The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 53: Home reversal

There is no need to say more than the addition of the ability of "Fast beast injection". Before Prince Harold woke up from the dizzy state, Fang Senyan's three swords have all been converted into three streamers and went straight out. All chopped in the same place!

The hull of the whole blood ship was only two meters wide, and the blood red sè sawdust was shot everywhere. The top of the board was cut fissuredly by a rock of nearly one meter long and 30 cm deep. You can even see the structure of the hull at the bottom. The **** mist surging frantically gathered around the cracks and seemed to be trying to repair something.

But Fang Senyan yelled immediately and cut it with all his strength.

This knife is full of hysterical and fierce smell inside, even people around can hear, there seems to be a terrible mixed scream in the red mist! !!

With a click, a sharp blade cut deep into the bottom of the vessel, and the blood vessel's keel was even cut out of a gap of nearly three-quarters.

At this time, Harold had already raised his great sword in anger and chopped down to Fang Senyan again! He had just made a shot of ambition, and his body was surrounded by a weird and afraid black sè. It seemed that the octopus Paul's blessing: the ink effect had moved. But even more outrageous things are born, and the blood-sweet mist is surging, and the black-sè is assimilated and absorbed! !!

The viking spirit hún on the blood ship can even absorb the ink of a monster such as octopus Paul! !!

It can be seen how decisive and sensible Fang Senyan's decision is. If he had a deadly battle with Harold on this blood ship, then Hadod really took all the advantages.

In the face of the enemy's crazy counterattack, Fang Senyan was unstoppable. He let the sword be chopped on his right arm, and flesh flew across. On the keel that is already in a half-broken state.

There was a click, and the keel of the blood ship finally broke helplessly, and it was even clearly visible that the thick blood on the deck began to be washed away by the sea water, the blood mist. Condensed into many distorted face shapes, there is a loud cry of pain in the air. After Fang Senyan continued to parry Harold's two swords again, the passive ability injected by the fast beast jī prime was revived again, and his body flashed a blue light again.

At this time, Armand in the distance suddenly exclaimed: "Harold, self-harm."

Armand knows the details of the Berserker. "The Berserker must release his ability according to the severity of his injury. The more severe the injury, the stronger the released power. On the contrary, if he has not been injured, Then the power of the released skills seems bland.

After hearing Armand's shout, Harold was suffocated. Before that, no one like Fang Senyan had completely ignored the confrontation between the Berserkers and directly destroyed the ship. Therefore, his ability to resist the bloodship has never been considered. He was at a loss, was called by Armand, and immediately subconsciously wiped a sword on ōng's mouth ...,

Blood and pain spread all over Harold's body all of a sudden, and his two eyes instantly turned into red! !! Berserker is afraid that the power is finally awakened!

But among Fang Senyan's long laughter, the long knife full of magnificent blue sè stars has been raised high, and once again aimed hard at the broken place of the blood ship and cut it. Three consecutive sounds of "Kacha Kacha" came out, and the **** wooden blocks flew horizontally, and the thick **** mist sprayed out. There is also a terrible scream of injustice, as if the bleak horn of a Viking warned in the thick fog ...,

After these three swords were cut up. The blood ship can no longer withstand such devastation and shakes violently! !!

The cold sea water quickly poured into the ship's body from the breach, and jī hit the two people's faces, and a cold feeling spread across the whole body of the two people in an instant.

Facing Harold's aggressive sweeping and smashing, Fang Senyan knelt down heavily, a few strands of wire were swept down by the sword light passing above his head, but he slammed the handle firmly in front. There was a cracking sound of "Kara" on the ship's board.

The tortured blood ship could no longer bear such a heavy blow, and immediately broke a two-meter-long mouth horizontally. Harold suddenly stood unstable, and even saw that the blood mist around the hull was instantly They became denser, condensing into the anger and twisted faces of the Vikings, **** and bloody, and then flew unwillingly into the sky.

After the blood mist had cleared, the hull of the blood ship also instantly decayed and dissolved. If a few years later, the coffin board generally began to drop a large amount of dregs, and then annihilated in the ocean. The two men on the ship also fell into the sea at the same time.

