The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 12: Bow portrait

Hearing Fang Senyan ’s orders, although the pirates were a little bit miserable, it was estimated that the new captain liked to pick up soap and quickly did it. The reef was relieved. He obviously did not want to see the killing of prisoners of war. So Fang Senyan Also took into account his feelings in a timely manner.

With the exquisite scheduling and arrangement of Fang Senyan, the three-masted "Gallen" paddle sail began to quickly rejuvenate with the ship, and the thick sails on the upper surface of the three-masted were full of wind. These skilled pirates were on the deck. The stranger control on this barge was quickly familiar with the work inside, Fang Senyan occasionally kicked on their fart stocks, letting them speed up like clockwork. .

When the three-masted "Gallen" paddle sailed slowly with the ship, Fang Senyan also received the prompt of the Nightmare Mark: "You own the control of the ship" Sam "with a displacement of 3,100 tons. Domination. "

"The pirates who have become your plot at this time are 117."

"Milestone: Captain Pirates Reached!"

"You have been awarded the title: Captain Pirate. Increase your deterrence against ordinary pirates by 100%. Increase your breathing time underwater by 10 minutes.

"When you are on the sea, you can effectively increase the attack, defense, and movement speed of friendly forces within a kilometer nearby by 15% !.

In addition, when you successfully seize / kill the rest of the ships and enemies at sea, you also gain the special ability to view precious special parts / precious special materials / precious special equipment related to naval battles on the upper surface. "

"Milestone: Captain Pirate appears."

"Captain Pirate: Your prestige among all pirates has reached admiration. You own a ship with a displacement of more than 7,000 tons, and the plot of pirates on it must not be less than 300."

"Hint: After completing this milestone, you will be awarded the Black Iron level."

Watching this series of tips, of course, Fang Senyan immediately equipped the new title of the pirate captain. Then he searched on his own ship, and found nothing new, and then went to the tattered pirate ship of Cyclops Hogg.

At this time, I suddenly found out that I don't know why, a strange light ray was emitting from the bow. The light ray was different from the equipment / props. Mang sent out the bow image, and when he looked closely, a series of data appeared in front of him: the rat-dolphin statue

Equipment location: bow equipment xìng quality: special plot equipment, this type of equipment cannot be carried out of the world, can only be used by the aboriginal people of the world, but can also be sold to the nightmare space. Only those who have the relevant capabilities have the ability to detect and collect special plot equipment.

Origin: Madrid Equipment rarity: Light blue sè Material: Oak can be attached: Gem pupil.

Effect: Increase the speed of the ship at sea by 3%, and increase the durability of the hull by 3%

Installation location: bow

Note: Only the captain can find the excellent special parts and special materials on the enemy ship with wise eyes. Place these parts on your ship and make your beloved ship stronger! Of course, the premise is that you must occupy the ship to do so.

Explanation: Or if you feel that these materials are not powerful enough, you can also sell them to the space in exchange for a large number of general points or potential points. You can only choose one of the two.

Now that this thing was found, Fang Senyan did not hesitate to call someone over, lifted the bow image, installed it on the three-masted "Gallen" pulp sail that was occupied at this time and used it on the ship. The replaced bow looks like a large whiteboard, so it can't be sold anymore, and it is thrown into the sea like waste.

After sailing, Fang Senyan issued an order to sail towards the edge of the battlefield, avoiding the enemy as much as possible, and at the same time ordered the removal of all gun positions on the ship's bow. The reason for this is simple: The temporary small group currently owned by Fang Senyan has not even been standing for half a day. At this time, after suddenly joining more than half of the pirates, they should be counted on to "train well for the ban." "Effective collaboration" is almost impossible.

But in the face of the sea fighting, you can't do without these 12 words! The sailors on the stern of each ship must be fully integrated with the ship to form a collective, and the combat power will be more powerful. On the contrary, the individual's strength is much closer to the back in the battle at sea.

Fang Senyan is a man but not a god. No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for these pirates to become an iron army at once! So he made up his mind from the beginning, that is to fight against the enemy! No artillery battle with the enemy at all.

