The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 61: Visiting vikings

The equipment of Fang Senyan's abandoned sailors has always been in short supply. They had not mixed well before, similar to the status of the non-branded troops. At this time, Fang Senyan gave them a group of ace divisions and eliminated them. The equipment is also much stronger than the low-quality goods among these class ships they are now equipped with.

Because this auction will be kept very secret, so even if the participants have run out of money, they will not be allowed to leave the venue early. Although Fang Senyan has lost his interest in continuing to participate in the filming, he has also gained a lot of insights. The finale of the auction actually surprised Fang Senyan. Although he was not very interested in this thing, he also understood the implications. That turned out to be something called the "proof of overlords"!

In the Caribbean world, there are seven pirate kings. This pirate king is not just talking or self-proclaimed! Instead, you must have achieved absolute dominance completely in a certain sea area, and then the secret pirate guild will give you clues and ask you to obtain a piece of extremely mysterious wealth in the sea area you rule as a proof of overlord Only after you get this certificate will you be officially recognized as one of the seven pirate kings.

For example, the testimony of the Black Sea's hegemon where Amand is located is an artillery called the Shield of the Caucasus. It is said that the reason why Captain Jack Sparrow is so popular is that his card of the hegemon is a living person and he is asked Successfully plundering a high-ranking aristocratic lady, of course, there is also Fangxin. In addition, the already known evidence of the hegemony is Guishuang's market, the New World's scabbard with the sun and graphics and so on.

At this moment, many merchants and pirates began to fight around this thing, a lot of gold pounds almost smashed out with almost no money, the last laugh was the Spanish Fernandes, his long forbearance Finally got enough rewards, and finally achieved everything.

After the auction, in order to avoid some unreasonable disputes, all guests must also re-enter the carriage and be sent back by the owner. It is estimated that this type of auction has been held too much, and it is common to see scenes that are held after the end of the auction. This will inevitably have a certain impact on the reputation of the people who hold the auction. That's why I'm so cautious.

The delay in this auction was also quite long. When Fang Senyan was out, they were already starry. When leaving, Fang Senyan suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He suddenly turned back, only to find that the representative of the Izgaon was looking over with a vicious look. However, as soon as Fang Senyan turned around, she disappeared directly into the crowd. Fang Senyan's eyes flickered a little, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she boarded the carriage.

When Fang Senyan and his party were out of the city, the city gate was already waiting for three or four pirates who came to report, saying that the Vikings were waiting impatiently, very impatient, but they did not have an attack, but they kept pouring out. Gold coins came to urge someone.

The last pirate who came came with the news, saying that this group of people was really unwaitable, and three representatives had been sent to come to the Royal Port to look for Fang Senyan directly, saying that it was necessary to talk about important matters. After hearing the news, Fang Senyan was not surprised.

These Vikings actually came to find themselves with Armand on their backs, then it shows that most of them are important! Fang Senyan deliberately aired them and watched the reaction of these guys, so it was natural to test how sincere these Vikings were.

For Fang Senyan, these Vikings came to find surprises that were originally unplanned, so they must maximize their benefits. Of course, this deliberate delay may also cause the regret of the opportunity to slip away, but Fang Senyan originally used small and big abacus for such unplanned things, so even if the opportunity slips away, he can afford it. .

After listening to the reports from his men, Fang Senyan froze. Obviously, the Vikings' reaction was beyond his expectations, and he lowered his head and thought for a while and thought:

"So let's go, old fur seals, you go to the car dealer and rent me a few large carriages. You want a car that can carry ten people, and give him a full deposit, not their driver, by our own people. Come and hurry. "

The speed of the old fur seals was also very effective. They immediately went to work, and Fang Senyan discussed them and waited not far outside the Royal Harbor. Soon the old fur seal leased the large carriage back, Fang Senyan asked his men to pick up people, and then waited for himself.

It didn't take long for the three Vikings' representatives to be taken over by a large carriage. Because the Vikings were dressed up in special looks, the words "pirate" were almost written on their faces, so they did not get off the bus either. Instead, he waited directly in the carriage. Fang Senyan had already prepared a barrel of gold rum at this time, and then took the gold rum and sat directly on the large carriage.

