The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 5: Test of Pirates

Because the pilots are often covered with mysterious auras, they usually have high prestige among the crew, and on some pirate ships, the status of the pilot is even on par with the captain. Incidentally: the protagonist of the Pirates of the Caribbean series: Jack Sparrow's identity is a very, very good navigator besides the captain, which can be seen from his success in finding Bravo Springs, so his captain status is indispensable. shake. Although he was forced to board the black-bearded ship in G-4, he was able to trigger a riot because of his navigator status.

Obviously on this bell and wine glass, the navigator Mr. Shire is very capable, but he is also a restless and self-contained fellow, and he cannot be separated from him on the pirate ship. So the captain was very smart and launched his own stabbing hen Henry to fight with him on the platform, but he was aloof and pulled away as a bystander. Scar Scar Henry found himself on the ship, only to be uncomfortable. Most of the time, it still weakened Shire's idea-it didn't matter that he died, and it was a surprise to be alive.

However, at this time, Fang Senyan did not mind making a knife in the hands of others. Because on the way to the bell and wine glass, it can be clearly seen that those pirate ships that recruited manpower are far worse than this bell and wine glass in size and size. Withdrawing in this case, it is undoubtedly the same for Fang Senyan. A good opportunity was given up for possible danger.

So after hearing Shire's words, Fang Senyan stood up immediately, took a firm step forward, and stroked his chest with his left hand, bowing slightly, saying:

"Sailor Rock from the East is willing to be tested by bells and wine glasses!"

Charr looked at Fang Senyan, then his face was gloomy and he turned his gaze to the sailor next to him. Sailor Long Karon is a one-eyed dragon, wearing a wide-sleeve shirt with a wide sleeve that is too dirty to be seen inside, a linen draped over the waist, and a light-stabbed sword popular in the Latin Sea. Facing Shir's suggestion, Caron raised his chin to his close friend Gert, and the black man with his upper body braided and braided stood up.

In order to be cautious, Fang Senyan also immediately launched his insight ability and obtained Gert's information.


Bell and wine glass sailor

6 6 feet 4 inches (1.98 meters) tall and weighs 108KG

Power 6

Dexterity 4 points

Physical strength 5 points

Perception 7

Charm 5

Intellect 5

Spirit 5

Basic Melee LV2, Basic Endurance LV1, Basic Long Combat LV1

Gert was arrogantly approaching Fang Senyan, raised his thick lips contemptuously, opposed his demonstration face for a while and then retreated. He pulled out the sharp knife on his waist and licked it. Shouted:

"COMEON, boy, I will bleed for you!"

Fang Senyan was silent, raised his hand in Shire, and suddenly cried out at the beginning of the signal:


The stabbing expression immediately appeared on Lu Xia's face, and even Scar Henry was a little irritable. Could this guy really be silver-like? The pirates around laughed and yelled, but Fang Senyan said lightly:

"In our East, once a duel with a weapon is used, there must be a person's life sacrificed to the sky. If I die, of course, there is nothing to say, what should he say if he dies?"

Fang Senyan's words were like a cold wind passing by, and it stirred everyone into a cold war. Scar Scar Henry was certain, haha ​​smiled:

"Gert, have you heard that, if you are afraid of death, hurry up."

Pygget is also a desperate person--who hasn't put his head on his belt after mixing up a promising career as a pirate? He screamed, raised his knife and stabbed at Fang Senyan as his chest.

Fang Senyan reached out and grabbed the common Viking dagger!

Fresh red blood immediately flowed down the sharp edge, but don't forget that Fang Senyan is now in the nightmare world, his talent and tenacity have been activated!

"You have suffered 35 points of damage, your talent for tenacity has played a role, and the actual damage you have taken is 10 points!"

Sergeant made a strange noise and suddenly wanted to draw back the dagger, but found that the dagger was actually welded in the steel, without moving!

Fang Senyan's eyes flashed suddenly as if burning. He took a step forward, leaning down, sinking his shoulders, rushing forward, and slammed on Gert's belly!

Fugete's face turned blue all at once. Anyone's stomach came up like this for a while. The first physiological reaction was a severe nausea, and then it was indescribable pain. And Fang Senyan had no intention of closing his hands, swiping his hands with his elbows flat and swiping on his left and right temples. Then an agile step came behind him, and a princess hugged the guy upside down, and then fell heavily on his right knee!

