. Fang Senyan was surprised when he asked about the whereabouts of his uncle and Sanzi.

"Ahhhhh, you guys have been out of the boat for the past two months and you do n’t even know it? Your uncle saw the boat and was so happy that he did n’t even care that the paint had just dried up. To hire someone to watch the ship, I moved directly to the boat to live there. Even the rest of the rent was charged to me. "

Fang Senyan froze instantly. He remembered very well that he had only been out for more than ten days. Only when he had entered the space during the period, why did it last two months? !! For a while, his mind has been determined that something must have gone wrong during the time he entered the space!

Immediately query the Nightmare Mark. However, the answer obtained was very limited due to the lack of identity. It was merely that "the nightmare space may have an abnormal phenomenon of relative time lapse when the space battlefield is opened."

Even so, an ominous premonition emerged in Fang Senyan's heart. You must know that this situation in disguise indicates that the nightmare space will actually appear to have unstable functions, which is almost equivalent to malfunctions and bugs. It is definitely not a good thing. !!

Fang Senyan shook his head and left the matter behind. He had very limited information on this surprising thing. Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't analyze anything, so he stopped thinking about it, and after a while, walked directly towards the dock. .

The newly built Fuyuan berthed on the pier. The new look made people feel really gratifying. Fang Senyan saw that he couldn't help but feel happy. With this ship, uncle senior can always be happier.

He climbed aboard the boat and jumped to the deck, but saw that Sanzi was sitting cross-legged on the front deck, and put a basket in front of him, two dishes of rice and a tank of wine. He should be having lunch. After seeing Fang Senyan, Jumped excitedly immediately:

"Brother, are you back?"

Fang Senyan smiled and nodded. Sanzi glanced back into the cabin, immediately pulled Fang Senyan and sat down and handed a pair of chopsticks, Mei Fei said:

"Brother Yan, don't rush to the back, eat with me first."

Fang Senyan was also hungry. After chopping a few chopsticks, he felt that there was no local flavor. Then he took out the rice wine he had bought, and Sanzi hummed the song softly after drinking two cups. He suddenly remembered Something was wrong. I took a brown bottle from my arms and saw that there was a thick red slurry of Yan Sè. After opening the lid, I just felt bad smell.

San Zai picked it a little with chopsticks, mixed it in the rice, chopped a big mouth, and drank a glass of wine again, sighed with satisfaction, put the bottle on the deck and smiled at Fang Senyan:

"Brother Yan, come and try this. It tastes so good. Make sure you haven't eaten it."

Fang Senyan picked it a little and put it in the entrance, but I felt that the red pulp tasted very thick. At the entrance, the mouth was full of delicious, sweet, and had a very special and distinctive taste. I thought about it and wondered:

"Is this bad shrimp?"

It turns out that this is a special snack spread in the local area. It is a special red shrimp paste that is salvaged from the deep sea. It is mashed with salt, red wine lees and sorghum. It is slowly and patiently crushed in a stone mill. It is not enough to just grind it once. To grind it finely and evenly, it is often necessary to grind it several times until it flows out of the grinder into a thick paste. Then put it in the bottle and eat it for a week.

In recent years, the red cream shrimp has gradually disappeared due to pollution and it is quite difficult to find. Moreover, this processing method is destined to not be mass-produced. Therefore, Fang Senyan has not eaten it for several years, and the bottle from Sanzi has an extremely delicious taste. Strong, long aftertaste, excellent craftsmanship.

Sanzi dipped a little red paste shrimp sauce, carefully aftertaste, chopped a large mouthful of rice, and said with a smile:

"That's right, Brother Yan, you must not guess who made this."

Fang Senyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled:

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, and my uncle is also anxious in my heart. The paint on the boat was moved before it was dry, and I was not afraid of the tide. Fortunately, I brought him two pounds of rice wine to warm him up. Uncle? Come out for two glasses of hot wine? "

The last two words, Fang Senyan, slightly amplified the sound ~ ~ The person in the cabin called, San Zai grabbed him and whispered:

"Brother Yan, don't! Now the cold storage is still in the installation and commissioning stage. By the way, the boat must be soaked in water for several weeks, and the busy heels are beaten on the head every day. So we packed the rice for a month at the dock. He couldn't find anyone there, so he asked his siblings to deliver them every afternoon and evening. "

Fang Senyan's heart moved slightly, and she couldn't help wondering:

"Lao Song's brother and sister? Is that the one named Auntie? I think about it, right?

At 12 o'clock, there will be an xìng burst five times. Today, maybe even the current two chapters will burst seven changes. If everyone has something tomorrow, don't stay up late, see it tomorrow.

Alas, I owed a lot of people to Zhang Tuan. Today, I repay the debt once.

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Title: Capture the House

Introduction: The avenue is not completed, but the hut is also lost, it will definitely shock the world again! @。

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