The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 55: misfortune

Although Armand looks good, but Fang Senyan still has his hole card.

That's the reef!

You can awaken at any time as the reef of the colony hunter. Once Fang Senyan believes that his improvement of the team's strength is definitely much larger than expected! Even if Armand had arranged thousands of killings, all sorts of plots, after all, his personal strength was placed there. Unless his subordinates can reach the level of sailor damage on the three legendary battleships, it is absolutely impossible to cause a lethal threat.

In Fang Senyan's calculations, as long as the reef awakens, Amand will at best defeat the three of them, destroy the current accumulated blood Sam, and kill all the pirate sailors, but if you want to kill yourself, Almost impossible task.

But when the two sides had their own babies, and they were about to go to war again, a dhow Clipper suddenly arrived in the distance, and the pirates all over the place began to use the urgent slogan: "Speed ​​retreat!"

When the pirates on the ship approached, he heard the scream of anger and anguish: "The **** Colonel Norrington defeated the Sival Pirate Group, and has returned triumphantly. His fleet will soon pass by here. It is estimated that I came to this convenient parking island by the way, if you don't leave again, then it is too late! "

If the news suddenly came like a thunderbolt, you could see that the muscles of Armand's face were suddenly twisted, and one grabbed the pirate who came to report. He furiously said, "What is it? You are talking nonsense. What? !!! "said the pirate." Really! Son of the Black Sea, I haven't spoken for at least another ten minutes. Norrington's fleet is coming here! "

"It's impossible!" Armand screamed, and he turned his head and looked at Fang Senyan on the opposite boat. The vicious eyesight seemed to cut off all the meat from Fang Senyan. Then he took a deep breath and let go of the pirate who was holding him. He lost two gold medals to him by the way: "Good job, Teggie, I just lost my mind. Ready to start, and sail! Leave here right away. Fang Senyan looked at Armand, tilted his head and smiled, and made a waving goodbye. Armand turned his back and ignored him completely. The sailors on both sides immediately started to start the ship, and the two ships that had been closely connected were crunched apart.

Fortunately, at this time, the tide has gradually risen. Otherwise, Amand's ship was bumped into the side belly of the ship Fang Senyan, and both sides were almost caught in the beach, which was really difficult to separate.

After Armand's ship started, Fang Senyan turned his head and looked back a little, then immediately said to the old fur seal next to him: "Are you okay?"

The old fur seal was shocked, except that there were more bruises on his body, and he was relieved when he watched the far-away Armand ship: "It's all right."

Fang Senyan said with a calm face: "Spike should be fine. I just saw that he was picking up a musket and firing. Go and ask him right now if we can start the boat?"

Quickly, Spike came to Fang Senyan: "The boss can start the ship in five minutes, but he can only sail a dozen nautical miles next to the coast, and the price paid is not small, because there is no The keel of the ship must be cut off to resist the side that was damaged. In this case, the keel of the ship will be discarded, and it can only be operated in the offshore, and it cannot stand the ocean waves. "Fang Senyan nodded and said:" Yes, do it now, anyway we have to leave before Norrington. "Spike's carpenter's craftsmanship is also worthy of Fang Senyan's gold list. Sure enough, if he said, it will soon Just started the ship that was already seriously damaged. When the island was left behind, all talents were relieved and began to count the losses on board.

This time Fang Senyan suffered a big loss, aside from the loss of the ship, the hard-trained manpower also suffered heavy losses. According to statistics from old fur seals, Philip was seriously injured, Black Sail was seriously injured, Camby was seriously injured after being conspired, and then fell into the sea. The life and death are unknown, and the newly recruited Quan Juhao was killed! In addition, more than fifty people died, and almost all of them remained injured.

Fortunately, these pirates are accustomed to living at sea, and they are used to life and death. Moreover, Fang Senyan has beheaded and killed the Berserker leader under adversity, which has a considerable impact on morale. With the magical effects of the magical sultan ointment and Cato's medical treatment, almost wounded pirates can survive without leaving a disability.

Boating in the dark is a taboo at this time, so after leaving the island a sufficient distance, Fang Senyan began to order a clamshell and the ship stopped to rest, but in order to prevent the occurrence of small probability events: such as Armand A comeback or Norrington chased him, so I specifically looked for a hidden harbor stop, and arranged for a special watchman on duty.

