The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 31: act violently

Yan said that the impression that Alandair left at this time is not very intuitive, then in the previous world, Henry, the chief scalpel of Henry, should remember it, and why did Scar Henry have a knife on his face? Scar is also left when fighting this guy!

Armand is also a master of using Western bayonet swords, so once Alandair spoke well in the bar, saying that Armand couldn't last ten seconds under his sword, wantonly denigrating. It happened that the then Chief Mate Henry was also here, and of course Henry, who was loyal to Armand, would not give up, and the two fought against each other.

The final result was that Alan Dale ng was punched in the mouth, but the punch was not the same, but the scar Henry used the powerful ability of muscle explosion to directly hit the head. From then on, the body became weak and weak, Henry wanted to live in this world with a deep scar forever. Although it seems that the final outcome of this battle is still Arandale's loss, but this guy's strength is also evident.

In the clamor of the crowd, Alandale slowly pumped his sword, Heifan's face muscles twisted and fell to the ground, blood quickly flowed out from under his body, and soon infiltrated a large deck. Alandale covered his mouth and coughed slightly, and said to his subordinates, "Hang me upside down to the mast. When the sea wind blows him dry, I will let him down."

The dozen or so pirates behind him rushed up immediately, but suddenly seven or eight of Fang Senyan's men poured out of the cabin, all of them aimed accurately with a mauser gun, led by Philip, who was straight ahead of him A naval officer, at this time, he rushed out desperately and snarled angrily: "Whoever dares to touch us will immediately become a horse honeycomb!"

Alandale sneered, and suddenly grabbed the black sail from the ground and blocked it in front of him. Philip felt the jeopardy. At this time, Alandale had suddenly pointed the black sail at the muzzle and pushed it in the past. The whole person was behind the black sail. When he saw the flash of his sword, he suddenly pierced straight from the side of the black sail. Philip's throat.

Philip was also a master of swordsmanship and immediately instinctively raised the barrel of the Mauser gun to block. But Alandale suddenly closed his sword, and the soft blade struck Mars and deep scratches on the barrel, and then stabbed Philip's abdomen. Philip rolled backwards, finally blocking it.

However, Alandale's sword technique was getting sharper and faster. Just one sword was pierced. It seemed that there was no time to collect the sword. The next sword came again. Seeing that the second sword was going to pierce Philip's heart. A scorching bullet "Dang" had flew from the oblique stab to ward off Alandale's stab sword.

In a short moment, the air was filled with the sound of "哧哧" bullets flying across the air. Alandair knew that he was afraid of a strong enemy. He was very determined to kill the two enemies in front of him. The grain of the bullet was almost unwilling to give in, but it was usually close to Alandair's body. For a moment he found that if he didn't want to be shot, he could only retreat, and only retreat!

Finally, the sound of gunfire in his ears stopped, and when Alandale lifted his head again, he saw a black man with white teeth blowing the muzzle of the muzzle leisurely. He turned to look at Black Sail and Philip, but realized that someone was standing in front of them.

This man held his hands in front of ōng and looked very sturdy. His eyes were extremely bright, and he even felt a contempt when looking at his own eyes. I don't know why, there was a kind of mountains in the sky that seemed to roar from Alandair. To feel alive 〖suppression〗 This feeling made him afraid of being unhappy, and he immediately pulled out the sword head lù fiercely: "Who are you?" Fang Senyan ignored him at all, and suddenly turned his head and looked at the cable that looked like it was going to shrink. He stepped forward and grabbed the cable shoulder. The cable screamed and pulled out. When the sailor's knife was cut off when he turned his head, Fang Senyan did not stop and flickered his head slightly, and the sailor's knife was chopped on his shoulder.

Blood flowed down from Fang Senyan's shoulders. However, when the cable wanted to draw the knife, he realized in horror that the knife was embedded in the opponent's shoulder, and he couldn't pull at all. Fang Senyan grabbed the rope's shoulders with his hand, and then pulled him over with one blow, hitting him with a punch.

This punch sent the rope's burly body flying up two or three meters, and several yellow teeth in the volley were mixed with blood and flew out, hitting it heavily on the deck. At this time, Alandale's body moved, and he stepped forward to stab Fang Senyan's vest. Fang Senyan's agility was not bad, he grabbed his bayonet, and said without looking back: "Don't worry, it's your turn soon."

