The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 7: Intense

Looking at this series of prompts, Fang Senyan couldn't help but think of the historical series of historical drama battlefields that he experienced last time. He couldn't help looking at the reef, the two looked at each other and laughed, then couldn't help sighing:

When they last experienced the battlefield of "the destruction of the invincible fleet", the two did not know each other, and even stood faintly on the opposite side. In the end, Fang Senyan had a great opportunity, and the reef lost a lot.

However, at this time, the two were already comrades-in-arms comrades-in-arms, struggling for a goal together.

The mystery of fate is evident.

Fang Senyan came here. Naturally, I want to join this battlefield, and I clicked yes if I didn't want to, and a series of prompts were given again:

"Historical Script Battlefield: The Destruction of the Invincible Fleet (Inner Strike)"

"You chose to join the pirate forces."

"The leader of the pirate side of this battle is Captain Sival, French pirate king."

"You currently own a small ship."

"You get the temporary battlefield buff effect: courage, you receive the roar of Captain Sival, the melee damage between you and your subordinates is increased by 20%, and the health is increased by 20%. This effect disappears after leaving the battlefield."

"Fight! For freedom and wealth!"

With the end of the last sentence, the dhow controlled by Fang Senyan had already passed the battlefield very skillfully. At this time, the waves of the seawater were not too high, and the sea breeze was not anxious. It happened to be able to use Fang Senyan's excellent commanding and dispatching ability.

Under his precise and ingenious command, this dhow is almost as flexible as a fish, and it can't stop surpassing a ship that is either burning or having a draught at war. That easy-going feeling made the observers feel that it wasn't just a boat-handling, but a specialized acrobat who was traveling at a high speed, fully expressing his wonderful skill.

Yes, Fang Senyan is looking for the most suitable prey at this moment, because his current strength is too weak, after all, and he must not lose too much when capturing the ship. Because for these medieval ships at this time, just relying on three of them do n’t say that they are controlled by arms, even if they are moving, it is absolutely impossible, except for the power of black beard or Jack!

Therefore, the first battle is a battle that can only win or even defeat! No chance to start from scratch.

In an instant, Fang Senyan and his party had passed through several ships that were caught in a hard battle, but none of them met his intentions. Suddenly, Fang Senyan's eyes lighted up, a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly yelled:

"Half a sail, thirty degrees off!"

Soon, a three-masted "Gallen" slurry sail belonging to the British Navy appeared in front of everyone. This ship, which is obviously the British Navy's standard sailing ship, is leaning against an armed merchant vessel. This armed merchant vessel is covered in scaly wounds, obviously belonging to the pirate forces.

Probably this pirate ship has experienced a fierce battle before, so the number of sailors on board has been drastically reduced. Therefore, this British sailing ship obviously wants to pick up a ready-made bargain and directly wants to grab the enemy ship. !! At this point, the pirates have been driven into the cabin. The dominant sailor has successfully occupied the main deck of the enemy ship. Obviously, it is also a matter of time.

Although Mo Gansha knew nothing about the ship, when he looked at Fang Senyan's expression, he realized that the eyes of the boss looking at the ship were just like seeing the naked beauties, and he fully understood his meaning immediately. Immediately held up the wasp pistol and held it with both hands, a little aiming pulled the trigger!

The range of the wasp pistol was already very long. In the noisy wind and waves on this battlefield, the gunshot was hardly heard. I saw the distant three-masted sailing ship facing the two remaining sailors who seemed to be here immediately. Stuck for a while, then harvested precious life directly by the black buddies' bullets. He fell straight into the sea without even splashing the waves.

However, perhaps due to the unfavorable years, the death of the two people caused the attention of their companions, waiting for Fang Senyan to reach a distance of about 50 meters. Immediately, someone on the ship noticed that something was wrong. The sailors in red and white stripes, who were left behind, shouted, and some people started raising the original Mauser guns to shoot at this side, and some people started running. However, in general, there is a well-organized and good situation, showing that the Royal Sailors have been well trained and of high quality.

At this time, the reef finally felt that his hero had a place to use it, strode to the bow of the ship, and raised his shield. The black buddies immediately took him as a cover, and continued to suppress the fire with impunity.