When drowning in the cold and slightly **** seawater, the corner of Fang Senyan's mouth with a smile, like a giant shark hunting, quietly sank into the water. Harold's body was surrounded by anger and humiliation! Berserker's anger〗 〖Boo, almost all around him has formed a **** horror swirl! ,

Fang Senyan naturally already had his ambition in the team's storage space at this time. There was another independent space. Even the powerful little Fokker, who was hiding there in the Morgan Fokker diary, could not find the ambition of natural ambition. It leaked, causing the sharks to escape.

Both of them suffered trauma at the same time. As soon as they entered the sea, the smell of blood spread immediately. Those crazy Caribbean sharks swarmed at the same time, opening their **** mouths and sensen white teeth crazy bites. Faced with this situation, Fang Senyan covered his head and face with both hands, but did not fight back, allowing these sharks to attack themselves!

Fang Senyan has long calculated that, as far as his current defense is concerned, the enemy's theoretical attack power must reach 83 points or more in order to break through the bonus of his talent "barriers" and cause more damage to himself.

According to a series of previous data, the power of the navy's shotgun bell on the class ship is only about one point, so it can be basically concluded that the bite power of the most common shark in the Caribbean should not be Taller than a bell bomb, otherwise there would be no ship on the Caribbean Sea that could withstand the combined attack of these sharks without sinking.

The difference between the low-key of Fang Senyan is that Harold moved a crazy slaughter of sharks in the water. His eyes even rolled up, completely showing bloodshot dead white eyes, neck. The thick blue veins on the top bulged out. Despite being in water,

The two-handed giant sword swept up and down, still unparalleled! An approaching shark was hit with a stab in the front, and if it was hit, it was seriously injured!

For him, the sinking of the blood ship was quite large. To some extent, the ship was almost the symbol and artifact of their Asgard family! It has been passed down for several generations, but after more than a dozen generations, it was completely destroyed in his hands. For Harold, he was directly drowned by humiliation and self-blame. There was only one thought in his mind: that was massacre! !!

Kill kill kill kill kill!

Either kill the enemy in front of you, or kill all the moving things that stand in front of you, or kill yourself!

Harold waved a huge sword, setting off a **** storm in the water, and formed a huge **** vortex, directed at Fang Senyan and approached. But at this time, it is in the water, not on the blood ship. Harold's movement speed is increased, and the opponent Mori will cause slowness!

It can be clearly seen that Fang Senyan's moving speed in the water is obviously much stronger than Harold. Even if he walks around the circle, it is not easy for Harold to catch up with him.

The bad results of Harold's sword-slaying sharks directly caused one thing. The total number of sharks not only did not decrease, but because of the thick and **** smell, the sharks surrounding Fang Senyan were almost They were all attracted to the same body in the past.

The fierce sharks followed in succession and came from all directions at high speed. At this time, shark fins were not sought after. The sharks in the Caribbean have not been hunted in large numbers. There are no natural enemies in nature. Dogs are sensitive, but the shark's Smell is still above the dog.

It can smell the thick **** smell of 1ppm (one ten thousandth) in the water, even at 1

Even if only 1 g of amino acid is dissolved in 10,000 tons of seawater ~ ~ sharks can detect the odor and gather together! !!

If the sea surface around the blood ship was previously gathered by sharks, if a pot of porridge boiled up, then this horrible and trembling spectacle has now formed on the sea surface close to one kilometer nearby! It's as crazy as a shark is forming a wave.

In this case, it was always night, and the people on the boat could not see the situation at all. Even if they wanted to intervene, they could not interfere. They could only widen their eyes and look hard at the core of the shark wave. From time to time, there will still be murmurs of dark red blood, which is the only proof that Harold is still alive.

However, Harold was at the end of his crossbow.

The biggest disadvantage of the Berserker is that it is impatience to fight protracted war. In the recitals of the bards, they excel at flooding their enemies with storm-like attacks. Never heard of a crazy warrior and someone fighting for three days, three nights and three thousand rounds and finally won.

Berserkers' powerful destructive power comes from pain, but the pain is also a double-edged sword for them, which will eventually lead them to the edge of failure. !! .

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