As he said, he pulled his knife backhand while chopping the rope in front of him! How powerful was Fang Senyan's mouth-length knife, and the light shone so loudly that he had screamed the cable.

Alandale pumped his sword vigorously in anger, but he thought that the five fingers of the former man who grabbed the sword had to be broken at once, but the cruel reality was that there was only one blood mark on the sword! And Alan Dale furiously sword, Fang Senyan ignored him at all, parrying with his left hand to block, the spooky sword like spiky blood on his arm, can not cause him much damage!

The pirates who watched from side to side became more and more frightened, but it was Fang Senyan's gang who kept screaming frantically, very excited!

It was only in a short moment that the cable had only a screaming breath, and there was no fighting back. Fang Senyan had already stepped on the hands and feet of the cable! In the harsh clicking noise, the limbs of the cable were actually broken!

At this time, Fang Senyan turned around and shouted, "Old fur seal?" The old fur seal suddenly ran up with a shameless face, and there were bruises stamped on his face, and he stooped respectfully: " What does the boss command? "

Fang Senyan looked at the dead dog-like cable on the deck, and said lightly, "Did you just say that you want him to taste the taste of bell bombs? Under my command, I must speak fortune! How can I fight at sea without credit?"

Lou Haigou's face full of wind and frost suddenly sneered and said, "Yes, boss, you have learned!"

The old pirate immediately went to get a short-barreled rifle, and shoved it into the mouth of the cable very rudely, lù said with a cruel smile: "Stupid, just telling you to get out of the way is to let you go alive. Lai here, now you know how scared? "

The eyes of the rope were rounded, whining in the mouth, and the voice was rather vague, but it was obviously begging for mercy. In the end, it even shed tears. I just felt that it was really the villain's ambition to reach the pinnacle of life, and then the shot of "Peng" pulled the trigger!

The blue smoke rose, the eyes of the cable widened sharply, and the body jerked violently for a few moments to stay still. A large mass of blood was stained on the deck behind his head. Alan Dale had already called sharply beside him: "You dare to kill our people, you wait for me, all of you on this ship will die!" After he said that, he immediately jumped to the shore and attempted to steal the way. Flee, but at this moment the crisp sound of "DaDaDa" sounded, three bullets screamed, the first bullet hit the rocky shore where Alandale intended to settle, and a layer of dark blue quickly condensed out sè ice!

Alan Dale stepped on the foot and immediately lost his balance, but he immediately stabbed the thin sword in his hand and propped it up on the side bank. But at this time, the second bullet rushed again, hitting the thin sword he used to support the center of gravity. He finally fell down on his back, and the third bullet flew from Alandair's head. In the past, it happened to hit the ropes of the empty wine barrels **** next to Ruoshan. The empty wine barrels suddenly collapsed, and they banged over Alandale's side.

As soon as Alandale regained his balance, he would have to face such an impact. He could only jump back instinctively, but fell back to where he had fled before. By this time, Fang Senyan had stood in front of him very blandly.

"Oh, all of us are going to die? Are you saying this?"

The muscles on Alandale's face were twitching and jerking, and it seemed to be extremely angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! I said it! What do you want?"

Fang Senyan said lightly, "You can rest assured that I'm in a good mood today and don't want to kill you, but you just said you would hang my hands on the mast ~ ~ Let him be blown dry by the wind and then come down. I this People always do things fairly. Whatever others do to me, I will do to you. "Alan Dale's eyes saw a cold flame, and his sharp sword stabbed directly into Fang Senyan's eyes. The shot can only be described by the words of flashlight, Fang Senyan raised his hand, but the sword left only a blood hole on the palm of his hand.

At this time, Fang Senyan had so much combat experience. At a glance, Alandale's attack was his weakness!

Alan Dale knew what he meant today. He just heard that a group of faceless foreigners came in, tightly at hand, and got the idea to blackmail. He didn't expect to find out that this was a British-style battleship. And there are a few precious components on it.

The most important thing is that if the pirates on this ship don't know them at all, most of his men vowed arrogantly that the people on this ship are almost all the lower-level pirates who have been extremely horrible before! This **** is almost as swaying as a child walking on the night with his golden pocket on his back. So it's no wonder Alan Dale wants to win by hand.

... but where would he know that the core members on this ship are so powerful! !!

………, …………… @.

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