At this time, it was already dark, but the carriage rented by Fang Senyan was quite high-level. It also had candlesticks and horse lamps, which could illuminate the situation inside clearly. The three Vikings who visited had the sturdy physique and appearance of Nordic men, disheveled beards, piercing eyes, wind-frosted skin, and of course the strong muscles on the arms and the long-term holding of arms. Calluses.

After Fang Senyan walked into the compartment, he pulled the barrel stopper out of the way, letting the mellow wine simmer in the compartment, and then poured a large glass for everyone:

"I have something important in Royal Port today, mainly to participate in the auction held by Governor Swan, so the delay has been so far, I'm very sorry, so according to our custom, we will first punish three glasses of wine!"

The Vikings live in cold high latitudes. They originally needed strong wine to protect themselves from cold. It can be said that wine is not happy. Fang Senyan brought out the finest rum. The three of them have been so thirsty for so long. Creeping up and down, holding up the cup.

Who knows that when they drink, their alcohol addiction is immediately committed. In addition, the old fur seal next to them is also a good adviser. After drinking these two glasses, the three Vikings thought that the glass in their hands was too small to drink too much. It was fun. Suo Xìng took off the horned helmet on his head for a drink, and at the same time he touched the helmets with each other, humming a thick and bold little song.

Fang Senyan was naturally happy to see such an atmosphere. When the three Vikings were already quite drunk, Fang Senyan sighed:

"Yesterday, Mr. Harold's duel was agreed by him and he offered to take the initiative. Everyone also witnessed the whole process of the bloodship duel. I did not make any violation of the duel rules. In fact, Harold Mr. De's strength is above me, and I am lucky to win. But if you want revenge for him, I can only accept it. "

The headed Viking named Rollo shook his head:

"Harold returned to the palace of Valhalla in a fair duel, so there would be no hatred. But Harold is also one of the three heirs of the Asgard tribe, and his relics We are very important and must be taken back. "

"Fang Senyan's eyes flashed:

"Oh? What relics?"

Rogge seriously said:


Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"It is normal for the laws of pirates to plunder the bodies of the defeated to obtain loot. That is the right given to us by the pirate code."

Rollo slowly shook his head:

"That's because you don't know how important those things are to the Asgard tribe."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"Or we can look at things in a different way? You come up with something of equal value, and the warrior among you and I have a duel again. As long as you defeat me, you can achieve everything."

Rollo bitterly said:

"Harold is already our recognized first warrior. We all see the strength of Your Excellency. To be honest, our odds of victory are not great, and our life in the recent period is very bad. Worth the money. "

Fang Senyan smiled suddenly:

"Oh, I probably made some mistakes in expression. I don't lack money, but I'm also interested in the powerful fighting power of the great Vikings, such as the magic weapon of your tribe. The ability to fight, money compared to these wealth, is completely worthless. It is something I am very much eager to obtain. "

It is difficult for Luo Luo to say:

"But ~ ~ We also lack something in this area ..."

Fang Senyan shrugged:

"Then there is no way. If you want to pay nothing, take the property of the person from me, then the only possibility is to step over my body!"

After listening to Fang Senyan's words so decisively, the three Vikings also looked at each other, and the wine beside the throat also felt extremely bitter and difficult to swallow. In fact, the Vikings were also a nation that likes to use fists and weapons to pay for bills. However, when faced with more powerful trading targets, they can only be so helpless.

Seeing that the situation was cold, Fang Senyan smiled slightly. He always liked to push the opponents into despair, and then giving them hope afterwards would undoubtedly make them much more persuasive. So it's time for the gold mine to come out, and Fang Senyan is always so relieved about the ability of this sublime subordinate.

Surprisingly, the Vikings are much more comfortable and free and easy when facing the gold mine. It is probably that they feel that the gold mine is not threatened by chickens, but the Vikings are not. I don't know, almost no dangerous thing in this world will write the word "dangerous" on his face. !! .

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