At this time, Fang Senyan, who was finally free, returned to the captain's room, took out the silver key that Harold had dropped, and called. This time, it was not a treasure chest that was summoned, but a trunk about half a meter long. This trunk has been sloppy processed, and both ends are decorated with the unique curved neck beast head of the Vikings, which looks particularly tragic.

Isn't this a pocket version of the blood ship?

Seeing this summoned thing, Fang Senyan could not help but have such a thought in his mind. His next course was to reach out and plunder, but the first thing Mō came out was a helmet.

The shape of this helmet is very unique. It is the kind of horn helmet that is very rich in Vikings. If it is worn on the head, it is quite swaying and looks full of medieval killing. The material of this helmet seems to be made of steel, but the two long horns are uncompromising beast horns. After bending, he still pointed sharply at the enemy, very sharp.

After Fang Senyan got the helmet, a series of genus xìng: giant bear's whisper (beast bone helmet) suddenly appeared in his mind.

Place of origin: Equipment rarity of the Diloubo River Basin: Silver sè plot forest quality: pine, iron can be attached: impact angle (already attached)

weight / g.

Equipment use conditions: strength must reach 45 points or more, physical strength 20 points or more Equipment: never wear equipment: increase your attack damage by 50%

Equip: Increases your critical strike damage by 50%

Equip: You can't get any healing effects, and you will take twice as much damage from enemy attacks! (The doubled damage will directly calculate the theoretical damage value)

Active ability: arrogance. If your enemy is tired and thinks that the long horns on the helmet are just decorations, then you are wrong.

After using this ability, you will rush forward at a fierce high speed in front of you until it hits the next object you encounter or rushes thirty meters. Creatures (including allies) that you run into are stunned for up to five seconds and suffer 100 points of your X2 damage. After the creature wakes up, it will also take 15/5 seconds of continuous bleeding damage for (15 + X seconds), (X is your strength).

When you accidentally hit an obstacle during a collision, you will receive 300

Lighten up and stun for 10 seconds.

Warning: You cannot take off and replace this equipment during the battle (this genus has xìng priority)

Warning: The equipment hún will only recognize the warriors recognized by the barbarians and the Vikings (equipment must complete a certain mission after gaining worship reputation among a barbarian or Viking tribe), otherwise, All gain effects of this equipment are halved, and all negative effects of this equipment are doubled.

………, ………,

After seeing this helmet, Fang Senyan couldn't help but yelled *, if there is no last warning xìng. You can also find a way for a long-range attacker to put it on, but with the last genus xìng, despite 25% attack damage and 25% crit damage increase,

However, the extra damage from enemy attacks doubles and becomes abnormal. And this is still a direct bonus on theoretical damage.

If the black buddies did not wear this helmet ~ ~ The theoretical damage of a lead shot was 100 points, but he could only kill about 60 health points and put on this helmet under normal conditions, then The enemy's damage becomes 200 points. You can kill him 120 points. If the Vikings' reputation is not used now, and let the black buddies wear it directly, then the theoretical damage of that bullet is 400 points ... and it can't be treated after being hit.

At this moment, the black guys looked at the helmet and suddenly said, "Reef, haven't you learned the business skills of forging? How long is it before the extraction equipment belongs to xìng?" Reef shook his head and said, "It's still early! And even if I learned to extract equipment, After xìng this branch ability, it is not once and for all. This genus xìng also has LV7 to be upgraded. At the beginning, the equipment of genus xìng was extracted and it was directly discarded. I understand what you mean, you want to take the negative genus of this equipment. Xìng extract it. It is estimated that at least the ability to extract equipment belonging to xìng can reach LV5. "The black brother shrugged with regret.

To be honest, the two genus xìng of this piece of equipment (increasing your attack damage by 50% and your crit damage against enemies by 50%) are a terrible increase for a damage exporter, but unfortunately The negative effects brought by it are also very amazing. The long-range attackers have shortcomings in terms of survivability. If you bring this, you may encounter the other long-range attackers. One shot will make you dying status! How can one not shake his head and sigh? !! .

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