Fang Senyan also deliberately took a shot to try, almost in the absence of crit, he can deduct his 15 health, this data seems a bit low, but it must be considered after the evolution of Fang Senyan Talent: The weakening of barriers, which means that its theoretical damage is also over a hundred points.

In fact, Fang Senyan has been a little skeptical up to now: it seems that this talent ability of his own did not take it into account when calculating the difficulty of the space. So far as various factors are concerned, Fang Senyan has greatly benefited from his talent.

However, now is not the time to consider this issue in depth, and I saw that Mogansha actually used his own strength to shoot against the dozen sailors on the barge on the opposite side without falling the wind, and the morale of his own pirates was also boosted. The speed of the ship accelerated again, and three consecutive waves crashed into three waves, rushing straight to the right side of the enemy's hull!

Because the opponent ’s sailboat was a three-masted ship, it could barely be regarded as a medium-sized ship at that time, so its side was a lot higher than Fang Senyan ’s dhow, and it wanted to jump from its own ship to the enemy On the deck, you have to jump down from the mast, and that mast can only accommodate five or six people.

Therefore, if Fang Senyan wants to lean on to enter the white-blade battle, then most people have to be very close to the enemy's ship's side, then jump up and hold each other's gang, and climb up hard. Obviously, the sailors will never sit idly by. Occasionally, this is a period of heavy casualties in combat.

And at this time, the well-trained British sailor suddenly opened the door of the window next to the ship's side, then took out a solid and strong brace to support it, as if this three-masted "Gallen" Suddenly, Jiang Fan used the surface of the ship's body to grow long thorns, aiming at the enemies who rushed over. Obviously, they bullied them. They wanted to block them out of their own hull and hit their heads.

Finally, a fierce collision occurred. Fifteen or sixty-six poles abutted the side of the dhow sailing straight at the same time. The force from the storm was so great that the poles were bent into bows. But as long as these tough woods fully absorb the impulse, obviously only one force is needed, and Fang Senyan's ships can only be squeezed alive by this force.

If this happens, it will almost be a bubble to succeed! Until then, the sailors who are being dragged by another wave of pirates are backing up, even if the three strong Qiang Fangsenyan dare not face their front! After all, the three-masted "Gallen" slurry sail belonging to the British Navy completely abandons the commercial features. The sailors in it can reach hundreds of people!

You know, even an ordinary soldier's attack can reduce the health of Fang Senyan by 10 points. Then, if the reef is okay, Mogansha will be in danger of life once it is set on fire. More importantly, it is still just entering the world here. Once the supply is consumed too much here, is it all soy sauce in the next adventure?

At this time, Fang Senyan suddenly rushed out against the bullet rain, and pulled out the long blue knife that kept flowing, revealing a little bit of blue light, and chopped out continuously. There was no warning, and the way was neat and clear, and it snapped apart! At the same time, it was flying into the sky by a huge force.

And Fang Senyan's ships continue to push forward like ~ The remaining struts are obviously unable to resist that huge impact force, and they are also snapped and broken after being pressed to the limit.

Finally, amidst the harsh sound of friction, the dhow swayed violently and slowly moored on the three-masted "Gallen" pulp sail and used the starboard side of the ship. Suddenly, seventeen or eight hooks were thrown up like raindrops and hung on the side of the ship. Avoid the two ships leaving again.

The reef has been upset for a long time, so he was too lazy to wait for the boat to stop, and rushed to run. In the process of running, he added a armor of spiritual power and conviction, and then a rush jump caught the enemy ship's side. , Climbed cleanly! Mogansha climbed to his own mast and continued to suppress the firepower of the enemy!

With the reef shouting "Chong me" instead of "Chong me", so the center of gravity of the ship is not stabilized, and the remaining pirates have also rushed up. Closely fit.

After they had set up their feet and climbed up to the ship's rail. The reefs withstood the densely packed bullets had rushed into the depths of the more than thirty sailors left behind, and almost all these sailors fell into a deceleration state with a ripped heart. If the black buddies were at this time, The Bada spear is still there. At least these sailors will be reduced by more than one third when they are thrown out!

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