The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 38: Strengthen your ambition!

Chapter 38 Strengthening Ambition!

Under normal circumstances, Cotter came here alone, Fang Senyan soon apologized and voluntarily offered to let go. He should be more face-saving, there are a lot of dragons in Changban to kill a seven in and seven out Already. But Cotter's face was extremely ugly. For many of the elderly in Tutuga, they had only seen Mr. Cotter smiling and never saw his expression of anger.

The reason why Cotter made this expression is very simple, because he knows that although Fang Senyan behaved politely and low-key, the face he lost today may / may not be recovered. If Qiang wants to find it back, the price paid may be that the merchant ship he leaves may sink frequently, and even one ship may not sail to his destination, even if he does n’t want to sink! Compared with this loss that directly breaks the financial path, the slight damage on the face is really nothing.

Since Fang Senyan can comfortably wait for that huge monster, he must have the ability to get this guy to find some specific ships. To Octopus Paul's simple logic, the meaning of sinking a few ships is the same as breaking a few shells of meat to eat.

Cotter was very self-aware. He knew that he was definitely not sure about the octopus Paul, so he could only put up with this tone.

Red Beard and Howth also want to understand this. Although they are hanging upside down, they can clearly see the thick tentacles of Octopus Paul, and find that it is not a V-class ship, even a higher-level ship. Can be pulled alive into the deep sea. So the two were very self-aware. Although they were so humiliated, they left without a word of ruthlessness.

Next, Fang Senyan left the crow for a while, and then I knew that the ghost curse that had previously been in the crew of the flying Dutchman had been removed, oh, or so to speak, a more powerful curse replaced Got it working.

It turned out that after being cursed by the ghost, David Jones, who was looking for a solution to the curse, unintentionally, met the goddess of the sea, Calypso, and fell in love with her. It was Calypso who suppressed this **** ghost curse for them.

For love, David Jones drove the Flying Dutchman and promised that Calypso would extradite the drowned undead to yīn at sea, at the cost that the Flying Dutchman would only be able to land once every ten years. David . Jones paid his own spirit for love.

However, just ten years later, David Jones returned as scheduled, but found that Calypso did not go to the appointment. The person he loved betrayed him. In despair, David Jones dug out his heart and buried it with a love letter. On that promised island. Since then, David Jones no longer crosses the sea for Calup, and he suffers a terrible curse: loss of human appearance, loss of freedom. Even the crew of the flying Dutchman were similarly transformed into what they are today.

The crow asked Fang Senyan's condition again, and Fang Senyan ran the train with his mouth full, saying that he found the group of people on the boat at that time, and was caught. ..), then the group of captains opened a teleportation circle on the deck and escaped, and seized them together.

But then he took the opportunity to escape from the group of people, and then returned to the east to treat with mysterious witchcraft. Anyway, he cursed the ghost curse ... Fang Senyan then put out his purpose and discernment, saying that his The curse was suppressed for ten years, and finally it couldn't be suppressed. We must find a stronger curse to attack the poison with poison, and then find a way to return to the east to restore conditioning, so the goal is the Aztec gold coin on the Black Pearl ... ask the captain Can you help.

The crow believed that the other party's words were true, and promised to bring the words to him, but he also sent a letter to Fang Senyan with a fish some time after leaving, and passed a few messages to Fang Senyan.

David Jones gave a very clear message personally.

The first message was that Sailor Rock was the third mate of the Flying Dutchman. It was, is now, and will be in the future.

The second message is that the Flying Dutchman and Paul are very busy and will not provide direct military assistance to Fang Senyan.

The third message is that the above information is only known to the flying Dutchman.

If it is straightforward, it is that Fang Senyan can sway and deceive the name of the flying Dutchman outside. This is allowed, but there is something wrong with a black pearl such as the Black Pearl. Hard idea, the flying Dutchman will not help.

This result has long been expected by Fang Senyan. After all, for space, it is impossible to let Fang Senyan use the flying Dutchman to perform tasks. Being able to play this name has made Fang Senyan feel unexpected joy. And Fang Senyan's initial planning and layout did not put David Jones' power into the planning.