Therefore, the ship under his current control is only pursuing absolute speed and ability to survive, and is dedicated to those ships that are moving relatively slowly, as much as possible to fight against them!

Of course, for those warships with powerful long-range firepower, they have definitely faced such scenes many times. Their ships must also carry the same powerful slain sailors, and they are not afraid to connect with the enemy. Side battle! Under normal circumstances, the hundreds of pirates under Fang Senyan are almost inadequate.

However, after Fang Senyan originally obtained the title of Captain Pirate, he can already strengthen these pirates very well, and his potion is also a very powerful buff. There is also a powerful MT that is good at disrupting enemy formations.

This is equivalent to three tigers charging with a group of sheep, and the tiger comes to tear open the enemy's line of defense. What the pirates who are good at bullying and toughness do is very simple: just follow the forward and yell and take out an ax Cut it down on the enemy's head!

Of course, someone must be injured or even killed during this process! Fang Senyan expressed his regrets for this, but he really did not have time to train these pirates. The battlefield is also the best training ground, and the ones who can survive must be the strong!

Fang Senyan ordered that he roam the periphery of the battlefield and did not enter the battle. After they sailed for half an hour at sea, all the pirates finally had some basic break-in, while other old pirates were grouped. I woven and changed the hull.

The sea at this time is still quite vast for human beings. It often sails to calculate the unit of time in terms of "years." In such time, if the ship is broken and returned to the dock for repair, then I believe that it has sunk. Go to the bottom of the sea.

So many older sailors will do carpentry and part-time job of maintaining and repairing the hull. Fang Senyan did not require them to go to the battlefield, but made a request to make the ship faster and thicker. It is also possible to pay the price of no long-range attack and attack capability. These relatively old pirates are also happy to do the job.

Then Fang Senyan turned, facing Campby, who was just out of the cabin in the distance: "How many more British sailors are left on the ship?"

Camby thought for a moment, scratching his head a bit, and then pulled one of the skinny pirates next to him: "Hey, how many more British guys are there?"

The pirate shrugged: "Well, I remember they were all locked in the bilge by the customs, and I counted."

Then he ran down and ran down, but less than two minutes later, a harsh gunshot came from below, and then the pirate screamed, "No good , They plan to blow up the ship and **** the lifeboat to escape! "

It turned out that although the British surrendered on the surface, it was later discovered that the pirates on the ship's face were actually relatively weak except for the three Fang Senyan, and many pirates could not even name their companions, so Immediately they became distracted.

The Sam was originally of these British people and was very familiar with the environment. Although he was trapped in the bilge, he found a martial arts weapon under the leadership of a major. I was about to escape, but I was found out.

After hearing the screams, Fang Senyan's face suddenly changed, he suddenly raised his feet, and then stepped heavily on the deck! This foot Fang Senyan tried his best to make a very simple "click" ~ ~, and a few long cracks were broken out of the sturdy deck alive.

Sawdust was flying in the dust, Fang Senyan knelt down on his knees, and made a hard elbow and hit the hole. The poor deck could no longer withstand the huge impact, and it burst with a click. After driving, a huge hole was formed, and Fang Senyan fell into the lower compartment.

He sprinted hard, and after turning around a corner, he saw a British ensign with a face full of gods who looked at him like death, and was holding a torch near the medicine store. Fang Senyan did not hesitate to send out the ability of the monster demon pupil. He directly and violently hit the past with a fierce potential, and then punched the ensign volleying and flying for seven or eight meters away with a punch, and the torch even more. It was pinched by Fang Senyan!

Fang Senyan exhaled with a sigh of strength, shook his head and walked in front of him, his face sè Tieqing said: "No one hurts the tiger, but the tiger hurts the heart! I was going to let you go. Treat you too extreme, but you are planning to kill me! "

It is true that if the violent plan of these rebel sailors succeeded, the fire and drug storehouse on such a ship would be blown up, and the three of Fang Senyan would have to peel off the skin if they were not to die. Layout and planning, then it will inevitably turn into a bubble! @。

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