The action of Fang Senyan's shot was clear, concise and lively. It felt that Gert was like a folding stool in his hands, and it was folded up three times five times two. It's just that the stool can be opened after it is folded, but when a person is forced to fold back, when his head touches the heel, it is destined to be a tragic end.

The clear crackling sound and screams of "click" sounded, but Fang Senyan's expression was as cold as granite, and he knew deeply that in the face of these cruel pirates, only more cruel than them could make them awe and tolerance. And kindness can only make people the object of insult! He threw away a pile of mud-like Gert, and cursed in his heart that the poor ghost did not fall, and shook the blood flowing down from the palm of his hand, saying nothing:


The pirates around each other looked at each other, and Fang Senyan's brutality played a very obvious effect. There was an inexplicable fear in their eyes. For this group of pirates, since this line of work is naturally to stick their heads on the belt, but like this desperately without the slightest benefit, no half of them are willing to do it. At this time, not only was Shire's face ugly, but even Scar Henry's smile was a bit dry. His purpose was just to frustrate Shire's prestige. I didn't expect this sailor rock to be so vicious! At this time, there was such an awkward situation that it was difficult to ride a tiger.

Charr's expression changed a few times, and he was about to speak, but in the cabin there was a person hurried out. He is also a black man with thick lips and no hair on his head. He looks bright and bright in the sun. Obviously, he can feel that this guy's legs are particularly long and he has a pair of fierce triangular eyes. He directly I saw Gert's completely distorted corpse on the ground, and suddenly he jumped on it and burst into tears! I stood up after a while and looked at Fang Senyan Road fiercely:

"Did you do it?"

Fang Senyan said indifferently:

"I'm sorry for the miss I just made in the fair duel."

The black man tore off the necklace from his neck. The necklace was carefully looked at. It turned out to be a string made from human teeth and mixed with hair. It was thrown in front of Fang Senyan and scattered on the deck. Then fiercely said:

"I'm sorry for my next miss."

Fang Senyan's face suddenly changed. He was not afraid of this guy's attack, but he had already received the reminder of the Nightmare Mark:

"You have just been under the curse of Voodoo (black snake bites LV1), and your personal basic attributes will be randomly drawn a little randomly to bless the enemy."

"Random drawing ..."

"You reduce your psychic value, and that psychic value will be blessed on the enemy!"

Scratching Scar Henry sighed slightly, then shouted:

"The second test begins! From the Rock of the Mysterious East VS our Jamaican Executioner / Deputy Sailor: Warivarica!"

At this time, the sunset is thick, and the sunsets on the horizon are burned like blood. ~ ~ The sea is also shining and shining. The two are facing each other far away. In addition to this, there is no one else. On this deck, it is not the referee who decides the victory or defeat, but the life ...... Or dead, and in the end can stand alive on the stage, is the winner. After a few seconds of stalemate, Fang Senyan stood still, and Wariwarika had already leaned extremely vigorously and pulled a sharp axe from his waist to approach.

His walking steps are very strange, as if the ground under his feet is very smooth, and he must travel forward, giving the illusion of uncertainty. This step originated from the primitive black tribes who celebrated victory. The dance, known as the hunting dance step, is derived from later generations and is known as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, known for its strangeness and unpredictability.

Suddenly, Wariwarika uttered a terrible scream that shocked everyone's eardrums, and his feet staggered, and the steps under his feet had become large. Stop and toss from left to right, then from right to left! He seemed to be aggressive, but the steps under his feet were quite frivolous, drawing a curve one by one. In fact, it was actually a posture of going back half a step after going further. If Fang Senyan took the onslaught, then the Jamaicans who were ready could naturally retreat and consume the opponent's physical strength for a good fight.

The muscles on Fang Senyan's face twitched slightly. At this time, his combat experience was quite rich. The intention of this guy called Warrivarica in front of him was already in his eyes, and a look of mockery appeared in his eyes , Accelerated at his feet, aimed at this fierce Jamaican and rushed straight up!

Uh .........

I begged for a Sanjiang ticket, and it was already within two digits! !! !! 100,000 rush!

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