At this time, the remaining battleships of Fang Senyan also arrived in Hong Kong. Fang Senyan directly threw the mess to the old fur seal and Philip, and everything was handled according to the rules established by himself.

The old fur seal and Philip have strong talents in organizing and dispatching. After Heifan has gained a speed advantage at this time, his agility and various weird alchemy methods can just complement the strange and endless Camby. Two people In deck battle, it can play amazing effects. Already the two leading figures of the deck battle considered by Fang Senyan.

At this time, Fang Senyan discovered another thing, probably because he had to face Kotel before, so he ignored a humble reminder of the nightmare mark:

"Your weapon: Ambition got Sea Monster: Paul's blessing."

Fang Senyan immediately checked out the ambition mō, and immediately discovered that there was indeed an extra genus xìng on this gun:

Ambition +1

(The rest belong to xìng, see the previous article)

Additional magical bonus effects: Paul ’s blessing (passive). This is a blessing from the monster in the deep ocean. This weapon is a blessing. Enemies who are successfully hit by ambition and cause damage will be stained with ink, making their hit rate Reduced by 80% for the next ten seconds. This effect cannot be dispelled.

In addition, Paul left a very significant breath on this weapon, which can deter the rest of the marine life and make it rush away.

Hint: Paul's breath deterrent effect works best in this world. If it is in the rest of the world, the effect is not great (because the legendary creatures in the rest of the world do not know what Paul is)

Now that Fang Senyan has proven his identity at this time, his previous concerns have been wiped out. If anyone wants to deal with him, then even if he doesn't look at David Jones' face, he must give Paul a face, otherwise he will have to weigh how long his ship can be tǐng under Paul's tentacles! So after Fang Senyan paid the salaries to the pirates who came after him, he was relieved to let them go ashore and have fun.

The pirates have long been smashed on the ship. What is the purpose of the fight? Haven't you enjoyed it after you got the money? He immediately burst into laughter and shouted in hordes of three or five. Fang Senyan ordered a few people to stay, and went out with the three black reefs. By the way, he brought the old fur seal. This guy went south and north to many places. At this time, without using Camby force, the old fur seal is undoubtedly a Suitable candidates.

Fang Senyan's first consideration was to sell ships. Among the ships arriving at the port at this time, there were three ships and three British Royal Navy three-masted battleships. Among them, Fang Senyan planned to leave one for supply logistics. Because there will often be casualties during the battle on the side, the ship will be expanded to focus on the volume of transportation. Its important purpose and purpose is to carry supplies and corpse wounded.

The Fang Senyan's Sam at this time completely banned most of the long-range attack capabilities, mainly carrying manpower and speed, in order to be able to quickly engage the enemy in battle.

So Fang Senyan can sell not many ships at this time, just two ships. There are quite a lot of artillery. Soon, under the leadership of the old fur seal, Fang Senyan came to the front of a dock in Tutuga, Fang Senyan. Just trying to get in, the old fur seal held him, and whispered:

"Don't go to this place. We just pass here. The merchants in this house are particularly digging. I have been cheated before."

Fang Senyan suddenly laughed:

"My favorite encounter now is ān quotient!"

Then he strode in ~ ~ and suddenly found the voices inside.

The owner of the dock seemed to be an old man shriveled and shrunk by the sea breeze, but his eyes were very bright.

This old man's business seems to be quite good. When Fang Senyan came in, he was surrounded by a group of people talking and talking, and it seemed that there was no time to greet people. A guy with a black turban walked up to each other and said,

"Hi friends, our boss has just returned after sending my friends, so I have no time to discuss the business with you in detail. The current purchase price of the dhow here is 20 pounds. If you feel less, you don't need to talk about it. "

After Fang Senyan heard this sentence, he immediately knew who was talking around the old man! They must all be the same contractor as themselves, and in time, these guys on a dhow should also arrive in Tutuga. Then the dhows carrying them can also be sold off and become the first capital for the start. The merchants found that there were different people selling in large numbers, so naturally they had to frantically lower prices and make a lot of money. @。

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