The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 14: Enclose

Brass telescope (monocular)? Origin: Istanbul

Equipment nature: special plot equipment

Equipment Rarity: Light Blue

Material: brass, glass

Attachment: strap

Effect: The wearer can look farther and double the lookout distance.

Installation site: sundries column

Explanation: It is invaluable to every watchman.

Explanation: Or if you think these materials are not powerful enough, you can also sell them to the space in exchange for a large number of general points or potential points. You can only choose one of the two.

Looking at this thing, Fang Senyan thought about it and asked a pirate:

"What's the name of the old guy who was just cut off by Cyclops Hogg?"

The pirate immediately said in horror:

"I only know he's called an old fur seal, boss!"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"Call him."

Soon, an old fur seal with a pale face because of blood loss stood in front of Fang Senyan, and Fang Senyan passed the brass telescope directly to him:

"You will be our chief watchman in the future. Although the value of this thing is not enough to compensate for your loyalty and sacrifice, please accept it!"

At this moment a large group of people had gathered around, all looked at with envious eyes. The old fur seal took the telescope with a trembling hand. There seemed to be something flickering in the cloudy old eyes:

"Here, this is a treasure that can be passed down, sir, I ... I don't deserve your praise!"

Fang Senyan and Yan Yue said:

"I am very satisfied with what you have done, so please bring it to familiarize yourself with the effect as soon as possible, and then go to your new post. You are now the third officer on this ship, and I need you to send it every ten minutes. Someone came to report to me once on the sea. "

The sea breeze became stronger, and all the boats lowered their half-sails. This was the case, and the sway of the hull seemed extremely fierce. It seems that mysterious power is surging deep in the sea.

For Lieutenant Colonel Bath, he even wished that the hull was more bumpy, because it would greatly increase the difficulty for those **** pirates to get on the side! After two **** battles, he did not admit that these pirates' artillery and ships were very shattered, but their fierce and fearless spirit is really a bit embarrassing.

At the beginning of the battle, the three-masted "Gallen" paddle commanded by Old Bath and used the ship "Ridge" to smash the pirate ship of the same tonnage with the fierce firepower advantage. The price that he paid was only a few hundred kilograms of fire dynamite, lead shots and single-digit casualties.

But with the increase in the size of the battlefield, the two previous battles have caused at least a third of the injuries to his great boys. The most unfortunate news is that the boys of Colonel Bass have not had time to gasp and bandage the wounds, but the third side battle has already struck again.

Although the Rich has achieved the outstanding results of sinking three ships and injuring three during the battle of the seas, but the older Bath has also faced a large number of pirates who went forward and afterwards. Still feel powerless.

Suddenly, a sailor cheered:

"Good news, our ship came to the west for reinforcements!"

The sea breeze whistled. If someone looks down from the sky, you can see the sea surface. A high-speed barque sails through the waves and sails from far to near. A long north is dragged behind the stern. Line, looking at its sailing posture, it is even full of the fierce momentum of looking forward to death and returning home!

Bath took out his own telescope and looked around. Yes, it is indeed the standard three-masted "Gallen" paddle sail of his fleet and used the ship. How could the poor pirates have the power to buy such a new and powerful ship? So Bath, who has extensive battlefield experience, immediately ordered:

"People who ordered us to immediately prepare to break away from the contracted defense state and wait for our allies to come back and immediately carry out a comprehensive counterattack!"

The friendly ship that came by the wind and the waves quickly approached the Ridge, and the ecstatic slain soldiers even braved the pirates' crazy pinch to clear them the open space for the sideboards.

However, they soon became very angry and found out that the expressionless "Friends" who had rushed onto the ship had actually accumulated a certain amount on the deck and began to madly attack them!

Immediately afterwards, a large group of pirates with frantic expressions appeared in the cabin of the ship, and they were screaming with axe, axe, sailor knife, hammer, saw and everything they could find Come up.

Fang Senyan's previous plan of "disrupting with chaos" has been fully implemented! Fight with your enemies with your own chaotic organization and texture! Counting Sam, the plan now looks pretty good. The old Lanser Ridge is already the third victim.

It is worth mentioning that after the end of the previous battle, the pirate ships were directly sunk, while the Royal Navy ships were sailed to a designated location outside the battlefield and then anchored. Of course, the wounded were also placed on a departing vessel for treatment.

In this chaotic battlefield of sea battles at this time, especially in the outer battlefields, it rarely drew the attention of the throne. What can an unqualified person find out? It is normal for a ship to leave the battlefield with injuries. You know, although human life is cheap, building a ship is very expensive! Almost everyone has been instructed to give priority to securing ships.

Under the brutal "certificate of approval" system, a large number of British naval prisoners were also very quickly filled into the ranks of pirates, they were quickly caught up on the battlefield, filled the front line, and played for the pirates Leading role. At this time, Fang Senyan seemed to be playing more and more. Although the casualty rate of the white-blade battle was extremely high, it was already close to two hundred.

Bath snarled indignantly, his gold-encrusted sailor knife was already stained with blood, and even the blade of Bailian appeared a little gap because of too much killing, but these pirates in front of him If the killing is not enough, it is surging. The heroic slain soldiers under his command have also fallen into the dilemma of fighting on both sides.

All this is caused by those **** fake slain sailors! Without them, it would be impossible for Bath to confront these pirates! The old lieutenant colonel was originally about the idea of ​​surrounding these pirates and destroying them all, so once he found out that it was not reinforcements but evil stars, he had to face the cruel situation of being surrounded by others!

Suddenly, a familiar face flashed in front of Bath's eyes. This face had once followed himself to learn swordsmanship. It stands to reason that he should fight alongside himself, but the owner of this face was holding his face expressionless. Qi Wuqi was killing his subordinates. He growled suddenly and incredibly:

"Philip! Do you know what you are doing?"

Philip suddenly turned his head and looked at it arrogantly. The expression of mochi made the bass even feel the pungent smell of blood in the air. Philip's eyes were only in Bath. He stayed on the face for 0.01 seconds, then suddenly turned to a British sailor in front of him, yelling:

"Surender, or die!"

The sailor's answer was to come back with a slash, and Bath saw the old colleague sideways, drawing a knife, and beheaded, but the capable sergeant under his command was sold because The step was too big, and he was chopped down on the deck with a knife. He rolled away a few meters, and then slumped face down. He stayed still. Only the red blood like a waterfall fell from under his body. Flowed out.

"No!" Roared Old Bath, suddenly he didn't know where a huge force came from his body, and the sword he held in his hand suddenly slammed into the two in front of him. The throats of the three enemies, then slammed into Philip like a tiger down the mountain.

The old captain's swordplay was obviously very good. His long bayonet flashed in the air and pierced Philip's right wrist. Obviously, so far, he still didn't want to hurt and hurt his peers. Pride brother-in-law.

But Philip's sailor knife suddenly slashed, trying to open the bayonet. Old Bath's arm was surprisingly strong, and a very strong lunge strode up. He pushed Philip back a step.

The faces of the two were looking across the blood-stained blade across, and Old Bath said with pain and sorrow:

"What happened, Philip! Cause you have to betray our family, remember the vow you made when you joined the sailors? Put down your martial arts ~ ~ I will ask Colonel Norrington I ask for your special pardon! "

Philip said tragically:

"Useless, Master, let me tell you, Major Dakos died in my hands, Captain Madiko's neck was cut off by me, and Major Blackjet's chest was pierced by a sword, Even the Queen of England would never forgive me. "

The old Bath only felt dark:

"You ... what exactly happened!"

Philip grinned:

"Sam encountered an evil demon, and even more unfortunately, we stupidly irritated him ... this is our fault. Sorry, Colonel Bath, I can't die in your hands now, I My life is not mys, but those who believe in me. "

After Philip waved his sword, he backed away. Old Bath was about to catch up, and suddenly felt that an indescribable threat of threat was passed from the right side. He hurried backhand with a first-hand cross sword, but suddenly felt that an indescribable great power passed from the sword.

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